Sex Kitten Lyric 844-332-2639 x247

Yes, I want to control you and make you my next victim.  You know those weakness you have?  I want to exploit them and take advantage of them.  This will be all in the sake of making you mine.  I will mindfuck you to tell me all your dirty little fucked up secrets.  Once you do so, you will be mine.  I will use your addictions against you to increase your dependence on me.

I will corrupt your mind and you will sell your soul to me.  I want to take you higher than you have ever dreamed of.  You know that temptation that I will place at your feet?  You will not be able to resist me.  I will take you so deep into my darkest and most fucked up depths of fantasies, that you will never be the same and you will never want that boring flavour of life.  Continue reading “Be My Next Victim Phonesex”

1-844-332-2639 Ext 204

You’re never gonna guess what my sexy boss had me do this time! She messaged me wanting my help. I was excited to see her message since it had been a few days and I hadn’t touched myself ONCE. I was too afraid she would find out about it like she did last time.

That would add to my already large amount of punishments I have lined up already for being the disobedient bratty teen I am. This was different though. She told me that she thought her husband was cheating on her.

Continue reading “ShR mEsSaGeD mE pHoNe SeX”

1-844-332-2639 ext 411

Hot and heavy and a movie. This is not a foreign concept. Most of our first sexual experiences happen as teens with a movie in the background. Either at home on the couch with the boy next door that you have had a crush on for years but have yet to have the guts to say anything to him.

Or your first real date in a movie theater where all you can think of while sitting in that dark room is should you reach over and grab his hand. Just then, of course, the fake yawn and arm stretch comes from him and he reaches around your shoulders doing everything he can to brush your tit.

Continue reading “Hot and heavy phone sex”

I was doing laundry and noticed some of my clothes were missing. I asked you if you have seen my outfits anywhere. You said you haven’t. I didn’t think anything of it really. Thinking I must have borrowed some outfits to a friend of mine. So, I decided to go run some errands. You wanted to stay home because you were tired. Ella’s Missing Clothes.

I left the house and did what I had to do. And came back. As I was putting groceries away. I decided to look for you to get some help from you. I walked into my bedroom and found you wearing my panties and tank top. You turned around and saw me looking at you. You got embarrassed and ran to the washroom. Continue reading “Ella’s Missing Clothes Phone Sex”

1-844-332-2639 EXT 330

This is gonna be a fun gameday today! Don’t miss my game today! It’s going to be a lot of fun! The name of the game is Cards Against Humanity! If you don’t know the game look it up. Its very simple.

I will say a phrase and you will fill in the blank or blanks I give you with something funny, or nasty, or gross, maybe sexual, or questionable. For example if I say “What is life coming to I am jacking off to a video called co-ed destroyed by (blank)”.

Continue reading “Fun Gameday Today Phone Sex”

1-844-332-2639 EXT 330

Gameday is approaching make sure you are here this Saturday the 23rd of May for your chance to win the FREE no purchase necessary minutes with ANY girl that’s in the room on game day! Who doesn’t want something for free?

Don’t worry boys for those of you that don’t do trivia and don’t think you are very fast at these kinds of games this is your game day to shine! The name of the game is cards against humanity. If you don’t know what it is look it up. I’ll give you an example!

Continue reading “Gameday Is Approaching Phone Sex”

1-844-332-2639 EXT 330

You’re so strong and big down under, and I can’t stop thinking about you. I was thinking about all the nasty dirty things I could do with that massive meat stick. All the ways I could make it stand up at attention for me.

How I could make it throb. Make it ache between your legs. How slowly I could drag it out. Make you beg me to make it spew all that nice thick sticky cum you have been saving for me. But then I started thinking, why should I keep all that goodness and fun to myself?

Continue reading “You’re So Strong Phone Sex”

Sleeping With My Best Friend's Younger Brother Phone Sex!

Gianna 844-332-2639 ext 355

My best friend Sarah has an adorable younger brother! It’s hard to ignore how hot he’s become over the years. I know it’s bad, but I’ve always fantasized about sleeping with him! I was spending the night at her place when we snuck some of her Mom’s hard seltzer from the fridge and ending up talking about dirty stuff! The topic of her younger brother came up of course!

Continue reading “Sleeping With My Best Friend’s Younger Brother Phone Sex!”

1-844-332-2639 EXT 330

GAME DAY and FREE phone sex. The name of the game is Cards against humanity! The game this Saturday the 23rd of May is all me. Hey I’m Jackie and if we haven’t met then shame on you! You should at least introduce yourself to me.

Well lucky for you this game is the perfect chance for us to get to know each other! I am hosting the game at 2pm Eastern Standard time. You can come in and join us there. There will be girls and other guys to compete with.

Continue reading “GAME DAY And FREE Phone Sex”

I can’t believe my boss has me under her spell like this. I mean there really isn’t anythin I wouldn’t do for her. She makes me do so many things. Nothin I would normally do. It’s just somethin about her sexy way and how she demands I listen to her that really just leaves me actually wantin to do this for her.

What she wants from me now actually surprised me a little bit. She wants me to find a man and for him, me, and another girl from my site to get together on a call. She wants to know how I behave in a threesome situation.

Continue reading “UnDeR hEr SpElL pHoNe SeX”