xXx Francie xXx 844-332-2639 x 208

Whenever we travel to my aunt’s house for the holidays, my big brother Billy and I have to share a bed. That wouldn’t be so bad if every time I slept next to him, I didn’t wake up in a warm puddle. I felt it before I fully woke up and reached out to shove him. “Billy, Billy!” I whisper yelled at him. “You did it again! You wet the bed.”

He blinked his eyes open and shook his head at me. “Did not.” His sleepy voice responded. I yanked off the covers and showed him the evidence.

“Look! You’ve practically flooded us.”

Continue reading “Billy Wets The Bed”

Office Fun w/ Laylene & Baby Tami

Office Fun w/ Laylene & Baby Tami xoX TorrenceXox (844-332-2639) ext 415

It’s the middle of the work day just about time for Laylene and I to get our baby girl Tami dressed. We have the cutest outfit picked out for her. A Pretty little pink dress and a matching diaper cover to match. Laying baby Tami down, and getting her situated in her diapy, then dressing her with her pink little dress with some frills and ruffles. She’s totally adorable, and now to top it off with her matching diaper cover, and socks with the tool around the ankles, now my baby girl is styling. Bringing out her pony for her to straddle as we prance her through the office. All the girls are going to be so excited to see how pretty she is! Let’s have some office fun with Laylene & Baby Tami. Continue reading “Office Fun w/ Laylene & Baby Tami”

Phonesex with Felicity 1844-332-2639 x 270

Self-care is super important, especially this time of year. Holidays are coming up fast, and everyone can get so stressed out. I knew I needed to take my snookums out for some pampering and booked us a couples massage. I waited impatiently for him to get off work on the day of the appointment. When he finally arrived home, I jumped into his arms and started kissing him. His hands looped around me, and he carried me toward our bedroom.

We’d need to be freshly showered for our appointment, so I wasn’t surprised when he backed me into the bathroom, and we stripped each other. I turned on the water, and we walked into the spray, still kissing. My hands stroked over his cock, but I was careful not to make him spill over. I wanted him hard and anxious during our unique couples massage.

Continue reading “Couples Pampering”

Me in Diapers

adult baby phonesexTeen Rowan ext 360
Does adult baby phonesex with me in diapers tempt you? My tiny body in a big crinkly nappy, with pigtails and a binky is giving you naughty thoughts. Oh do not be surprised, I have been telling you I am a diaper princess just like you for months now. I love to be squishy and hanging low just like some of you big babies. Only thing is my part time diaper daddy likes his princess to be dry and pretty for him. So when I have managed to fill up my diaper so much that I have to waddle he gets upset.
Of course, with him I don’t do number twos on myself or he will make me get in the shower and spray me down all while calling me a nasty bad girl. Much like I do to the brats I babysit who have accidents. I digress, My diaper daddy as I affectionately call him, loves to keep me obedient.
He knows that the more he puts this adult baby phonesex hoe into little space the better head he will get. My diaper kink is purely sexual and therapeutic. Once I have disobeyed enough times, he will buckle down on me. Continue reading “Me in Diapers”

ab/dl phonesexM.I.L.F. SUMMER Ext 381
Ab/dl phonesex diaper chastity is something that I have always done. Call me the diaper Dominatrix. He came to me telling me that he needed to be controlled in his diapers. Davie doesn’t need a sensual mommy, he needs a bitch to keep him locked down. Locked diaper pins to his cloth nappies are only the beginning. First of all this isn’t about age regression, at least not the primary fetish. This is a Hollow-weenie boy who is at this very moment locked in chastity with me holding the keys. Those pictures are real and Until he locks down his mistress in person, I will be holding onto them until future notice.
It goes a little something like this. Cloth diaper catheter for open bladder yellow rivers to run free.
This diaper lock up subby wanted his training to go fast. What he found with Mistress Summer was a Mommy who latched onto his latched up diaper chastity needs. I knew I wanted a man to be in complete submission to his bathroom habits and not be able to cum ever again. Ultimately to make a man soil and sit in it until the mistress says so! Continue reading “Diaper Chasity Ab/dl phonesex”

*LUCY* 844-332-2639 xxx- 221

It’s time for you to be honest with me, do you prefer bottles or dicks? I know that all of you ABDL phone sex babies love sucking on your pacifiers, bottles and my nipples, but I think it’s time that you graduated to something a little kinkier!!

