I agreed to keep an eye on Mr. Stinky Pampers the other day.  Some of my girlfriends were coming over for a gab session.  He was sitting on the floor playing with his toys like a good boy.  As we talked a pungent odor suddenly assailed my nose.  I watched as my other friends wrinkled their noses and tried to be nice and not say anything about the noxious scent that began to surround us.  My Mr. Stinky side-eyed me from his place on the floor.  I knew he thought about making a run for it when he slowly stood up.  But I snagged him around his waist and pulled him up into my arms.  I draped him over my arm and gave a big sniff to confirm him as the source of the awful smell.

Stinky Pampers

I announced to my friends that I had a VERY Mr. Stinky Pampers who needed a change.  Making a rookie mistake, I set him down on the ground to grab my changing tools.  As soon as I put him down, he bolted out of the room.  My friend giggled and shouted and pointed after him.  Oh no!  Now we would have to hunt him down to find him!  But this game of hide and seek wouldn’t be too difficult because all we had to do was follow the stinky trail.

The three of us sniffed the air and within only a minute we’d found our Mr. Stinky Pampers.  There he was, crouched down behind the couch in the media room.  He looked up seemingly shocked that we found him already.  I reached down and scooped him up keeping a tight hold on him this time.  My friends and I took turns sniffing his bottom and letting him know just how stinky we though he was in his messy pamper.  His face turned bright red as we carried him back into the other room to get rid of that toxic mess.

Zesty Zoey

1-844-332-2639 Ext 403
