1-844-332-2639 Ext 204

I just love the county fair. If you don’t live in a place where you have one or three a year like me welp you’re livin your life wrong. Let me give you a good reason to pack up your stuff and move to a little town like mine. Where we have a fair all the time. What’s the biggest thing you can think of at a fair? Some might say a rollercoaster but really, it’s the Ferris wheel.

That huge spinning wheel. Nothin too excitin about that thing and the line is almost always short. Only old people want to ride that thing. Unless you’re in my town and you know who I am. After I’ve ridden a few things that I want to ride I take to the Ferris wheel. Eyes on me the whole way there.

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1-844-332-2639 ext 411

I do so love to cook. It is not often that I will entertain a man in my home. Putting on an apron and cooking up some nice French food. I decided on a list of nice, delicious foods. Starting with a nice thick French onion soup. This man was a little different I knew there was a kink secret he was hiding.

He was a Dom man who did not mind to let me have my fun with him. It has been a fun game we have been playing for some time. For me to try and figure out what this hidden kink is. Who would ever guess that I would figure this out by accident? After all my attempts with a purpose to figure out what this fetish was.

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1-844-332-2639 EXT 330

I love how shy my cucky gets. He is a really big man. A man that if you looked at would more likely think he was going to beat you up behind the bar for looking at him funny. And you would be right. That is when I don’t have him cuck mode. He has a double life. Big bad biker guy to almost everyone who knows him. But to me, he is my little cuckling bitch who I get to do whatever I want to.

Like forcing him to star in an online cam show. I’ve had him do this before for punishments from time to time but never because I wanted to earn a little on the side. But that is exactly what I wanted to do. I had a thought cross my mind the other day. Why would I use the hard-earned money I make and he makes at his job to fund our cuck goddess and cuck hubby lifestyle.

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Phonesex with Felicity 1844-332-2639 x 270

The reports are in, and it’s clear. You’ve been slacking off. At first, I thought maybe I just gave you too much work to handle. That you were too stressed to do the job correctly but then, I discovered the real problem. The computer logs show you have been logging in to PHONESEX sites during business hours.

You horny fucking slack off! I can’t believe you think you can jack off on company time. Trust me; your pathetic little cock is not more important than the tasks I’ve assigned you. I expected more and you’ve disappointed me. You can believe that your paycheck will be short this week. I’m docking your pay with a ‘cock stroking’ tax as well as a ‘cum tax.’

Continue reading “Fucking Off At Work Phonesex with Feisty Felicity”

1-844-332-2639 EXT 224

Winter magic time. Yes, that is a thing. There are those who practice nothing but winter magic. Well, call these snow witches. I am not one, but I do enjoy some of their fun spells and practices. Using the beauty of ice and snow to inspire dreams wishes and all-around positive whimsy and joy. And the numbing cold to bring down pain and a burning cold that has what some might say is worse than the burn of fire.

The beauty part can entrance a man. Have you ever seen in any show an ice castle? The awe that it gives you to see something like that even if it wasn’t in person. That is the magic I will be playing with. In my own backyard as you read this I have my men of the harem working on my little ice cave. More or less an igloo.

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1-844-332-2639 EXT 224

My poor harem of men have been so forgotten here lately. I’ve just been so busy with everything I’ve had going on that I really haven’t given them the attention they really needed from me. That’s not fair to them. Once you become a part of my harem it isn’t like being in an open relationship with me. You have a need to be with me a longing that only seeing me will fix.

It’s like a constantly dripping faucet in the back of your mind that makes you think about me all the time. If a harem man is not shown enough attention he can literally lose his mind. My friend had a harem boy that she actually just completely forgot about. He robbed a bank just to try and get her attention. So, I really don’t want that to happen so I have set up a date night for me and my harem of boys.

Continue reading “~ My poor harem phonesesx~”

1-844-332-2639 ext 411

I know it is not seen as attractive to many people. Though I particularly do not care. I enjoy a smoke now and then. A nice drag from a cigarette sometimes is the best dessert to food or a nice long sexual act. On occasion, I am able to do both at the same time. Smoke and a sexual act are what I refer to. How would I mix the two you might be wondering.

With Colobosis of course. This is the sexual act of dick mutilation. I can see the wheels turning in your head; and the fear on your face. Yes, you are thinking correctly. I like to burn hard cocks with the lit end of my cigarette. You must be thinking this is painful. You are 100% correct with this. Incredibly painful and the permanent scars left behind from the intense heat are lasting memories.

Continue reading “Do not care phonesex”

chunky brunette exposes tits while laying on her back with hands over her head.

By Krysta 1844-332-2639 Ext. 410

Older men are more fun. They know how to play better games. One older gentleman I’ve been dating likes to play really kinky, cheating games. His name is Jason; not only is he older, but he’s wealthy and more refined than most men I date. We planned a full day out where Jason took me out shopping during the day and bought me a really sexy dress. One no man could resist wanting to take off of me.

That night we went to an exclusive restaurant, and Jason ordered the most expensive bottle of champagne. The waiter couldn’t keep his eyes off of me. As the waiter walked away to fetch the bottle, Jason leaned over and whispered in my ear, “Do you find him attractive?”

Continue reading “Kinky Krysta’s Cheating Games Phonesex”

1-844-332-2639 EXT 224

I like to use my magic to do a thing or two for myself sometimes. I’ve always wondered what it might be like to be a therapist. With my skills and magic, I bet I would be pretty good at it. I never was much for school though. But with magic, I can convince a small therapist office I work there and try it out for a while. My first patients end up being an extremely dysfunctional family.

They came in arguing. Mom is yelling at their son, their daughter is yelling at her father. The father is yelling at the mother. I had to snap my fingers and make the shut the hell up and go on silent for a second so I could figure out what the hell was going on. I used a compel spell blown in all their faces to get them to comply and tell me one at a time what the actual issue was.

Continue reading “~ use my magic phonesex~”

1-844-332-2639 EXT 330

I am one of those bitches that love Halloween. And yes I do go over board with it when October rolls around. I can’t just have 31 days of spook though. Nope can’t do it. I like to add fear into things all year round. And lucky him my hubby is most of the time my unwilling and sometimes will victim. He wants very unwilling this time. It’s not often I actually get him to faint!

Liquid nitration you’ve seen this stuff right? You pour it on to something and it instantly freezes. You might have seen this may be on YouTube or something. When some jock dick decides to freeze a bunch of stuff and then smash it with a hammer! I know for a fact my old man has seen these. So, I went out and bought myself some.

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