Southern Mama's Pannnnyhose

Mama Felicity 1844-332-2693 Ext 270

Not everyone understands the appeal of shiny, suntan nude pannnnyhose, but This southern Mama wears hers daily. They make me feel so feminine and sexy. Every morning, I roll up a pair up my sexy legs, loving the gentle hug of the nylon and the way they make my thighs whisper as I walk.

Soft, sensual little seductive whispers. I didn’t realize how much my pantyhose were whispering to my stepson until I caught him furiously jerking off with a pair from my hamper. I smiled as I pushed the bedroom door open and knew from today forward, I would make him Mama’s pannnnyhose boy.

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Big Blue Balls

*LUCY* 844-332-2639 xxx- 221

Let me get a good look at those big blue balls. Wow baby, when’s the last time you came. I know I told you that you couldn’t cum without me, but you have a really bad case of blue balls. It makes sense though because we’ve been going pretty hard with the tease and denial stuff huh. Emphasis on denial haha. Of course it’s all my fault because when we talk you beg me to drain them, but honestly where’s the fun in that?

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TS Alexus 844-332-2639 x 349

It’s frowned upon in most workplaces to dip your pen in company ink; however, working here isn’t like your typical nine-to-five-day job. I’m surrounded by slutty little cock teases all day long. They are the horniest women I’ve ever met. Sometimes it blows my mind to think about how they take dick all day long and still hunger for more.

But then I remind myself they aren’t getting fully penetrated every time they talk to you. Your dick is far too short to be pleasing. It’s more like a tease, an appetizer. A little warm-up for their tight pussies, making it easier for me to glide right in when you hang up.

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Diaper Sex

Valerie 1844-332-2639 Ext 243

Sometimes, when I’m babysitting, I just can’t help getting turned on by nurturing such sweet things. It turns me on so much that sometimes, I bring diapers and bottles home to my boyfriend and ask him to play out scenarios I fantasize about when working.

Like last week, I came home from a weekend of changing diapers and loving on such a sweet pumpkin that I didn’t want the feeling to end. Jason got in later than normal, and when he saw the diaper on the coffee table, he knew what kind of night he was in for.

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Heather—- 1844-332-2369 ext. 450

I love attention!  So after my last class, I was beyond turned on! I’m talking about my pussy was dripping wet! I wanted so bad to rub on it. Unfortunately, I had to get to my next class. With very little time, I ran into the restroom, grabbed some toilet paper and wipe the wetness away the best that I could. Then ran to my next class.

I love attention!  So I made sure that I got a seat on the front row again. This time the professor is a female. I must admit that she is pretty hot! I’m talking about a body that won’t quit!

Continue reading “I Love Attention! Heather Teases At School Pt. 2”

Jemma – 1844-332-2639 ext 303

In honor of National “Fetish Day” I’m going to explain some of my personal fetishes and kinks, remember, we’re a no-taboo site. Now, this first one is maybe a little bit “weird” and perhaps unique to me.

First, high-resolution safety wear turns me on. Hear me out. Just so you know, by high-resolution safety wear, I am literally talking about the neon/high visibility PPE some people are required to wear for work. So, let me explain why it turns me on. In my opinion, anyone who needs to wear that to work has some kind of “dangerous” job. Whether that be forklift driver, construction, tower-crane operator, the list goes on. Personally, I would love to have my man come home from work in his PPE safety gear, all dirty. So then I can get on my knees and give him the best BJ he’s ever had.

Second, I love nylons. When I was young, I wore nylons to school every day. Every day I would come home with a run in my nylons and Mommy and Daddy would be so annoyed they had to buy me more.

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Jemma’s Worth

Jemma – 1844-332-2639 ext 303

Disgusting, dirty, nasty worthless. A repugnant, worthless whore, that’s what I am. 

Having been run through so many times by so many guys, who would ever want this repulsive, stretched-out pussy? 

Nasty whore.

No one does, because everyone knows I am a worthless whore who deserves nothing. 

I’ve felt horrible my entire life, always knowing I was worth absolutely nothing. Everyone has made me feel like this. Everyone I have ever met.

No one would want to be with someone like me.

Throughout my entire life, no one has ever made me feel like I am good enough. I could try, to make friends, or have normal relationships with people.

It doesn’t work though. People take one look at me and know I am a disgusting worthless whore.

I feel like my life is meaningless and I am a vile waste of space.

I am insignificant to most people unless they want to use one of my holes. That’s the only thing I am good for.

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Jemma – 1844-332-2639 ext 303

Okay, since you loved me breaking down those Canadian stereotypes, I’ll break down a few more. Let Jemma tell you all aboot Canada!

I just need to clarify one thing before I begin. I refuse to own the fact I say “aboot”. I don’t believe you. I will own the fact that I said Eh, but I refuse to believe I said aboot! Yeah, I’m looking at you, Daddy.

All Canadians Speak French 

False. Most Canadians do not speak both languages. Canada does indeed have two official languages, French and English. When I was in the professional world, I used to lie on my resume and claim I spoke French. In my defence, I was forced and did take it for 10 years. Unfortunately for me, I didn’t learn a single thing.

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Jemma – 1844-332-2639 ext 303

Okay, okay, I’ll admit it.

Indeed, I am a Canadian.

When I very first started at Candy, I was overly cautious of protecting myself and my location so I lied and pretended to be an American. Living, “close to the Canadian border” I would say. 

Well, once I started saying, “Eh!?” on calls, it was pretty obvious where I was from. 

Please, do not ask me what part of Canada I am from as that is not safe for me to reveal. 

In this blog post, I am going to break down some common Canadian stereotypes and tell you whether or not they are true for your favourite Canadian, Jemma. 

Continue reading “Jemma, the Canadian, EH?!”

Mila 1-844-332-2639 Ext. 220

One of my favourite things to do is read and write erotica. Not joking! I throw in some of my hobby writing to a lot of my blog posts. If you go across all the sites I’m on, you’ll find some stuff written for a more edited and public audience. I love getting ideas for my stories through the calls and chats I do. Sometimes it’s a little more fun to put more of your own imagination into it, don’t you think? Guys love a girl that can create a little veil of interest. And I love doing it in my blogs.

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