Phonesex With Felicity 1844-332-2369 x 270

After being away visiting family over the weekend, the last thing you expected to see when you pulled into your driveway was Mommy Felicity pounding a “yard sale” sign into your grass. As you step out of the car, you realize all of the items on the display tables and blankets across the lawn are yours.

Your video games, clothing, shoes, all your awards, and trophies from college. Basically, your whole adult life is spread across the lawn with cheap price tags. “Felicity, what the fuck is this?” You yell after slamming the car door.

Continue reading “Mommy Has a Yard Sale”

Phonesex with Felicity 1844-332-2639 x 270

Self-care is super important, especially this time of year. Holidays are coming up fast, and everyone can get so stressed out. I knew I needed to take my snookums out for some pampering and booked us a couples massage. I waited impatiently for him to get off work on the day of the appointment. When he finally arrived home, I jumped into his arms and started kissing him. His hands looped around me, and he carried me toward our bedroom.

We’d need to be freshly showered for our appointment, so I wasn’t surprised when he backed me into the bathroom, and we stripped each other. I turned on the water, and we walked into the spray, still kissing. My hands stroked over his cock, but I was careful not to make him spill over. I wanted him hard and anxious during our unique couples massage.

Continue reading “Couples Pampering”

You wearing diapers is sexy.  I know you resist it because you think I won’t see you as a man.  But you don’t have to do that.  I love that wearing diapers makes you hard and dripping.  Let me put them on you, and we can enjoy some role-playing together.  There’s something about putting you in a big pamper that makes me feel sexy and maternal, especially when you ask to call me Mommy while you’re in that adorable crinkly diaper.  I love the little gleam in your eye when I go into dirty Mommy mode and watch the front of your diaper start to bulge and thicken.

Continue reading “Wearing Diapers is Sexy”

I agreed to keep an eye on Mr. Stinky Pampers the other day.  Some of my girlfriends were coming over for a gab session.  He was sitting on the floor playing with his toys like a good boy.  As we talked a pungent odor suddenly assailed my nose.  I watched as my other friends wrinkled their noses and tried to be nice and not say anything about the noxious scent that began to surround us.  My Mr. Stinky side-eyed me from his place on the floor.  I knew he thought about making a run for it when he slowly stood up.  But I snagged him around his waist and pulled him up into my arms.  I draped him over my arm and gave a big sniff to confirm him as the source of the awful smell.

Continue reading “Mr. Stinky Pampers Meets Zoey’s Friends”

Phonesex with Felicity 1844-332-2639 x 270

It’s not common to find Mommy in a diaper, but every now and then, I like to surprise my big boy. Unfortunately, he’d been very stressed with work, pulling double shifts, and even working overtime. As a result, there hadn’t been a lot of time to embrace his little side. So there had to be a way to help him really regress with Mommy and release all that adult world stress.

Just before he was due to come home, I taped myself into a thick, crinkly diaper and nothing else. Then, I laid on our bed with his diaper folded and ready beside me for when we walked into the room.

Continue reading “Crinkly Diaper Sex”

Phonesex with Felicity 1844-332-2639 x 270

My big boy was napping, so I ran out real quick to the grocery store and did a few other fast things around town before zipping back h as I carried the grocery bags into the kitchen and set them on the island. My baby was awake and was fidgeting with a bowl. Shakey hands tried to pour cereal, but he was getting more on the island than in the bowl. I smiled, watching him be so independent, and asked how his nap had been.

His eyes still looked sleepy and his hair was a wreck. He shrugged and shuffled to the other side of the island. I wondered why he moved away from me when he was typically such a snuggly boy. And then it hit me. I lifted my chin and sniffed the kitchen air. He was looking down into the bowl to avoid eye contact. “Baby? Did you make a stinky in your diaper during your nap?”

Continue reading “There’s No Hiding When You’re Stinky”

Sissy Faggot Daycare .  His mommy dropped him off at Aunt Zoey’s house for the day.  I took him upstairs to the nursery and started his transformation.  First, I took off all those stupid boy clothes.  I don’t know how many times I talk to his mommy about not letting him have them.  But she gives in to his whining and crying and then gives in and puts him in his favorite pants and shirts.  Aunt Zoey isn’t as easy to manipulate and as soon as he gets dropped off at my house, I strip him and burn the banned clothes so he can never try to wear them again.  Then it’s directly into a pink girlie pamper and the frilliest dress I have in my ABDL sissy baby closet.

Continue reading “ABDL Sissy Faggot Daycare with Aunt Zoey”

Phonesex with Felicity 1844-332-2639 x 270

It was time for Johnny’s midday nap, but someone wasn’t sleepy. He was giving Mommy every excuse in his little book for why he couldn’t lay down and rest his busy body. He needed more juice, and his teddy needed a hug. Finally, Mommy had had enough of his games and put on one of his favorite movies; then, I asked him to come lay down on the couch with me.

Trying to compromise with the little stinker, I told him he didn’t have to nap; he just had to be still for thirty minutes. That’s a long time for any little boy to hold in his wiggles, but Mommy could see him rubbing his eyes. Finally, he agreed and crawled up on the couch to lay his head on Mommy’s bare thigh. My tiny little shorts had risen up while chasing him around all day, and Johnny couldn’t stop his teasing fingers.

Continue reading “Teasing Little Boys Get Pegged By Dom-my”

Phonesex with Felicity 1844-332-2639 x 270

Utoh! What’s happening here?! When I last saw this diaper loser, I was pretty sure he was packing a HUGE, sneaky diaper dick, but then he sends me pictures of my name on his pink diapee, and I realized, I’ve got a girl! Insane how fluid gender is nowadays, huh? We often enjoy his lunchtime together, so I told him I was gonna tattle!

The next time he goes to lunch at our favorite spot, Mommy is gonna make him wear his hair is cute little spiky, pigtails and all pink. Then I’m going to tell all the pretty waitresses that are so nice to his smelly diaper butt that he is no longer Mommy’s cutie patootie but a Diapee Princess!

Continue reading “Diaper Boy Turned Diapee Girl”

Come here, my sweet little ABDL baby boy or girl.  It doesn’t matter to me who you are.  I enjoy both little girls and little boys in their cute little diapers.  There are so many things I love to do with my ABDL littles.  I love to cuddle you, holding you tight in my arms and cradling your head in the crook of my arm.  Support your back with the length of my arm as I have you against my breasts.  Can you smell my milk, warm and sweet held just behind my nipple?  Are you a hungry little ABDL baby?

Continue reading “Mommy Zoey for Sweet Little ABDL Baby”