
MORGAN 1-844-332-2639, extension 236

It’s still hot as fuck motherfuckers and so am I. This is the time of year when I can wear barely any clothes and wreak total havoc on unsuspecting men. I love fucking with older, married men. Not because they are necessarily hot, but because it’s way too much fun not to. Plus it’s so lucrative. Seeing that look of panic in a man’s eyes as he comes to the realization that he went too far, now that’s when the fun really begins.

Continue reading “Morgan – Making You Weak AF Phone Sex”


VANESSA 1-844-332-2639, extension 232

Your phone sex addiction has begun has become a problem for you. It started out so innocently. You reached for the phone for a variety of reasons. It was supposed to be just a bit of fun, a distraction if you will. But, it became something so much more, didn’t it? It really is unfortunate that you lack even an ounce of willpower. The very idea of a pervert like you is just detestable to most women. But that doesn’t stop you from harassing them with your nonsense. The mere fact that you actually think you could score with a woman is ridiculous. With that kind of delusion you really are off base. Most of the women you perv on are young enough to be your daughter or even granddaughter.

Continue reading “Vanessa’s Your Phone Sex Addiction”


ALYSSA 1-844-332-2639, extension 202

Have you ever heard of Asian Princess Syndrome? Let me educate you. Asians have coined the term Princess Syndrome or Princess Sickness to describe many Asian women. It is nothing more than an attempt to push Asian women down yet again.

Continue reading “Alyssa’s Asian Sugar Baby Phone Sex”

Hunter 1-844-332-2639 ext 387

It’s that time of the year. The time of the year when most families are taking their family vacations. We take a vacation every year also however, our vacation isn’t your typical family vacation. It’s always a work trip for my husband but he just calls it a family vacation. But he brings us all so he doesn’t feel bad for going to these beautiful places while we’re at home.

So just me and my stepsons but with them thinking they’re adults now they would rather be out partying and having fun than hanging out with me. It works for me of course I get to do what I want without having to deal with anyone else. Tonight, I thought I was coming home to an empty room with the boys out with the local girls not coming home until sunrise and my husband working. However, as I was walking to my room I could hear something from my stepson‘s room.

Continue reading “Unexpected Sexy Fun Family Vacation PhoneSex!”

HONEY 1-844-332-2639 extension 300

That’s right, your eyes are not deceiving you. This is all about honey dripping phone sex. I just can’t help it. I have these thick thighs and incredible pussy. It just draws every man right in. You will be no different. You won’t be able to resist this sweetness.

It’s OK, bury your tongue in that sweet nectar. Immerse yourself in heaven on earth. This pussy will make a grown man cry. This pussy makes men do all kinds of things they normally wouldn’t even think of. The pursuit of great pussy is all consuming. 

Continue reading “Honey Dripping Phone Sex”


VANESSA 1-844-332-2639, extension 232

You are really in need of some phone sex therapy. Your addiction has begun to interfere with other aspects of your life, hasn’t it? It really is unfortunate that you lack even an ounce of willpower. The very idea of a pervert like you is just detestable to most women. But that doesn’t stop you from harassing them with your nonsense. The mere fact that you actually think you could score with a woman is ridiculous. With that kind of delusion you really are off base. Most of the women you perv on are young enough to be your daughter or even granddaughter.

Continue reading “Vanessa’s Phone Sex Therapy For Perverts – The Doctor Is In”

By Mean Lil Krysta 844-332-2639 Ext. 410

I’ll be the first to admit that I’ve been a little irritable lately. Maybe even angry, but intimidating you losers really has been making me feel a little better. Probably because you are the root of my anger issues, to begin with! You come into the chatroom acting as if you’ve never placed a phonesex call before. Then you try to ask me a hundred questions like you don’t know how this works.

Listen, I might be young, but I’m not dumb. So next time you try to pull some dumb mess like that, I’ll beat your dick like it owes me money BECAUSE IT DOES!

Continue reading “Beat Your Dick Phonesex”


VANESSA 1-844-332-2639, extension 232

Stop kidding yourself it’s finally here. This is something you’ve only dared to dream about. You have been seeking that certain something, aren’t you? Something to fill that aching void deep inside you? You want to be at the mercy of a superior female, but not just any female. You need a true dominatrix. You require someone who knows how to control every aspect of your life. Someone who will hold you accountable.

Continue reading “Vanessa’s Hostile Takeover – Ruining Your Portfolio & Your Penis Phone Sex”


MORGAN 1-844-332-2639, extension 236

It’s hot as fuck, but not as hot as I am. But it’s so fucking hot! Just think of all of the fun and new ways for us to fuck. Whether it’s a quick blow job under your desk at work, a clandestine fuck in the bed you share with your dumb wife or a weekend of fucking at a no-tell motel, I’m up for anything. JK, you do know deep down that I would never do anything with a fat fuck like you. I mean it’s been years since you could see your dick, hasn’t it? That dad bod just isn’t helping you get any pussy is it?

Continue reading “Morgan’s Hotter Than Summer Phone Sex”

By Mean Lil Krysta 844-332-2639 Ext.410

It should come as no surprise to you that I hate your little penis. You wake up every day and look down, hoping it has grown. Even if it grew a centimeter more, you’d be thrilled. Anything is better than the micro-dick you sport now. Yet, day after day, it’s still a disappointment even to you.

When you call me for SPH, I’ll be ruthless. Your feelings mean nothing to me, and I don’t think a small penis is “cute.” I don’t have any use for a tiny prick. In fact, I think a small penis is the most insulting thing on this planet and I’d be doing you a favor if I just ripped it off.

Continue reading “Ruthless SPH Phonesex By Mean Lil Krysta”