MORGAN 1-844-332-2639, extension 236
I love being a southern girl with southern values and southern ways. In that vein, I am sharing some southern sayings with you that have a southern slant to them with some commentary on how they may relate to you: You’re Welcome!
- Dry as Last Year’s Birds Nest aka Your wife’s pussy
- Suckin’ Hind Tit This is in reference to being the runt of the litter aka your small penis
- Could eat the hind end off a rag doll. This means you are hungry aka you want to eat my pussy bad
- That will break him from sucking eggs. Something traumatic that changes a bad habit. You have lots of those so this could be about anything, really.
- Bigger than a skinned mule aka fat as in your wife or my Sugar Daddy’s fat cock
- Full as a tick. Either you ate way too much or your balls are about to explode.
- Tougher than a pine knot. this can mean impossible/difficult or a beautiful woman aka me.
- Slick as a mole’s butt. My pussy right after I have it waxed duh, or slick as a ribbon.