Come here, my sweet little ABDL baby boy or girl. It doesn’t matter to me who you are. I enjoy both little girls and little boys in their cute little diapers. There are so many things I love to do with my ABDL littles. I love to cuddle you, holding you tight in my arms and cradling your head in the crook of my arm. Support your back with the length of my arm as I have you against my breasts. Can you smell my milk, warm and sweet held just behind my nipple? Are you a hungry little ABDL baby?
Tag: abdl
XXOO Laylene 1-844-332-2639 ext 419
Adult baby phonesex?
Peeeew weeeee I smell something stinky. I think I know what it is. It is Mr. Poo Poo diaper pants. I think someone has a loaded diaper.
I go and get my diaper changing supplies. A diaper changing pad, wipes, powder, bum lotion, and of course a mask and gloves. I think this is going to be messy.
Awww, look at you trying to run away from me. “I am going to get you,” I say as I chase Mr. Stinky across the room. I bend down and smell the back of your full diaper. Oh my, pew pew pewwy. I don’t think I have ever smelled anything so stinky.
Good morning little boy. It’s time to wake up. Let’s get our day started. The first thing we need to do is getting into a nice fresh diaper. But I have a very special surprise for you. Remember how you were playing in Mommy’s panty drawer yesterday? I walked in and caught you rummaging through all of them. A small pile of dirty panties right next to you. I knew you’d been sniffing them and saw the pair that you had pulled on over you diaper. Now look what Mommy has in her hands. A brand new pink diaper just for you!
Happy Valentine’s baby boy! What’s that? You think you’re a big boy? Oh no, we both know that isn’t true. LOL You can pretend you’re a big boy all you want but I definitely know better. I know what you’re giving Mommy for Valentine’s Day. You’re giving me a stinky Valentine’s Pamper even if you don’t want to admit it yet.
Look at what I have right here. Santa brought you a very special present, young man. I’ve noticed the wet sheets and the stained undies. So, I wrote a letter to Santa to let him know. He has something very special under the tree just for you. Pampers for Christmas is exactly what you’re getting this year.
Why don’t you open up your present? I think we should try them out right away. The sooner we get them on you, the quicker you’ll realize we should have done this awhile ago.
I was walking around the baby supply store. Just checking out the toys and diapers and diaper supplies they have. One never knows when one might need diaper supplies for surprise messy diapers. Suddenly I smelled something awful. Very pungent and strong and seemed to be filling up the air throughout the store. I followed my nose up and down the aisles until I got to the Pamper aisle. There standing in the aisle looking lost and smelling to high heaven was a stinky Pamper boy.
Phonesex with Felicity 1844-332-2639 x 270
Now and then, when her husband acts up, she calls me to rectify the problem. Of course, I’m happy to come over and put her husband back into his place with my diaper bag of tricks. She had said they’d be on their way to a Halloween party, but that wouldn’t be true when I showed up.
She was dressed in a skin-tight catsuit when I rang the doorbell, and he was wearing some Starwars get up. Such a geek. “Oh, Felicity.” She giggled. “I’m glad you’re here. I’ve got to go.” I waved her out the door and waited for Baby to see me. His eyes widened, and he began to back up. Oh, baby’s first Halloween with Mommy was going to be so much fun.
Continue reading “Baby’s First Halloween Phonesex With Mommy Felicity”
Sweet Lovin’ Kayla 1844-33-CANDY Ext 357
I met this guy at the pool. He was tall and handsome, with the darkest brown eyes. So dreamy. I loved how confident and self-assured he was. Every time I was around him, I just felt this insane connection. It wasn’t long before he asked me out.
He invited me to lunch in a very no-pressure situation, which made me like him even more. We talked about so many things during lunch, and I began to get the feeling that he was missing some nurturing in his life. This man was screaming out for a lovin’ Mommy, and he didn’t even know it!
Call Katie: 1-844-332-2639 ext 356
A helpless baby boy. That is what you are. Do not fight it, what is the point? You are my little boy and I need to help you with everything. I can hear it in your little whimpers and cries. You need your messy diaper changed!
Oh, you think you deserve to wear big boy undies? Hahaha! That is so hilarious. Do you think you’re smart and big enough to use a bathroom by yourself? Baby, I hand-fed you fruit snacks yesterday. You can not do ANYTHING without Miss Katie.
Do you consider yourself an adult baby? Do you love to wear diapers and spend time snuggling with Mommy? Then you are in luck because adult babies are wanted here! I am looking to get to know new babies and learn how to take care of their needs.
If you do not know me yet, let me introduce myself: you can call me Mommy Monique! I am 35 and love, love, love playing mommy! Abdl are my favorite because of how much nurturing your type needs. I am a very loving, nurturing mommy that just wants to make you feel good. Continue reading “Adult Babies Wanted! Phonesex”