
Phonesex with Felicity 1844-332-2639 x 270  

I love how every day has a “thing” that you can celebrate. It makes it easy to look forward to something new and fun every day, right? Today happens to be National Whip Cream day. It isn’t difficult to figure out how I want to celebrate today!

I think we should go to the grocery store and load up on whip cream. I’m talking, buy so many spray cans of the stuff that the cashier knows for sure we are going to do something super kinky with it. If they don’t have that uncomfortable smirk on their face as they ring them up then you better go grab a few more cans and a tarp.

Continue reading “Happy National Whip Cream Phonesex Day With Feisty Felicity”


Kayla Cumsalot 1844-33-CANDY ext 357

Tuesday Night is one of two GAME NIGHTs here in phonesexcandy’s FREE chat room! Are you going to join me tonight at nine pm EST/ six pm PST? I mean what else do you have to do? Eat dinner with your lazy wife? Shovel snow from the driveway that will be there in an hour anyhow?

Come take a load off and join me for D-word trivia!

Continue reading “D-word Trivia Phonesex Game Night with Kayla Cumsalot”

I love family time!  One of my favorite family time memories is the memory of the first time I seduced daddy.  I would love to share it with you.

Boys at school loved my tight tiny clothes.  They would find reasons to walk with me down the hall between classes.  Trying to see how far down my shirt they could see quickly became the favorite game of all the boys in my classes.

Continue reading “Family Time Memories with Zoey Phone Sex”

~~~~Olivia~~~~844-332-2639 x 226~~~~

You should know we girls stick together.  We hate cheaters and even if we don’t care so much for each other; we’ll rat you out when you cheat.

I watched as my “flavor of the week” slipped out of the girl’s home he’d been cheating on me with.  You know I really don’t keep them long but I don’t like to be cheated on; no one does.   Continue reading “Pay Back is So Fun Phone Sex”


xXx Francie xXx 844-332-2639 x 208

The big feast is done with so much leftover and family is still hanging around. It’s so hard to find time to fuck with so many people in the house but I’m such a horny girl that I’m determined to carve out some leftover fucking time! I think the best time to do the deed would be when everyone piles into the car to go Black Friday shopping.

We can say we want to stay behind to help organize the leftovers and make turkey sandwiches for everyone when then return from a full day of shopping for steals and deals.

Continue reading “Fall For Francie’s Black Friday Leftover play Phonesex”


Kayla Cumsalot 1844-33-CANDY ext 357

Becoming Kooky’s Keeper. You know I’m always looking for a way to earn a few extra bucks. When my mom told me the older man down the street was looking for someone to help him out a few hours a week, I thought it would be easy money! Boy, was I wrong!

As older gentleman do, he was beginning to forget things. Like where he put his wallet and if he’d taken his pills. He was even having a hard time dressing and wearing matching shoes outside of the house. I’d called him and offered to be his little helper. He sounded delighted and asked if I’d come over right away.

Continue reading “Sweet Lovin Kayla Becomes Kooky’s Keeper Phonesex”

TS Alexus 844-332-2369 EXT 349

My sexy homewrecking daughter loves to tease me with the boys she’s abusing. She brings them home to flaunt them in front of me, knowing just how hard she’s making my cock. Today she brought home a boy she has brought home many times before. However, I’d never had the pleasure to meet this boy because he and Willow had only been messing with Daddy.

That had to come to an end. It was Mommy’s turn now to fuck Willow’s boyfriend.

Continue reading “Like Mother, Like Daughter Phonesex With TS Goddess Alexus”

Phonesex with Felicity 1844-332-2639 x 270

Carving pumpkins is so fun! The whole neighborhood gets in on the action and we spend a whole fall day on the lawns together sketching out fun faces and spooky designs. When we finish washing off the pumpkin guts from our hands, they sit, warming up in the sun for the rest of the day just waiting for us to lite them once it’s dark.

It should be no big deal to wait while we do other activities but one horny little fucker thought a sun-warmed pumpkin face was just the hole needing to be filled by his hard dick.

Continue reading “Felicity’s Feisty Little Pumpkin Fucker Phonesex”

big sister fantasy

Sexy Lexi 844-33-CANDY (844-332-2639), ext. 261

I can’t stop fantasizing about having a little brother.  I know I wasn’t lucky enough to not have a sibling, but damn sometimes I really wish.  I think that’s why I love phone sex so much.  It lets me live out all my dirty family fun fantasies with you wicked little perverts.  Cuz’ so many of you just really get off on fucking your hot big sister, don’t you?

Continue reading “Big Sister Fantasy Phone Sex”

Kayla Cumsalot 1844-33-CANDY ext 357

Alright, alright! I finally figured it out! Geez. You boys are always asking if I’m stirring up trouble? Have I gotten into any trouble lately? Like y’all are my dang Daddies or something…hehe…And it finally dawned on me.

Trouble is what you call that naughty head between your legs! I mean, has it ever lead you into anything but? Nope! And so, when you ask me if I’ve been stirring up trouble, what you really mean to ask me is if I’ve been meaning to tease your cock lately!? You know the answer to that! Yes, of course, I have!

Continue reading “Kayla Cumsalot’s Stirring Up Trouble Phonesex”