Daddy's Girl

Kayla Cumsalot 1844-332-2639 Ext 357

I confided in Daddy that I hadn’t been sleeping well lately. I even wake up tired! He told me that wasn’t good and that it was important for a busy girl like me to be well-rested. Just before dinner, he called me into his room and handed me a little white pill. “Don’t let Mommy know I gave you one of my sleeping pills, but take this with dinner, and tonight, you will sleep like a princess.”

With a nod of thanks, I hurried to the dinner table, popping the tablet in my mouth and sipping my milk. Daddy sat down a few minutes later and gave me a secret wink. I’m such a lucky Daddy’s girl to have a Daddy who cares so much about me and fixes all my problems.

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Daddy's Little Jackoff Model

Kinky Krysta 1844-332-2639 Ext.410

When I arrived home from my spring formal, the house was loud. Male voices boomed with laughter, and a haze filled the foyer as if they were smoking in the living room. I peered my head around the door jamb and called softly, “Daddy?” He and six of his friends were sitting around the living room with drinks and cigars in hand. I waved my hand in front of my face to clear the smoke and asked, “Where’s Mommy?”

“Come in, baby.” Daddy beamed and patted his thigh. “Come sit down, Krysta. I want to show you off to my friends.” I walked through them, feeling all of their gaze travel over my big tits and my short dress as I took a seat on Daddy’s lap. “Isn’t she the perfect little Jackoff model?” My body went ramrod stiff as they all laughed.

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Little Red Gets a Ride

Kayla Cumsalot 1844-332-2639 Ext 357

Winter had dusted the dense forest before the sun rose. Hazy white misy lingered in the air above the thick pine trees, blotting out the sun as if time had frozen. Little Red was meant to walk the path through the woods to check on her aging Grandmother, and even though her Mother warned against going out in this weather, she chose to go along anyhow.

“A walk in the woods will do me some good.” She told her worried Mother as she buttoned her cape around her neck. “I’ll skip along and bring Gran these treats. Then be home before nightfall.”

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Haunted High School Nightmare

Kayla 1844-332-2639 Ext 357

My friends heard about this haunted high school experience put on by a bunch of people who bought an abandoned high school. Every October, they sell tickets and make you sign NDAs before you go in. You aren’t allowed to talk about the experience, which has only made rumors about the place fly! The only thing I heard that I believed to be true was 1) the actors could touch you and 2) it was unlike any experience ever.

For the price of the tickets, I joked it had better be fucking worth it. Three of my girlfriends and I packed up for the road trip we’d need to take to get there, and we arrived in the haunted parking lot at sunset. The parking lot lights blinked as if they struggled to stay on in the presence of the school. I felt unsettled as I jumped out of my friend’s jeep. It was silent, with no other cars or people—just the four of us and the rotting building that used to be teaming with life.


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nude brunette thigh highs

Vada 844-33-CANDY (844-332-2639) ext 433

Sometimes a girl just craves some stranger danger and fucking in a bathroom. This time I was wearing a black dress, cut very low in the back with just enough fabric to cover my ass – but just barely. It’s my go-to dress when I need to get fucked. My face is already enchantingly beautiful and when men can see all the way up my long, lean legs, right to where the perky curve of my ass starts, all the energy rushes to their dicks and I own them.

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Krysta 844-332-2639 Ext. 410

I don’t like to tell this story, but I think if I do, it may save just one little girl or boy from going through what I did. So, I’m going to be brave and tell you about how the grinch stole my virginity. Just like every Christmas eve before, my mom told me to go to bed early so that Santa could come. She would always say, “He knows when you are sleeping, and he won’t bring you any gifts if you are awake.” I didn’t understand why Santa had to be so sneaky or why he didn’t want to be seen, but I tried to go to sleep as she said.

Only I wasn’t tired. I never go to bed early, plus I was so excited about my possible presents that it was nearly painful to close my eyes and lie still, but I tried! I squeezed my pillow tight and closed my eyes, willing the night to pass quickly!

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