~~~Olivia ~~~ 844~332~2639~x~226~~~
Answering Prayers is what I will be doing today. I know you’ve been praying for a PSO to make your world rock and I’m here. Bring your kink to me let’s break it down like never before. You’ll be the best-kept student at my daycare or my best-kept “flavor of the week”. There are so many ways I can answer your prayers, so bring them to me, and let’s start working on them. lOVE listening to your slutty faggot night out. Maybe I can help you be the faggot you want to be, I have a training class for that. By the time you’ve finished my classes, you’ll know all the tricks to make you the best! My answering prayers are not limited to just the above either. If you have an “itch” I can scratch it. I can be as sweet as you want or as nasty as you need. Continue reading “Answering Payers”