I want to teach you to be a dirty little cock sucking adult baby slut. It would be awesome to have you around all the time to help me make my lovers happy. As horny as I am, sometimes I do get tired and that’s where you’ll come in. You’ll be willing and ready to get down on your little knees and open your mouth to suck on those big hard cocks. Just think of them as super hard, extra thick pacifiers.

Continue reading “Bottles And Dicks For My ABDL”

adult baby phonesex

Gloria 844-332-2639 ext 241

Being a caretaker for my stinky diaper bubbas is so fun! Mistress adored getting the milk and lavender bubbly bath for her stinkabutt last night. During our adult baby phonesex session, we pretended that her tiny winky was all tucked in. Big bubby danced around and smiled when their yucky boy parts went away! It looked like a pretty princess patch between my bubbas thighs as they searched the closet for something new comfy to sleep in. Resisting to pinch and poke her tushy was so hard. My bubbzy boo blushes every time I playfully spank their little tush or squeeze their little pecker when it comes out.

Continue reading “Adult Baby Phonesex With Glo”

You wearing diapers is sexy.  I know you resist it because you think I won’t see you as a man.  But you don’t have to do that.  I love that wearing diapers makes you hard and dripping.  Let me put them on you, and we can enjoy some role-playing together.  There’s something about putting you in a big pamper that makes me feel sexy and maternal, especially when you ask to call me Mommy while you’re in that adorable crinkly diaper.  I love the little gleam in your eye when I go into dirty Mommy mode and watch the front of your diaper start to bulge and thicken.

Continue reading “Wearing Diapers is Sexy”

abdlLaylene 844*332*2639 ext 419 Rowan ext 360

Mommy phone sex for Sissy baby!  A Pair of hot mommies have to take on Sissy baby Tami! Laylene and I got to take care of sweet Sissy baby Tami The other night! She really was being a good girlie for us. Dressed in her new Orange and black frillies with the plastic pants on! Laylene was so tickled pink to know that Tami had chili dogs and Purple drink for dinner.  “Just look at Sissy babies Tamis face! She is such a messy wittle baby!” Momma Laylene chuckled! I grabbed the wet-ones and cleaned that dirty girls face, but she still had Purple drink all stained on her mouth and cheeks! Can You believe that!  We have a mess on our hands already! Ab/dl phonesex with our little femme baby is so fun, we just can not get enough of her Adult diaper lifestyle!

Now with a semi clean sissy baby we head to the playroom for some playtime before bed. Tamikins is crawling all over with her little plastic pants and diaper sticking up in the air! Suddenly her face squinches up and some little toots sound off! “Uh oh! She’s Gonna Blow!” Laylene giggles. Continue reading “Sissybaby Tami For 2: mommy phone sex !”

erotic Hypnosis844-33-CANDY ext 360 Teen Rowan 

Teen Gives erotic hypnosis. There is a man who knows he needs to live his life as an AB/DL. He only thinks of how wonderful it will be to wear a diaper and serve a young mommy domme. Instead, he just keeps his fantasy to himself. There is another man who rides the same elevator up to his office who has the biggest crush on his black male coworker. Not because he would date him, but because he wants to serve him with his white boy mouth and ass. Your wish is your command with me! I will wiggle myself in your brain and find out what really makes you tick. Excuse me; what I mean is I will find what makes your dick hard and use it to my full advantage. 

Just because I’m young doesn’t mean I’m not well skilled at bringing out your secrets and needs. Relax, let go and become lost to me. There’s nothing I will make you do that you haven’t already thought of doing. Your cock and/or pussy is all I’m thinking of making happy during our hypnosis session.  Continue reading “Teen Gives erotic hypnosis”