Lyric — 1-844-332-2639  EXT 247

I have always been a naughty little Catholic girl.  Even though I attended Catholic school from 1st grade all the way through college, I always wanted to break the rules.  I learned all about the do’s and don’ts in school and I always went to Mass.  I always made sure to say my prayers every night (usually right before masturbating).  I must confess I have a lot of fucked up thoughts too.

My mind is always taken over with impure thoughts.  I have never practiced abstinence, so I’m not your typical Catholic girl.  I find myself wanting to fuck more and more each day.  But it’s that time when I am headed over to the church because I can’t keep this to myself.  I know that it will mortify me to confess my fucked up deviant thoughts, but I truly believe saying them out loud will somehow lift my burden. Continue reading “Confess Your Sins Phonesex with Lyric”

Avery  1-844-332-2639 ext. 228

I opened all my presents. I drank all the spiked egg nog. I fucked three guys in elf costumes. Christmas is officially over. So, I’ve been busily compiling my New Year’s resolutions for 2019. It took me a few extra days to get them together because I didn’t want to forget anything! Here they are:

Continue reading “2019 Resolutions! A New Year Of Kinky Phone Sex!”

barely legalBRATTY LITTLE SYDNEY – 1-844-332-2639 EXT 361

Barely Legal Phone Sex Fun with Sydney!

Happy New Year babes! I can’t believe it’s 2019! And, I’m totally feeling ready for another year of barely legal bratty phonesex fun!  I feel so welcome here at Phone Sex Candy and I’m so excited for a brand new year of new and exciting sexual exploration and pleasure!

Seems like only yesterday I was a brand new phonesex slut but you guys have been so much fun to play with! And I love having my blog to talk about sexy topics like my sexual adventures, what kind of porn I’m watching and what new kinky fantasies I’m dreaming up for you pervs!

Continue reading “Bratty Barely Legal Phone Sex With Slutty Sydney”

1-844-332-2639 ext 206

Oh what naughty fun I have in store for us. All I need is just a partner in crime to commit some crimes. It is no secret how twisted and sick my mind can be. I’m a total nympho and get off on twisted nasty taboo things. Continue reading “Accomplice Phone Sex With Avril!!”