Being an adult babysitter for some reason always sounds funny when I say it out loud. Since most people always assume why do adults need a babysitter? Well, to make that answer short, I’m not your average babysitter. Sometimes I tend to the adult babies that need extra help. I change their diapers when their mommies are not available. That is right. I change the diapers; I fix their bottles. And even get them all powdered and ready for when mom does come back home. Continue reading “Babysitter Spencer Phonesex”
Tag: Babysitter
1-844-332-2639 ext 271
Dear Diary,
I’m so glad my mom told our entire neighborhood that I babysit. It’s been great pocket money for me. And it’s actually like, the easiest thing on earth. I just wish the wives didn’t look at me like they want to throw me outside when I show up in my cute outfits. It’s not my fault they want to look bad all the time. I just like wearing my short skirts because they’re cute AF. I think they’re mad because their husbands look at me like I’m a snack… I sometimes catch them looking at my ass when I bend over to take my shoes off. Or when I’m putting my shoes on to leave, I can feel their eyes glued to my boobs.
I was walking around the baby supply store. Just checking out the toys and diapers and diaper supplies they have. One never knows when one might need diaper supplies for surprise messy diapers. Suddenly I smelled something awful. Very pungent and strong and seemed to be filling up the air throughout the store. I followed my nose up and down the aisles until I got to the Pamper aisle. There standing in the aisle looking lost and smelling to high heaven was a stinky Pamper boy.
SUZIE 1-844-33-CANDY x 263
Oh em gee!!! I love diapering babies and chasing them down for a diaper change! Some babies don’t like to be changed but I’ll put a diaper on just to show them that it’s not even that bad! You’ll be in good soft hands with your new babysitter Suzie!!!
Continue reading “Diaper Loving Phonesex With Babysitter Suzie”
844-33-CANDY *Allison* ext 286 and *Krysta* ext 410
My husband and I have been looking for a babysitter for our kids when we met adorable and sweet faced Krysta! She arrived with the cutest pigtails in her hair and looked like the perfect babysitter for our family. My kids love her but I recently found out that my husband has been fucking our naughty babysitter Krysta!
Continue reading “Naughty Babysitter Krysta Is Fucking My Husband Phonesex”
Naughty Teen April 1-844-332-2639 ext 207
Oh look, is little baby man. Your mommy left you with me. I do not know what she is thinking. Haha. She does not know who she leaves you with. Do not worry, I will take care of you. But you better listen to me because I am April bossy babysitter. I do not put up with naughty bad babies who do not listen to me. There are many punishments and consequences when I take care of bad babies.
~~~Olivia~~~844~~~332~~~2639 x 22
Auntie/babysitter is a call I really enjoy doing. Having no little one of my own, I really love spending time with the little ones.
~Rock a bye baby in the treetop~ My neighbor will ask me to watch her little one when she goes out. ~When the wind blows, the cradle will rock~ I’ts usually very late when she comes home and the baby gets to spend the night.
I keep him allot so I have a good supply of diapers and binkies. Giving him a bath is one of my favorite things to do. Continue reading “Rock a bye baby phone sex”