Mommy's Panties Make You Cum

Mama Felicity 1844-332-2639 Ext 270

My son went away to college, and the house was quiet without him. I had so much less cleaning to do, and everything was always where I left it. Honestly, I missed the chaos of being a boy mom, but it was nice to relax for once. I was so excited when he came home for spring break, but I didn’t expect the new type of chaos we would encounter.

The first day he was home, I showered after the gym, and the panties I had laid out went missing. I assumed maybe I had dropped them on the way to the bathroom, or maybe I didn’t grab them like I thought I had, so I let it go and grabbed a new pair. Then, each day, the same thing happened. Even the sweaty pairs I put in my hamper went missing, too!

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The Babysitter Said We have To

Valerie 1844-332-2639 Ext 243

Little Alyssa looked up at her big brother with panic in her eyes. He was pushing her nightgown up in the middle of the night and forcing her tiny knees apart. “Stop,” she whimpered. She slapped her hands at her brother’s chest as he loomed over her.

“I have to. The babysitter said we have to.” Her little head whipped in my direction. I was sitting on the end of her bed, and only the glow of her nightlight illuminated my presence. She cried out and begged us to stop. She yelled that she didn’t want to do this, but I only smiled and rubbed her brother’s back.

“She’ll like it, you’ll see. Take her panties down.”

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Your Sister's Dildo

Robotic Rita 1844-332-2639 Ext 413

The house was supposed to be empty! Finally, your parents were back at work, and your sister was at school. It was time to fill your little boypussi with the only cock shaped thing you knew to find. Your sister stashes her dildo in the back of her closet in a pillowcase-lined shoe box. Not wanting to waste any time, you rush into her closet and pull out the massively thick eight-inch fake cock. Yours isn’t even half this size, and holding something so big in your hand makes your sissy clitty leak.

Too excited to return to your room, you push down your pants and bend over your sister’s bed. One hand scrolling sissy porn on your phone, the other guiding the thick head to your sissyhole. Carefully, you sit back on it and moan. That’s what you’ve been needing! To be filled up. You were so focused on the porn in your hand and how good the head of the dildo felt as it stretched you open that you didn’t even hear your sister walk in, “What the fuck do you think you’re doing?”

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Aynsley 1-844-332-2639 Ext. 459

So like, I’m home from college for winter break and my Uncle T hit me up to come over and help wrap some presents for the fam. I was thinking like, “cool, I got nothing better to do.” Little did I know, that sneaky uncle of mine had something else in mind for what he wanted to unwrap first – my sweet pussy!

Anyways, I rock up to his crib and he’s all smiles, welcoming me in. We get to wrapping and just catching up and reminiscing on old times. Then suddenly, he’s like “oh I forgot, I got you something down in my room, come check it out!”

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Hide And Spank

Ronnie 1844-33-CANDY Ext 443

“You wanna play a game, Ronnie?” Uncle Brandon whispered. He was watching me this weekend while my parents were outta town, and I was bored of watching dumb football. It’s the only thing he’d had on the TV since he came over this afternoon.

“Yeah!” I bounced up on the couch beside him and asked what we should play.

“It’s a special version of an old game kids always play.” He put his finger to his lips. “But if we play, you gotta swear not to tell anyone.” I nodded my head quickly. I love secrets! “Good girl. It’s called hide and spank! I’ll close my eyes and count to fifty. If I find you after I count, I get to spank you wherever I found you.” I covered my butt with my hands as he explained the game. “But if I don’t find you, you get to spank me. What do you think?”

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Showing Daddy I AM A Big Girl

Kayla Cumsalot 1844-33-CANDY Ext 357

Ever since I can remember, I’ve had a crush on my Daddy. He’s the best man in the world. He’s intelligent, handsome, so kind, and treats people with respect. I love him so much, but every time I try to kiss him or do things like I see couples do on TV, he tells me it’s not appropriate. It makes me so mad when he says the love between us is different. It should be different, I suppose, but it isn’t.

He was invited to an Adult Halloween party this weekend, and I asked him if I could please go as his date. Again, he told me no because that would be inappropriate. I’m really not the kind of girl to take no for an answer. I’m going to that party in a mask and show Daddy that I AM a big girl, and the love between us can be just like the couples on TV.

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Oral Sex On Demand

Mama Felicity 1844-332-2693 Ext 270

There are many great benefits to being a Mom, but one of my favorites is oral sex on demand. Whenever I crave having my cunt devoured, I just find my son and tell him it’s chores time. He knows exactly what that means and will drop whatever he’s doing to feast between mommy’s thighs.

I’ve trained him so well that it doesn’t even take him a long time anymore. He knows everything I like and can get me off quickly so we can both get back to our day. However, sometimes, he’s a cheeky boy, and he edges Mommy with his perfect tongue until I beg him for mercy.

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Our Secret

Our Secret

Kayla Cumsalot 1844-33-CANDY Ext 357

Daddy and I has a secret; I’m not o’possed to tell. It’s really exciting for me though so I decided to write it in my little diary. Putting it down on paper should help me from telling anyone and making Daddy mad. I really, really don’t like it when Daddy gets mad. ‘Cus then he ends up hurting me.

I know he just wants me to be a good girl so I can keep being his girlfriend. Oops, hehe. See, I spilled the secret already! After the other night when Daddy walked into my room while I was changing, he said he wanted to show me something and play a special game. I just love games with Daddy but I was a little nervous ‘cus he said I didn’t have to get dressed for this game.

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Mama Felicity 1844-332-2693 Ext 270

I was waiting for you in the living room when you returned from another “Study group.” Your calendar has been so busy ever since school started back up. I pat the cushion beside me and ask you to have a seat. Then I lean in when you sit down and sniff the air near your shoulder and up along your neck.

“I know you haven’t been studying,” a scowl pulls at my face while looking you up and down. “This morning, I found your OF, and I know you’ve been slinging that cock of yours all over town.”

Continue reading “I Found Your OF”

He Said Not To Wake Mommy

Ronnie 1844-33-CANDY Ext 443

Last weekend, my mom and I visited my mom’s brothers. He lives in this little trailer that’s pretty uncomfortable, but it’s right on a pretty lake, which usually makes up for it. This trip was kind of different. As I said, his trailer is small, so we all had to pile up in my Uncle’s bed at bedtime.

I roll a lot, so Mom said I would best lie in the middle. Of course, that’s true so I didn’t think much of it as I nestled into the mattress and faced my mom’s back. I guess after the long drive, she was exhausted because she fell asleep really fast. I  knew it was best not to wake her with complaints of being uncomfortable being away from home so I tried to sleep too. Just as I was about to fall asleep, I felt my Uncle bump against my booty.

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