
xXx Francie xXx 844-332-2639 x 208

Taking a selfie is such a mood booster. Not that I’m a narcissist but looking at my body is one of my favorite things to do. I love to play with silly filters and watch myself get twisted and distorted. Sometimes those filters make me think of different role plays I could play out while I was wearing a mask of a different face.

As I think about these roles, who I would be and what I would be doing, my mind wanders into what kind of sex that character would like. Would I be a rough giantess who fucks myself with the tops of buildings or a sensual mermaid who makes sea creatures pinch on my nipples? These thoughts tend to lead to me touching myself.

Continue reading “Fall For Francie’s Self Satisfying Selfie Phonesex”

top secret

Phonesex with Felicity 1844-332-2639 x 270  

I’m on a top secret mission! One to spread cheer through my little town. Everyone is cooped up and frankly, going crazy! Rotten families are packed together 24/7 and the adults can’t have sex because little ears are never closed! It’s making for some GRUMPY OLD MEN! I have to do something to spread some cheer around these parts!

Dressed as a burglar in all black, with my mask for safety, I’m breaking into all the houses on my street after midnight!

Continue reading “Top Secret Blow Job Mission To Spread Cheer Phonesex”


Kayla Cumsalot 1844-33-CANDY ext 357

You dirty little scam. I’m a phonesex whore not a dumbass. I can see right through your bullspit and lies. Watching me on twitter, reading my blogs, those things make you all hot and bothered, don’t they? You think because you’ve read every word I’ve published, that you know me? You don’t know anything.

When you messaged me, pretending as if we’ve played before, I knew it was a scam. See, here’s the thing. My callers, aren’t “just callers.” Taking the time to get to know my boys and provide them with the best experience possible is my highest goal. I take what I do seriously, even if to you it’s just jacking off.

Continue reading “You Dirty Little Scam Phonesex With Kayla Cumsalot”

butt hole

xXx Francie xXx 844-332-2639 x 208

One nasty little fucker loves to call and talk about my butthole. I can’t blame him! It’s such a cute little stank hole. So pink and tight and inviting. Don’t you wanna put things in my dirty, smelly, little butthole?

I’m pretty adventurous. You can rub your fingers over the rim, slip your wet tongue inside or even for your cock between my cute cheeks. That’s if you have a cock. If you are anything like my butthole loving boy, you probably have a micro peen that cums from the wind blowing across it.

Continue reading “Fall For Francie’s ButtHole Stank Phonsex”


Kayla Cumsalot 1844-33-CANDY ext 357

I sling humiliation like a tool. Men who grow up too quickly, forget what it’s like to be a boy. They somehow skipped that awkward, unsure space of time when a woman would bark her demands and for no reason, that they can explain, their cocks would jump to attention. Now, old…married…and bored, they want to recapture that lost moment. That’s where a perky teen like me comes in.

What’s more humiliating than a beautiful, young, tight female pointing out your flaws? The aspects of your life that your loved ones look over because they, for some odd miracle, care for you. I don’t mind hurting your feelings in search of the truth. Yes… your dick is small and your belly is pudgy and guess what? Your receding hairline isn’t sexy.

Continue reading “Sweet Lovin’ Kayla’s Humiliation Is A Tool Phonesex”


Kayla Cumsalot 1844-33-CANDY ext 357

Being your dirty secret has been fun but now it’s time to introduce me to your friends. I’ve sent them a group message through your phone, just three to four of your closest guy friends. I told them to meet you for drinks at your local spot. Knowing they were cooped up with their wives and would be itching to get out, it sounded like a fun way to play with you.

Before we left to meet them, I made you stand, naked in front of me and jerked your cock until you came. I didn’t stop when your cock dribbled its last bit of cum, I kept going till I forced a second orgasm. Weak kneed and drained, I then diapered you and let you dress for the evening while I got ready myself.

Continue reading “Introduce Kayla Cumsalot To Your Friends Phonesex”

Peek A Boo

TS Alexus 844-332-2639 EXT 349

A good way to pass the time at home is to play games. Board games aren’t my thing though, they are more like bored games! However, my mother always said: “If you have a good imagination you’ll never be bored.” The kind of games I like to play are the ones that get your heart racing!

Like Peek A Boo! You don’t think that get’s your heart racing?! I suppose you wouldn’t since you’ve never played with me. Allow me to explain the thrills and chills of such a fun and exciting game!

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xXx Francie xXx 844-332-2639 x 208

He walked into the empty house unaware of the events that would take place. Feeling hungry from a day of work, he searched the kitchen for a snack. Not a single crumb of food was found in the cabinets, the pantry or the refrigerator for that matter. The only thing possible for him to consume with a small vial atop the kitchen counter labeled “drink me.”

He had seen movies we’re such vials were dangerous but the audible sound of his stomach rumbling made the decision for him. The thirsty man popped the cork off the vial and tipped it to his lips. Allowing the clear liquid to slip down his throat caused a warming sensation in his belly as soon as it landed.

Continue reading “Fall For Francie’s Thirsty Man Phonesex Dangers”


Kayla Cumsalot 1844-33-CANDY ext 357

It’s that time again! GAME NIGHT! Now, this game isn’t one of speed or skill but one of PERSONALITY! That’s what she said will be a “caption this game” featuring the most awkward photos of orgasm faces I could find. Your job is to make us laugh with the most creative, whity caption.

Us Candy Girls are known to have pretty sharp tongues and can cut you to the quick, this will be your chance to shine and delight us!

Continue reading “That’s What She Said Phonesex GAME NIGHT With Kayla”


Phonesex with Felicity 1844-332-2639 x 270  

I may be a day late but I will never be a dollar short with you oink boys running around. I know, I know. Yesterday’s holiday isn’t ACTUALLY about Paypig’s but you have to admit it would be fun to have your own day. One where you just know you are expected to come out of pocket for everything.

I personally expect you to oink for me while giving up your cash every day but making you pay on a day meant for you just makes me giddy. Were you a good oinker? No? Then you better make up for it today little loser. March is a month meant for growth and opportunity. Take the opportunity to pay me now.

Continue reading “National OINK Day Phonesex With Feisty Wifey Felicity”