adult baby phonesex

Gloria 844-332-2639 ext 241

Being a caretaker for my stinky diaper bubbas is so fun! Mistress adored getting the milk and lavender bubbly bath for her stinkabutt last night. During our adult baby phonesex session, we pretended that her tiny winky was all tucked in. Big bubby danced around and smiled when their yucky boy parts went away! It looked like a pretty princess patch between my bubbas thighs as they searched the closet for something new comfy to sleep in. Resisting to pinch and poke her tushy was so hard. My bubbzy boo blushes every time I playfully spank their little tush or squeeze their little pecker when it comes out.

Adult Baby Phone Sex 

Adult babies are such adorable bundles of joy and they remind me of how much I enjoy being a mama! After bath time we put on my lil stinky’s diaper , bib, and onesie! I almost forgot to powder their little bum bum but of course I made sure to dust bubba’s booty before snapping the tabs of their adult sized huggie pamper. Bubzy says they dont like yucky diaper cream on their bum bum. The sticky gooey feeling reminds them of their stinky messes so no diaepy cream. Just soft soothing powders.

Before I said my final goodnights, of course a good mama has to make sure that her baby had their paci and dolly to snuggle with. They looked so cozy I almost crawled in the crib with them! But … Mama Glo has other adult babies to tend to! My bubba boo knows they have a special place in my heart but, what type of mummzie would I be if I did not ensure that all my little angels had their bath!

Are my other little tykes ready to get tucked in? If so, you know where to reach me.

Phone: 844-332-2639 ext 241