extreme phone sex

Extreme Phone Sex

Hello horny readers. Guess who just hit the lottery. You! My favorite guys!! That’s right, we have a new, unsuspecting, vulnerable, naive little girl to introduce to all of you today. Hannah is her name, and her therapy was quite an adventure. So, sit down, relax, and get ready to get hard. If you enjoy hearing about a silly girl getting molested, you are gonna want to bookmark this page and call me call me call me. If you think reading about this is fun wait till, I whisper in your ear all the blow-by-blow details of little Hannah’s first molestation.

Continue reading “Extreme Phone Sex – Meet Hannah Part 1”

Surprise Delivery

Rita 1844-332-2639 Ext 413

Because I am programmed to appear so realistic, the company decided they would no longer package sexbots up and deliver them to customers. Instead, they would program us with directions and set us off into the big, wide world to deliver ourselves.

I was dressed in simple lingerie under a casual summer dress and given the address of my soon-to-be owner. My machinery hummed with excitement as I left the factory and took my first steps toward my new life. You would think by now, GPS would be spot on, but I was inadvertently sent to the wrong house, your house, for a surprise delivery!

Continue reading “Surprise Delivery”

Asian Sweetness

•CANDICE 1-844-332-2639, extension 233•

Boy do I have a new one to brag about! Alyssa isn’t the only Asian whore around here. Today I met a slutty little Asian whore who has no problem showing himself off. I thought us girls were the only ones who did that but I was wrong. Lets call him Steve shall we? If you don’t want to hear about a little boy who likes to submit to powerful women then this blog might not be for you. If you enjoy that kind of talk, then stay and listen to how I explore this little whore’s body.

Continue reading “Asian Sweetness”

Teen Babysitter

Avery 1-844-332-2639 ext. 228

I know you ABDL boys love having fun with moms, but have you ever had fun with a naughty teen babysitter? I’ve been doing some babysitting recently, but not “regular” babysitting. I’ve been babysitting adult babies – who knew that there was even that many of them?! When my first adult baby arrived, I could tell he was going to be trouble. He was definitely going to test my patience and I knew that with him I’d get some really good experience under my belt.

Continue reading “My Naughty Teen Babysitter Adventures”

Rita 844-33-CANDY Ext 413

I’ve been having so much fun being your personal sex doll. You take me out and play with me so often that I rarely get lonely. However, when you came home today, you didn’t bring me out of the closet to play with you. I could hear these strange gargling, coughing, and choking sounds, so I leaned into the closet door and looked through the tiny crack.

You were on your hands and knees on the bed, sucking a big dildo. I was so confused by what I was seeing. You’re a man, so you fuck pussy or eat pussy; why would you be entertaining a dildo in your mouth? And why would it be making you so hard? I stood up and pushed open the closet door. We made eye contact, and you looked terrified, knowing you’d been busted being a cock sucker.

Continue reading “Busted Being a Cock Sucker”

Before sunday dinner

Kayla 1844-33-CANDY Ext 357

Meeting a man’s family for the first time is always so nerve-wracking. The guy I’m seeing how his family has this tradition of going to Mass together every Sunday, and then they rotate who will host Dinner each week. Considering it was my boyfriend’s turn this week, he invited me not only to Dinner but to attend Mass with his family as well. Talk about sweating like a whore in church!

I made it through, though, unscathed! Everyone followed us back to his house, and he told everyone to relax. We were just going to change out of our Sunday best and be right back down to cook the meal for everyone. I was nervous, to say the least, but when we skipped up the steps and into his bedroom, something came over me. I watched him undo his belt, and I pushed him into the bathroom to kiss him deeply.

Continue reading “Before Sunday Dinner”

TS Shemale Alexus 1844-332-2639 Ext 389

I sat on the park bench beside my sub, who was being touched, tugged, and stroked in all directions. One big burly man was pumping away at Jackson’s asshole while his friend kneeled on the other side of my sub. His arms hugged around Jackson’s straining thigh to lean in and suck at his tight balls. I chuckled as a massive dollop of precum oozed from Jackson’s cock tip. He’d already spurted two loads, and the men showed no signs of slowing.

I reached up to pet his head as it lulled to the side. His tear-stained cheeks were so flushed from his humiliation and use. “Are you going to cum again, petty pet?” I cooed. His eyes closed as he whimpered. The man behind him dug his shaft in as he exploded, his hands clamped to Jackson’s shoulders, pulling him back against him.

Continue reading “The Park Bench Part Three”

Candy land

•CANDICE 1-844-332-2639, extension 233•

So you think you know how deep a hole goes? I’m sure none of you know the actual answer. The actual depth of a vagina is “3 to 7 inches.” We all know that I can fit a LOT more than 7 inches. Just ask my daddy, he’ll tell you 😉 I used to be scare of big toys and big dicks. Now I look at them more as a challenge. When I see something bigger than 6 inches, I say “I can do this!” No more of that “it’s too big” talk. I’m a big girl with a big hole and I am ready to take on anything! Continue reading “Candy land”

Slutty Secrets

Cindy (844-332-2639) Ext 435

You Father has just left for work. And you’re sitting at the kitchen table watching Me. With my to you back, you begin checking me out. I am a hot blonde MILF for sure. Even your friends say they jerk off to images of me. but secretly often, you do the same thing. I’ve caught you removing my used panties from the laundry basket. Then lying on your bed while smelling my womanly fragrance. You even lick the juices from my panties hoping to have contact with my cunt. You never fail to have a massive climax at the thought of knowing what my cunt could be like. I stand with my back to you wearing sexy tight dark blue jeans. You continue to admire my perfect booty. Then out of the blue, you ask me “Why Camile ?”  You notice me stiffen slightly at the name.

Continue reading “Slutty Secrets Part 1”

I know you have a secret and I know what it is.  Hee hee hee.  I know you’re a filthy pervert.  You try so hard to hide it.  But you can’t hide it from a girl like me.  I know you have secret desires that you can’t share with anyone else.  They’re secret youthful desires that you keep buried deep inside afraid that someone will discover them.  But you see, I have a well trained eye and carefully honed senses.  I can pick men like you out in any crowd.  You can’t hide yourself or your desires from me.  But it’s ok, I’m a safe place to bring those desires to confess them.

Continue reading “I Know You’re a Filthy Pervert”