I was walking around the baby supply store.  Just checking out the toys and diapers and diaper supplies they have.  One never knows when one might need diaper supplies for surprise messy diapers.  Suddenly I smelled something awful.  Very pungent and strong and seemed to be filling up the air throughout the store.  I followed my nose up and down the aisles until I got to the Pamper aisle.  There standing in the aisle looking lost and smelling to high heaven was a stinky Pamper boy.

Stinky Pamper Boy

Smiling to myself, I walked down the aisle.  I didn’t want him to notice me yet and run away.  Pamper boys have a tendency to try and avoid getting their diaper changed.  I could tell by the way he was standing there with his droopy diaper he was definitely one of those boys.

So, I approached him and gently took him by his arm.  Is that smell coming from you?  He tried to deny it and to move away from me.  But I only held his arm with a firmer grip and turned him away from me.  When I put my nose right down over the back of his Pamper I knew my nose had not failed me.  This was the source of the very stinky smell that was filling the store.

Turning to the shelves of Pampers and other baby diapers, I began to grab a package of Pampers, wipes, and baby powder.  When I turned back, sure enough he had wandered off.  I walked down to the end of the aisle seeing a mommy with her little one.  Have you seen a stinky Pamper boy?  She smiled knowingly and nodded pointing down the next aisle.

I quickly made my way down that aisle recapturing my stinky winky smelly pants little boy.  It’s time to change that Pamper, little one.  No more avoiding it.

Zesty Zoey

1-844-332-2639 Ext 403
