Cucked By The Babysitter

Valerie 1844-332-2639 Ext 243

I’ve been Babysitting for the Petersons for as long as I can remember. Mr. Perterson is an average Dad. Kind of round about his middle, and he gets nervous around me. When I hug him, he blushes and quickly tries to cover his crotch. They are about to move away, and I’m sad I won’t get to sit for them anymore, but I thought, “What could be a good going away gift for Mr. Peterson?”

I called my friend Jeremy and asked if he’d like to help me get Mr. Peterson cucked by the babysitter as his going-away gift. He laughed and said he’d do anything for me (The case with most men in my life.)

Continue reading “Cucked By The Babysitter”

Jemma – 1844-332-2639 ext 303

Okay, since you loved me breaking down those Canadian stereotypes, I’ll break down a few more. Let Jemma tell you all aboot Canada!

I just need to clarify one thing before I begin. I refuse to own the fact I say “aboot”. I don’t believe you. I will own the fact that I said Eh, but I refuse to believe I said aboot! Yeah, I’m looking at you, Daddy.

All Canadians Speak French 

False. Most Canadians do not speak both languages. Canada does indeed have two official languages, French and English. When I was in the professional world, I used to lie on my resume and claim I spoke French. In my defence, I was forced and did take it for 10 years. Unfortunately for me, I didn’t learn a single thing.

Continue reading “Jemma’s Aboot Canada”

Jemma – 1844-332-2639 ext 303

Okay, okay, I’ll admit it.

Indeed, I am a Canadian.

When I very first started at Candy, I was overly cautious of protecting myself and my location so I lied and pretended to be an American. Living, “close to the Canadian border” I would say. 

Well, once I started saying, “Eh!?” on calls, it was pretty obvious where I was from. 

Please, do not ask me what part of Canada I am from as that is not safe for me to reveal. 

In this blog post, I am going to break down some common Canadian stereotypes and tell you whether or not they are true for your favourite Canadian, Jemma. 

Continue reading “Jemma, the Canadian, EH?!”

A World Of Her Own

Kayla Cumsalot 1844-332-2639 Ext 357

Thunder clattered above the tavern, making the building vibrate with its anger. Glasses and beer mugs chattered together as if in fear of what was coming. I should have taken the electric tension in the air as a warning from the fates. However, I was in a world of my own, too busy being the only wench serving brutes and monsters.

The door to the tavern blew open, loudly smashing into the wall. I turned in surprise, but what shook me more was the tall, cloaked figure in the doorway. Wind and rain whipped across the unmoving shadow’s face, and fear froze me in place. Lightening ripped across the sky, highlighting the new guest’s covered face. The hood of the cloak covered the newcomer’s eyes and most of their nose but their full lips sat in a grim smile.

Continue reading “A World Of Her Own”

Jemma – 1844-332-2639 ext 303

One question I am often asked in The Playroom is what my hands look like, feel like, and what kind of rings I wear on my fingers. 

Writing this blog, specifically for those tiny clients I love. 

Let’s start with my bare hands and fingers.

I’ll admit something embarrassing. Epilating is when you use a little “razer-like” machine to remove hair from your body. I epilate my hands and fingers because I have dark hair, and I hate seeing tiny hairs growing on my fingers or the dorsal side of my hand. So, they are smooth and completely hairless. Not to mention, I am addicted to hand lotion and apply it constantly. Nice, soft, and supple. Just like my tits. 

Next, as for my fingers, I wouldn’t say there is anything particularly unique about them. My ring finger, middle finger, and index finger on both hands are usually a size 7-8, weather dependent. When it is really cold my fingers shrink and when it is hot, they swell, as they do for most people. Did you know, none of your fingers are the same size? Just because your left index finger is a size 7, does not mean your right would be. 

