House sitting

House sitting

House sitting xoX TorrenceXox (844-332-2639) ext 415

You’re old enough to be on your own, for some reason my sister wants me to “house sit” but I know she really wants me to babysit you. Probably because you’re mischievous and always finding ways to get into trouble. I’ve never had to watch an adult before, but there’s a first time for everything. You’re young, but still old enough to know better. I don’t understand why you just don’t do as you’re told. I have a different tactic for you, I’m sure you’ll love it. By the end, you’ll be doing everything I say. 

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Zia needs a spanking from daddy

Zia 1-844-33CANDY ext 402

Hi daddy. Your little girl has been very naughty lately. I know that I haven’t been picking up my toys like you told me to and you even tripped over them. I’m so sorry, daddy. Little Zia needs a spanking from daddy right now as my punishment. My tiny bottom is ready for you to spank it hard.

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ass fucking rowan

844-33-CANDY ext 360 Teen Rowan 

Ass fucking And Cleanout is what he needed from me! My brother-in-law found some nasty porn where I… I can’t say it! Well, here goes nothing. I had made some amateur enema porn for money not too long ago. It was not supposed to be seen by my family or friends. Super embarrassing! I went to J.D.s house on an urgent text. As I arrive I notice he is in front of the big screen shaking his head. My sister isn’t here and we are all alone. 

One click of the remote and my ass was leaking and I was moaning! I felt faint as he turned to me with a tent in his pants. That evil grin had me panicking! What should I say? How can I make this go away? This wasn’t supposed to happen and now here I am with a horny Brother in law! I tried offering him money. He says money isn’t what he wants and points to the screen! Continue reading “Ass fucking And Cleanout”

Milf Summer

M.I.L.F. SUMMER Ext 381

MILF Summer is hosting Mommy Monday! Aka Moan-day tonight! Right in the chat room I’ll be joining you horny boys who love a nice Experienced woman for some dirty playtime. I thought It would be hot to list my Three top milfalicous calls and/or scenes for those who might not make it out tonight. This Milf always strives to make my men and boys happy. Though with the process my pussy begins to heat up and beg to be played with. My nipples begin to leak as I lead you into my top pussy squirting roleplays. 


Milf next door gets her pussy pounded perfectly. Sometimes the porn scenes come to life for me. The nighborboy has been peeping tom these last few weeks. I know he has been watching me and jerking his peter while I get undressed at night. Do you know how flattering it is that he would sneak up behind my back porch and hide while he strokes? I decided to make a nice sexy show last night. Hell, I was turned on and didn’t want to wait until I heard him scammer off. I did what any good Milf slut would do. Continue reading “MILF Summer is hosting Mommy Monday”

~~~Olivia ~~~ 844~332~2639~x~226~~~

Sexual fetishes are the thing that makes your little dickie or rocket cannon go off with a big bang.  We all know there is no bad sex ever but big bang sex can be hard to come by.  When you come to me with your fetish it’s big bang sex.  I’ll know that it’s the smooth feeling of the panties you have on that your cock needs to explode.  Maybe it’s something totally different; maybe being a very naughty boy turns you on more.  Putting yourself in a taboo situation could be what gets you off.  Whatever it is; I would guess is something you keep hidden from most and need someone to share it with.  That someone is me.  There’s no judgment here nothing but the one thing you need desperately to make that firecracker or cannon between your legs go off. 
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family fun phone sex

844-33-CANDY ext 360 Teen Rowan 

Panty Sniffing Phone sex! My Uncle Rod is a dirty panty sniffing freak. I know it, momma knows it and even daddy says he is a weird one. But it’s my panties he is smelling and doing more than that with them. Uncle Rod’s Nose is where my little pink taco sits all day in class. It’s daddy’s dirty brother so he says there is no harm in it. I tend to agree but I’m running out of panties fast when he stays over. At least $end a girl payment for her panties! 

He doesn’t even return them anymore. I guess he might be ashamed that he is now jacking off with them. Goon City times ten right there. His dick isn’t all it’s cracked up to be, I have seen it! It’s a useless, pathetic, battery-sized penis! I do enjoy watching him jerk his gurt with my dirty undies for sure. But I can’t hold back the laughter that Uncle Rod has a pair on his face like a mask and a pair stroking his pud!  One this day I couldn’t hold back and whispered how much of a dumbass pervert he was through the bathroom door crack! Continue reading “Panty sniffing phone sex Bad Boy”

daddy spanked me

Zia 1-844-33CANDY ext 402

I was a very naughty little Zia. I was playing with all my toys on the floor of my bedroom and in the hallway and even though daddy told me to put them way, I didn’t. Daddy tripped on one of my toys and got mad at me, so he said I deserved to be punished. Daddy spanked me over his knee, and I learned my lesson.

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Phonesex with Felicity 1844-332-2639 x 270

It’s not common to find Mommy in a diaper, but every now and then, I like to surprise my big boy. Unfortunately, he’d been very stressed with work, pulling double shifts, and even working overtime. As a result, there hadn’t been a lot of time to embrace his little side. So there had to be a way to help him really regress with Mommy and release all that adult world stress.

Just before he was due to come home, I taped myself into a thick, crinkly diaper and nothing else. Then, I laid on our bed with his diaper folded and ready beside me for when we walked into the room.

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~~~~Olivia~~~~844-332-2639 x 226~~~~

What’s the one thing that makes your cock jump to attention? I find guys in the chat whispering asking what I like to do on a call.  I’m a PSO! I like it all.  Well, all but extreme pain.  My specialty is role playGFE is one of my favorites.  I can be as sweet as you like or as nasty as you need.  Many times a guy will ask how nasty can you get.  Maybe just another question to stall the call? To this, I answer: Nasty is in the eye of the beholder.   What you call nasty may be something completely different than another. I like to hear what is on your mind; didn’t you come in with a purpose?  Maybe some hot idea that has you looking for some relief. 
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Kayla Cumsalot 1844-33-CANDY ext 357

Hey, hey, my party pervs! Guess what?! I’m sure you’ve figured it out from the title, but just in case you’ve been gooning for too long and somehow missed the massive letters and picture without titties showing… GAME NIGHT IS BACK!! I will be hosting our kick-off game night on August 31st at nine pm EST.

Now I need at least three playa playas to play, so you better show up with your game faces on! The theme is SUPER easy, and you’ve already been doing your homework without even knowing it!

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