Conjugal Visit

Lea 1844-332-2639 Ext. 244

Now, I know I done told y’all my husband is locked in the slammer but he ain’t the only man in my life in the big house. A few counties away from where I live now, back where I grew up, another man who is very important to me is locked up too. He’s an evil man, but I love him.

He’s so bad; he has no friends and no woman. He ain’t got no one in his life to love him but me. So, every few months, I surprise him with a conjugal visit. The prison ain’t know that he isn’t my husband. They assume he is cus we got the same last name. No one in there knows I schedule conjugal visits to make my big brother feel loved, If only for an hour.

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Breaking the dress code is so much fun.  I love to see what I can get away with.  Besides, those skirts are far too long for a sexy flirty girl like me.  I love to see how far I can roll up my skirt before anyone notices.  It’s so freeing to tie my blouse just under my tits to show off my flat sexy stomach.  I crave the way the boys turn their heads to catch a glimpse of my skin.  Today, the one who notices just happened to be my older brother.  He decided that he was going to use this knowledge to his benefit.  Why shouldn’t he?

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xXx Francie xXx 844-332-2639 x 208

Whenever we travel to my aunt’s house for the holidays, my big brother Billy and I have to share a bed. That wouldn’t be so bad if every time I slept next to him, I didn’t wake up in a warm puddle. I felt it before I fully woke up and reached out to shove him. “Billy, Billy!” I whisper yelled at him. “You did it again! You wet the bed.”

He blinked his eyes open and shook his head at me. “Did not.” His sleepy voice responded. I yanked off the covers and showed him the evidence.

“Look! You’ve practically flooded us.”

Continue reading “Billy Wets The Bed”

Family fun

I love family fun! Honestly it’s great being the big whore in the family, it’s a good way to get me excited for those family reunions every year. I never know who’s going to be showing up to my hotel room. 

Lucky for me I come from a big family with a lot of men. And most of them are dirty old perverts who want nothing more to fuck me! 

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