The Diaper Doctors

Lea 1844-332-2639 Ext. 244

This may look like any other daycare, but deep inside the colorful building is the operating room. In this cool, sterile place, Doctor Lea and Doctor Amber perform their experiments on diaper boys. Don’t be frightened; it’s all in the name of science.

Once the stinky patient is strapped down to the medical table, his legs held high in stirrups, and his arms banded over his head, the Doctors come in. Purple, latex-gloved hands high in the air with surgical masks covering most of their beautiful faces. Their eyes peer over the mask, down at the squirming patient with excitement.

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Earn Your Fresh Diaper

Mama Felicity 1844-332-2693 Ext 270

Oh my God! It must be so humiliating for you to be laying there in soiled pampers begging Mommy to change you. Remember when you swore you wouldn’t wear diapers for me? Because you are a “man,” after all, and diapers are for babies!

Then you got so hard and excited you agreed to wear a diaper but promised me you would NEVER use it for its intended purposes. HA! Now look at you. Soaked in your own wetness and smelling riper than any diaper pail I’ve come across. Worse, even, you are so stiff in that soiled diaper as you plead with me to change you. But you know the only way to earn a diaper change is if you lick Mommy to orgasm. Three times without cumming in your diaper. Can you earn your fresh diaper?

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Kaykay Diapers a Real Big Boy

Kayla Cumsalot 1844-332-2639 Ext 357

When you talk about something all day long, it tends to stay on your mind. That’s kind of how I ended up diapering a real big boy. A man who didn’t want to be diapered at all! Here at work, I’m surrounded by sissies and pathetic baby bitches who shove diapers at me all the time. They BEG to be tapped up and forced to regress. I never thought I would enjoy forcing someone into pampers until my friend’s son started hitting on me.

My friend is my Mom’s age. We met at the pool and became fast friends, regardless of the age gap, so it didn’t surprise me that she had sons my age—cute ones, too. Whenever we hung out, her oldest constantly flirted with me—even in front of his girlfriend! I decided I would punish him for that by forcing him into a diaper.

Continue reading “Kaykay Diapers a Real Big Boy Part One”

Mommy takes care of Mr. Diaper Dick

Anna 844-332-2639 EXT. 203

Mommy Anna was taking care of Mr. Diaper Dick, she was going to undress him and re-dress him in a beautiful, pink Sissy Princess dress, she took off his little socks, and began to take his garments off one at a time and began to change her baby. She wanted to make him look as pretty and cute as possible.

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Mommy Felicity's Ball Pit Sissy Monster

Mama Felicity 1844-332-2639 Ext 270

Whoa, whoa, whoa! Look at this ball pit Sissy Monster! You must be wondering what the fuck is this dumb baby doing in a ball pit? Lol Well, isn’t it obvious? The little diaper faggot is just playing in the balls. As per usual. She likes big ones little ones. Pink ones, blue ones.

This monster is one hungry ball eater! Mommy Felicity loves to dress her up and take her out of the house for play dates. Ones that usually end in humiliating my little loser. I mean, she makes it so fucking easy! Dressing like a saggy diaper whore!

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Tami's Nursery

Anna 844-332-2639 EXT. 203

Mommy had had enough and wanted to rescue Tami. Well, Rescue is a strong word, more like kidnap Tami. She pulled up to her daily daycare, and as Tami proceeded to cross the sidewalk in the lineup with all the other babies, she grabbed her, shoved her inside her car, and buckled Tami into a car seat. Only Mommy had changed the seat belts for S&M restraints. This little baby ain’t going to get far, because Mommy is taking her alllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll the way home with her!

Continue reading “Tami’s Nursery Pt. 3”

Tami naughty nursery Pt. 2

Anna 844-332-2639 EXT. 203

Tami woke up from a long slumber, and all the while mama Anna waited for her little deviant baby to rise. When Tami came to and looked around, it took a moment or two to remember just where in the world this naughty baby was…. Tami’s very own naughty nursery.  At first, Baby Tami pretended to be asleep, but no baby can hide from Mama Anna, she could tell her baby was only half asleep and faking slumber.

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I was walking around the baby supply store.  Just checking out the toys and diapers and diaper supplies they have.  One never knows when one might need diaper supplies for surprise messy diapers.  Suddenly I smelled something awful.  Very pungent and strong and seemed to be filling up the air throughout the store.  I followed my nose up and down the aisles until I got to the Pamper aisle.  There standing in the aisle looking lost and smelling to high heaven was a stinky Pamper boy.

Continue reading “Stinky Pamper Boy Phone Sex”

Diaper Loving

SUZIE 1-844-33-CANDY x 263

Oh em gee!!! I love diapering babies and chasing them down for a diaper change! Some babies don’t like to be changed but I’ll put a diaper on just to show them that it’s not even that bad! You’ll be in good soft hands with your new babysitter Suzie!!!

Continue reading “Diaper Loving Phonesex With Babysitter Suzie”

I would love to be a mother one day since kids are great. I never thought I could change diapers on an adult in my life. Don’t get me wrong, I like adult diaper wearers. In fact, I think it’s super kinky, but I just wasn’t expecting that.

The first time I came across an adult diaper wearer was not too long ago. He was older than me and didn’t tell me until I went to his place.

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