
WILLOW 1-844-332-2639, ext. 230

Imagine me all over you like I just can’t get enough. I mean, you can dream, right? LOL Well, that can be arranged but you will definitely have to pay for it. I am all about the money and you are all about me. What a great exchange. The one thing you should know is that I am always more than worth it. Just think of all of the time, energy and money you’ve spent in the past on lackluster cows. That is not a return on your investment. Silly man, go with a proven winner.

You know you want this but you also know that you can never have someone like me on your own merits alone. I am the crème de la crème, the best of the best. Why would you ever even pretend to think otherwise. I am the kind of girl who always gets what she wants. 

Continue reading “Willow’s Elite Sugaring – More Than Worth It Phone Sex”

~~~~Olivia~~~~844-332-2639 x 226~~~~

Where has the morning wood gone?  There are few things I like better than being tugged awake for some stiff cock.  You know what I mean; as you awake to feel the urgency of wanting to fuckCock so hard you can’t roll over on it.  That’s where I come in.  

I love waking up feeling that stiffness pushing and rolling over my ass.  Waking in the spooning position we went to sleep in.  Feeling your hands reaching around cupping my boobs and gently squeezing.   Continue reading “APB for Morning Wood Phone Sex”

Subby Slut

SUZIE 1-844-33-CANDY x 263

I luv luv luvvvv being your best subby slut!!! My family taught me how to serve real dominant men. Men who know what they want and know how to take it from me. I don’t do fake doms who are all talk. I want real rough pain teehee!!!

Continue reading “Subby Slut Suzie Phonesex”

Shemale Alexus 844-332-2639 EXT 349 

He said he was looking for some trouble, and Honey, that’s exactly what I am. So I invited him over and told him to leave his hesitations at the door. Once he stepped into my house, he’d have no say in what happened to him. There would be no going back.

As soon as the door closed behind him, I made him undress for me. I watched, fully clothed. Soaking up his humiliation. That itty bitty dick between his legs was so hard when he pulled down his boxers. “Almost a man.” I reminded him when I took his hand and led him to the bedroom.

Continue reading “Honey and Handcuffs With Shemale Alexus”

~~~Olivia ~~~ 844~332~2639~x~226~~~

Where I live it has rained every afternoon.  Water is standing in ditches and collecting in yards.  I went to visit a friend and on the way home I bogged down in the muddy dirt road.  I tried all the things I could think of and only made things worse.

After getting out of the car a few times; to put things under the wheels; I was wet myself by now.  My pale blue short shorts and matching tee were a mess. Continue reading “Phone Sex Girl Is Rescued”

Sweet Baby

SUZIE 1-844-33-CANDY x 263

I luv showing diaper boys how much I love my diaper too! I’m really such a sweet baby girl!!! We can put our diapers on and play together all day. We will be good babies and make lots and lots of cummies in our diapers!!!

Continue reading “Sweet Baby Suzie Loves Diaper Phonesex”


WILLOW 1-844-332-2639, ext. 230

Wow, you really are thirsty. So needy and so full of it. Your narcissistic ways take over and you feel that sense of entitlement. It’s at that point where I just need to put you in your place. You need to be trained on how to act in front of a phone sex princess. Since I am always in demand and always in charge. This means that you will wait until I’m ready to deal with you. This also means you need to learn patience. I am always worth the wait, duh. You should already know this, but perhaps you need a remedial course.

Continue reading “Willow’s Can’t Quench A Thirsty Boy Phone Sex”

Mistress Pandora 1 844 332 2639 ext 283

Eat my panty pudding! Slide them off carefully, so as not to spill a drop of my deliciousness! Lick my dirty, sexy panties fresh off my body while you suck the cum out after a long night of fucking. All you secret jizz junkies and cum guzzling whores get your second-hand seed from my sexy panties! They are dripping with perfect Mistress Pandora pussy juice and cock creampies!

Continue reading “Panty Pudding Phone Sex”

Mistress Pandora 1 844 332 2639 ext 283

Sissy bitch beta boys are practically worthless. I say almost worthless because they provide me with essential services. I’m always dripping with alpha creampies, needing to be cleaned, or surrounded by big black dick that needs to be fluffing. Know Your role underling! Mistress does whatever she wants and that’s a given. You also do whatever I want because (what a fucking coincidence,) I OWN YOU. I own you mentally and physically, and you couldn’t survive the big bad world without Me.

Being my prissy sissy pet gives your life meaning. You are lost in a world of Alphas and need my direction. Beta boys need she be surrounded by alphas at all times to be of even minuscule use. However, if a sissy bitch is well trained, they can be part of a sexual encounter. It’s just never THEIR sexual encounter because no woman would fuck a beta bitch instead of a real man

Continue reading “Sissy Bitch Beta Boys Phone Sex”

Diaper Loving

SUZIE 1-844-33-CANDY x 263

Oh em gee!!! I love diapering babies and chasing them down for a diaper change! Some babies don’t like to be changed but I’ll put a diaper on just to show them that it’s not even that bad! You’ll be in good soft hands with your new babysitter Suzie!!!

Continue reading “Diaper Loving Phonesex With Babysitter Suzie”