Sex Kitten Lyric ===> 1-844-332-2639 EXT 247
Get the fuck in here. So, how does it feel? How does it feel that I was your hot little secretary, and now you’re my little bitch? Doesn’t feel so good, does it? You would sit there and try to act like this big, tough, macho man and get to boss me around. You would blurt out instructions to get you a coffee, order you lunch, and do personal errands. You would try to get me to do things that did not even have anything to do with my job.
Do you remember all that? Or do I need to rewind and remind you about all that? But guess what? The tables have turned. They have turned, and believe me, karma is a fucking bitch. That’s right, because now, YOU ARE MY BITCH. Let’s just say that I took over your fucking job, and now you answer to me. Continue reading “Who’s The Bitch Now Phonesex”