VANESSA 1-844-332-2639 ext 232

My darling cuckold, this is something you have craved for basically your entire existence. I’m just not sure if you are really serious. It sounds absolutely amazing doesn’t it? But do you have what it takes to actually go through with it? Only time will tell. I prefer to start off with a slow and subtle seduction. I’m just testing the waters and feeling you out to see what your limits are. Just realize that you will be held accountable and I will expect you to be good to your word. If you don’t follow through then rest assured there will be consequences.

Continue reading “My Darling Cuckold”

VANESSA 1-844-332-2639 ext 232

Controller of your cock. This is what you crave. Being owned by a confident and dominant woman is something you have craved for quite some time. But I’m just not sure if you are really serious. Do you have what it takes to back up all of your talk? We shall see. I tend to start off at a slow and seductive pace, testing you and feeling you out to see exactly what your limits are.

Pathetic excuses will not be tolerated and I expect you to always live up to your word. If you don’t follow through there will be dire consequences. It is quite simple. Never ask for hardcore financial domination if you have no intention of following it through to the end.

Continue reading “Controller Of Your Cock”

VANESSA 1-844-332-2639, extension 232

Season of the Cuck – Surely, you know that Summer marks the new season for cuckolding. You really do need to face that fact that your perverted addictions have become a serious problem. It started out so innocently enough. Then it progressed and has taken complete control over your pathetic life. You reached out to me for a variety of reasons. Your marriage was in a perpetual rut.

This has became something so much more, hasn’t it? It really is unfortunate that you lack even an ounce of self-discipline or willpower. The very idea of a pervert like you is just deplorable to most people. But that doesn’t stop you from harassing unsuspecting women with your nonsense. I am making it my mission to cockblock you at every turn. This is why should be locked up and the key put away for safekeeping.

Continue reading “Season Of The Cuck”

Phonesex with Felicity 1844-332-2639 x 270

I wouldn’t say I’m a vengeful woman, but I don’t enjoy feeling like someone has done me wrong, especially if that person is my husband. Darren has been moody lately, and I don’t like it. He wakes up grumpy, gets home from work with an attitude, and ends up taking it out on me. Hello, no! I’m his wife, not his whipping boy.

I had to do something to improve Darren’s mood, and because I’m the hot wife that I am, I knew just what to do. This morning, Saturday, I told Darren I would be out most of the day but not to worry; I’d be home to make him dinner. I could tell this upset him. It’s our only day to spend time together. He was fuming as I strolled out the door in a sexy, tight dress to go get his best friend’s load all over my face.

Continue reading “His Best Friend’s Load”

cucking my son with zoey

Phonesex with Felicity 1844-332-2639 x 270

Y’all know how my boy was a virgin till recently? Well, since Momma showed him how to be a big boy, he has been dipping that thick dick into anything that will spread its legs for him. Seriously, the boy went from virgin to whore in like two weeks. I figured it was time to teach him some humility. See, Momma, is always teaching!

I knew it was time for the hottest cucking lesson when he brought Zoey home. Baby boy was about to find out that no one has more game than his Momma.

Continue reading “Cucking My Son With Zoey”

sexy sweet neighbor sammy with black lace thong, nude thigh high stockings, with a leopard print lace top

Cuckold Sweet Neighbor – (844) 332-2639 ext.421

Sweet neighbor Sammy is good to have for a borrowed cup of sugar and more. Frustrated that her jealous husband can’t please her, but Sammy can think of a few people from across the way that will do. Sammy is a good cuckold wife who’s more than just a friendly neighbor. Sammy loves the looks she receives while tending to her beautiful rose garden in her front yard, bent over in her classic daisy dukes. Continue reading “Neighbor Of Your Dreams!”

Sexy brunette new girl wants to play a game

Sammy (844)33-SAMMY ext.441

I’ve come to play a game, and I am a very quick learner, who uses the rules to her advantage and
always comes up on top. Or bottom. Side to side, whatever position we may be fortunate to find ourselves in, really. I’ve been known to play rough, and I’ like to play a bit dirty. Can’t forget the deep stretch beforehand; I would hate to ruin our fun before it even begins. I like to play all kinds of games, no matter the type.

Tell me what your favorite game is to play; I haven’t been known to shy away from a challenge. Leagues don’t matter when you have the skill to keep up with me at all
times. The sweet sweat on our brows keeps the game interesting and lets me know how hard
we both like to work for a win. Deep breaths keep our heart rates rising as we enjoy each
other’s longevity. And I can’t forget about the lovely banter keeping us engaged in a
rock-hard competition.

Continue reading “Ready to play a game?”

MORGAN 1-844-332-2639 ext 236

Summer Sucks Wait That’s You!  Actually Summer is my favorite time of year, but you suck year round don’t you, bitch boy? I have  loved cock for as long as I can remember. I must have been built for this. The problem is that your cock leaves a lot to be desired.

Continue reading “Summer Sucks Wait That’s You!”

•CANDICE 1-844-332-2639, extension 233•

The air was hot and musty, it reeked of sex and sweat. Not even the good kind of stinky sex! At least a dozen men and woman in one room naked, all masturbating. I have never seen so many naked people in one tiny room. It would of been ten times better if it was at least attractive people! I’m not lying when I say they were all in their late 70’s early 80’s. Wrinkly balls and sagging lips as far as the eye can see. Getting old isn’t bad or anything, but seeing your wrinkly balls is! Continue reading “Chamber of bondage pt 3”

•CANDICE 1-844-332-2639, extension 233•

Part one

The other day I was taking a long ride home, unfortunately on the subway. I’ve had my fair share of rides, and I would quite honestly much rather walk 30 blocks to my destination. The things you see on the subway can range from mild encounters to extreme ones… and let me tell you, this one was extreme. Now, you may be thinking that I’m going to tell you some horror story about seeing old man wrinkly balls on the train, but when I say extreme, I mean me. The ways my body moved on this man, the shakes, the swirls, it was… unnatural. Continue reading “Subway Succubus”