New Daddy Stakes His Claim

Kayla Cumsalot 1844-33-CANDY Ext 357

I don’t indulge in a girls’ night very often, but when I do, it’s sacred. We don’t allow the guys we’re seeing to hang with us. We don’t even tolerate being hit on. It’s simply a night for us ladies to relax, vent, and commiserate while reminding each other how badass we are. After the last two weeks, I desperately needed female companionship. The new guy I’ve been chatting with said he’d also be busy with his friends, so I tucked my phone into my purse and decided to let loose.

The girls and I picked a Korena BBQ restaurant/bar to destress at. With Japanese rice wine sake flowing and the scents of meats cooking on the table grill, I finally felt myself relaxing. Stephanie was telling us another story about her pathetic ex who refused to take a hint, one I’d heard before, so I dug my phone from my purse to check on my New Daddy. Butterflies filled my stomach when I saw he’d already messaged me first.

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Phonesex with Felicity 1844-332-2639 x 270

Welcome to tease and denial therapy. You know you’ve been needing something like this for a long time. You haven’t been in control of yourself for as long as you can remember. Now, it’s time to give that control over to me. Focus on my face. The way my eyes search deep into your soul and how my lips pout for your touch. Watch the way my blonde hair catches the light as I walk around the office, listening to your current problems and how they relate to the stories from your upbringing.

Close your eyes and listen to my sweet ‘Mmhmm’s and the sounds of my high heels as I stroll around you. My naked body is here for you to view only, but I know it can be hard for you to focus on our session when you can’t stop gawking, so close those eyes of yours. Mmm, without your sight, that cock gets so rock hard. Would it help you concentrate more if I sat down instead?

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Torri 1844-332-2639 ext 204

It’s T-T-TORRI! I’m back BITCHES your favorite gal from Kentucky ready to show off what I’ve learned while I’ve been away. Do you want to hear about the 3 months I spent in Texas and the cocks I road? Now that was one hell of a rodeo of the Chip and Dale variety if I do say so myself. Maybe you’re more interested in the fun I had on a couple’s cruise where I just happened to be the only single girl there. There with a bunch of sexually frustrated men and women, all just needing that extra bit of fun. Either on the side or together! And don’t get me started on how I got to stir the boat. Just me and the captain and I was NOT sitting in the captain’s chair while I did it. Give you two guess where I was sitting and your first guess doesn’t count! I spent some time overseas too went on a bit of a cocks all around the world tour. I can now speak from personal experience that all of Europe does in fact not taste the same.

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Mommy Teaches You To Make Me  Cum

Mama Felicity 1844-332-2693 Ext 270

Up until today, Mommy has been teaching you how to make cummies. I’ve shown you how good it can feel when Mommy uses her hand or her mouth on you. You’ve been asking and asking when you’d be able to slide your cock into me and make the best cummies ever, but I told you that in order to do that, you have to have learned how to make me cum. That means you need some licky lessons.

If you follow all of my directions and execute them well enough to make me explode on your tongue, then I’ll reward you with what you’ve been begging for! Do you like what Mommy teaches you, baby?

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The Sweetest Nightmare Part Two

xXx Francie xXx 844-332-2639 x 208

Part one

My eyes closed, and  I flinched back. I knew the blow would come, but I expected it to land on my cheek. He didn’t hit me in the face. Instead, he struck me in the chest. Hard and repeatedly. Right on my breastbone. Hard enough, I felt the bones splintering and stabbing at my tender places. I wheezed as my vision blurred. Pain pulsed through every inch of me as he fisted his cock with his swollen knuckles and forced my legs open.

I tried to cover my pussy from his intrusion with the last bits of strength I possessed. It was useless. He was big and strong, and I was small and broken. When would the nightmare end?

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National Pet Day

Robotic Rita 1844-332-2639 Ext 413

The fuzzy tail that hung from my butt plug teased my cheeks as I swished my ass side to side. I’d heard his car; Master was home. On my hands and knees, I wiggled with excitement! It’s National Pet Day, which means he’ll bring me home a special treat today!

I didn’t know what it was, but my heart pounded under my swaying breasts. The name tag dangled from my collar at the hollow of my throat as I sat tall on my heels, and he opened the door. My tongue lulled out of my mouth, and I held my hands up like the good pet I am, panting a greeting.

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"Not yet, Babydoll."

Kayla Cumsalot 1844-332-2639 Ext 357

“Chris,” His name slipped from my lips without intention. My head pushed back into the soft pillow; my spine bowed in desperation. Arching my hips into his hand as, he pleasured me with the slowest strokes of his fingers. I felt his smile against my neck before I heard his steady voice whisper over my flushed skin.

“Not yet, Babydoll.” I gritted my teeth against his wishes. My body was singing for him as he played it like an instrument, only he’d been playing for so long now that I was teetering on the brink. Every nerve ending screamed for release that he wouldn’t allow. My fingers curled around his forearm, feeling the muscles and tendons move under my grip. I needed to cum; another moment of balancing on this sharp edge would surely shatter me. His fingers drew back, leaving me panting, and I watched him swirl his wet fingers around my stiff nipple. Coating it in the visible need he caused.

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Chastity Dreams

Valerie 1844-332-2639 Ext 243

I’m a babysitter with a big dream. A goal, if you will. I long for a world where every cock, big or small, is locked in a chastity cage. I wish for a time when men are submissive and obedient. Their orgasms are not only controlled by women but so owned that no man could even attempt cumming without a female’s permission.

As a babysitter, I’ve been working hard to see that my dreams indeed become a reality. All those cute lil brats I sit for, every one of them gets their worthless dick locked up tight, and only I have the key!

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Daddy's Little Jackoff Model

Kinky Krysta 1844-332-2639 Ext.410

When I arrived home from my spring formal, the house was loud. Male voices boomed with laughter, and a haze filled the foyer as if they were smoking in the living room. I peered my head around the door jamb and called softly, “Daddy?” He and six of his friends were sitting around the living room with drinks and cigars in hand. I waved my hand in front of my face to clear the smoke and asked, “Where’s Mommy?”

“Come in, baby.” Daddy beamed and patted his thigh. “Come sit down, Krysta. I want to show you off to my friends.” I walked through them, feeling all of their gaze travel over my big tits and my short dress as I took a seat on Daddy’s lap. “Isn’t she the perfect little Jackoff model?” My body went ramrod stiff as they all laughed.

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Stepdaddy's Calling

Belle 1844-332-2639 X 444

You won’t believe what happened to me today! I know you won’t because I can hardly believe it and it happened to me! I logged into work and settled down for a full day of filthy phone fucking. My phone rang, and instantly, I recognized the voice on the other end.

As he listed out his billing details, I swallowed so hard. My mom’s new husband was calling me to jerk him off! I wasn’t sure if he knew it was me just yet, so I lowered my tone just a bit to disguise my voice and asked him how we’d play. I can’t believe my stepdaddy’s calling me!

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