Continue reading “Jemma’s Hands and Fingers”

Service Provider

Mama Felicity 1844-332-2693 Ext 270

I’ve always been the type of girl to swoon for a man in uniform. I grew up around the Military and knew the cost of their sacrifice. From a very young age, I knew I wanted to help in my own small way. Giving back to those who give the most, you know?

I must say, I think I’ve been able to provide that a little bit better than I could have ever hoped. Recently, I got a call from a soldier I’d never met before. He told me someone on base gave him my name and phone number! Can you imagine my excitement over this mystery? Have I, little ole me, been a good enough service provider for someone to take something so private and intimate as calling a phonesex line and share it with someone else?! Color me Flattered, and I am aching to thank that person. Was it you?

Continue reading “Service Provider”

What's Left Of The Naughty List

Trans Alexus 1844-332-2639 Ext 349

Finally! The holiday is over, and we can get back to enjoying being raunchy and filthy! There are three hundred and sixty-four days for us to corrupt all the adults on Sanat’s nice list.

Because, let’s be honest, what did being on the nice list get you? A twenty-dollar present and blue balls? Exactly? Join the naughty side and let your wild inhibitions thrive!

Continue reading “What’s Left Of The Nice List”

Jemma – 1844-332-2639 ext 303

Once upon a time, in the world of 2003, a beautiful girl named Jemma was born. 

Now, let me tell you why Gen Z is both the best and worst thing that ever began happening to this earth. 

First, like most people born between the years of 1997 through 2012. I have never known a world without cell phones and the internet. 

I’ll illustrate this. 

For example, have you ever seen the episode of Seinfeld where George, Jerry, and Elaine are stuck at the Chinese restaurant, famished, and not being seated?   

The entire time I watch the episode, all I can think about is how an iPhone would solve all their problems. In 2023, the episode almost doesn’t make sense. Like, can you tell me what a payphone is? All I know is this site is pay-to-play. 

Ironically, my generation tends to hate answering their phone to a call without a heads-up first. 

Quoting Kelly Kapoor, “You want to call someone that texted you? Do you want to drive them away? I mean…”

Continue reading “Jemma is Afraid of Her Phone”

Molly 1-844-332-2639 ext 449

Caught in a compromising position, of pussy out and fingers shoved deep in said pussy. Molly makes the quick decision to just go with the flow and see where this could lead. “Pardon my mess on the desk good sir.” Molly slowly pulls her fingers from her hole. “My momma raised a good girl and I always clean behind myself. Pulling her legs off the desk, Molly moves closer to the desktop. She makes sure to keep eye contact with him while lowering her head to the desktop. Molly leans down more and licks her cum off the desktop. Watching his Adam’s apple bob causes Molly pussy to start reviving itself. Molly stands up and picks the envelope holding the cleaning crew’s Holiday bonus. She leisurely ambles her way over to him. Looking to his name tag, “Carl, this is the cleaning crew’s Holiday Bonus.” She rubs the envelope across her chest, before handing it over to Carl. “Sorry that it’s a little wet. I didn’t realize how messy I can be.” With a wink to Carl, Molly backs away and moves towards the front of the desk.

Continue reading “Listen for the Jangle!”

Jemma – 1844-332-2639 ext 303

Ladies and Gentlemen! Jemma has been a hot new piece of candy for a few weeks now!

Therefore, I decided to compile a list of some of my most frequently asked questions since I started at Candy! A lot of guys ask me the same questions so I thought it would be awesome to have a place to direct them. I’ve compiled a list of ten frequently asked and answered questions on all three of the candy sites I’m on.

The ten questions I’ve answered are different on all three sites! So be sure to check out each one. I thoroughly enjoy writing my blogs and feedback is always welcome. Feel free to PM me in the playroom if you want to get to know me even better.

To start, yes, I am loving it here. All the girls are awesome. Management is amazing. The job itself is so fun! Keep reading and you’ll find out some of my naughtiest secrets…

Continue reading “Jemma’s First Month FAQ”