We have been talking for months online and decided to meet up finally. He lives out of town, so he gets a hotel room. He informs me when he arrives in town, and I head to the hotel room. When I arrive, he is naked and kneeling by the bed as we had agreed. I am a little nervous because he would be my first sub. I have known for a long time I am a switch and wanted my own submissive.
Come here; baby mommy has some surprises for us. He crawls over to me, and I pull out my bag with all my supplies and toys. Remember what we talked about, he nobs—Lays downs on the bed where I’ve laid the diaper. I cover his bum and groin with a diaper cream rubbing it in to ensure he’s well protected. Put on his little outfit I brought. Say, look at yourself in the mirror. Don’t you look so cute, baby boy? He crawls to the mirror, looks at himself, and says, ” I do, mommy, thank you.