Friday Morning Dirty Diaper Daycare

Kayla Cumsalot 1844-33-CANDY Ext 357

Oh, Vey! I know the playroom can sometimes feel like a daycare, but Friday morning was the stinkiest, dirtiest diaper daycare playroom day I’ve smelled in a long time!

Sherry and I were watching the toddlers, you know, the usual crew, Mr. Stinky Pampers, StinkyToddler, and Babypantsbilly. Even a few other diaper boys were hanging around, like BabyKolty and BabyRiley. Everyone was playing nicely, and then the smell hit us in the noses like a garbage truck with no brakes! With so many possible dirty diapers, we were going to have to check every single one and clean up those dirty boys

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Babysitting Mr. Stinky Pampers

Kayla Cumsalot 1844-332-2639 Ext 357

The other day, I was hanging out with a few of my girlfriends at the house when someone rang the doorbell. I wasn’t expecting anyone, so hesitantly, I opened the door and saw Mr. Stinky Pampers and his Mom on my doorstep. “Kayla! Thank goodness you’re home! I have an emergency at work, and I just can’t take Mr. Stinky Pampers with me. Is there ANYWAY you could watch him for just a few hours?” She folded her hands together like she was praying and pleaded. “Please? I’ll pay you double your normal rate.”

I reached out and ruffled Mr. Stinky’s hair. “Of course, I’ll watch him.” She pushed a big diaper bag at my chest and kissed her boy on the cheek. Before she left, she told me she just changed him before they drove over, so I shouldn’t have to worry about any diaper changes. I looked down at Stinky as she said this and saw the cheeky look in his eye. I had a feeling he’d been saving a present just for me.

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Mama Felicity 1844-332-2639 Ext 270

Oh no! I stepped into the living room of the Holiday party and smelled something VERY stinky! “Pyoo!” I whispered under my breath as my hand waved in front of my nose. “What in the world is that smell?” Against my better judgment, I started to sniff out the source of the horrible smell. Sniff, sniff. Sniff, sniff.

I had to find and get rid of that stink before the whole party smelled it and was ruined. As I approached the window, thinking I could open it for fresh air, the pungent smell burned at my nose. I pushed back the curtain, and wouldn’t you know it? The stinky source was squatted right there behind the curtain. “MR. STINKY PAMPERS! What are you doing?”

“Making you a present, Mama.” His red face wrinkled as he pushed.

Continue reading “The Stinkiest Present”