
Phonesex with Felicity 1844-332-2639 x 270

Captured on a night such as this. The wind howled, and the rain splattered back against your face. The darkness of the storm had kept anyone from noticing that you’d gone missing. Thunder and lightning clashed together now as the party started to break apart. People were scattering in every direction except for the one in which I was dragging you.

Your parents are the wealthiest people in town, and they are so proud of their spoiled little twit of a son. They’d pay almost any price to get you back. I knew it would be almost too easy to lure you into my trap with the offer of sex. Even a little prince like you can’t refuse tight, MILF CUNT.

Continue reading “Captured by the Evil Villainous Phonesex with Feisty Wifey Felicity”


Kayla Cumsalot 1844-33-CANDY ext 357

The face of innocence makes it easier for me to hide the deeply seeded filth that swirls inside me. But, unfortunately, I am far from as innocent as I look. Come closer, let me tell you a sliver of how dark my mind can get. Close your eyes and think of the most taboo thing you can imagine. What is the nastiest, most outrageous kink that you simply can’t wrap your head around?

Do you have an idea? Are you holding onto that single thought of what could possibly be the darkest, most terrible thing I could be into? Does thinking about that disturbing, awful kink make your cock hard?

Continue reading “Innocent Face On A Very Dirty Girl Phonesex with Kayla”


WILLOW 1-844-332-2639, ext. 230

Do I have an attitude? Well, duh. What would you expect? I get everything i want. And I do mean everything. Think Veruca Salt only hotter. Of course I am entitled and of course I want it all and I want it now. Does that mean that I will spend Daddy’s money? Yes, I will. But, he really wants me to.

Continue reading “Willow’s Your Sugar Addiction Phone Sex”


Phonesex with Felicity 1844-332-2639 x 270  

I’m magical. Ask anyone I babysit for. I have this incredible ability to make a baby feel safe and sound, even if that baby didn’t expect to be so small. Yesterday, I was watching some of the neighborhood heathens. They were playing basketball in the driveway and having a great time when this sexy, jock-like teenager walked up and yelled: “Give me that ball!”

This boy took the ball from the kids and held it high over his head. He was so tall for such a young man. Cocky arrogance oozed out of him. I had to put that jerk in his place.

Continue reading “Magical Age Regression Phonesex With Feisty Felicity”


By Krysta 844-332-2639 Ext. 410

The coercion will start slowly. At first, it seems fun and teasing, right? You don’t think I’ll actually pick up the phone and tell her how you’ve been feeding me your cash as well as your married dick. The fun starts to wean a little when I want more money than you budgeted for this kind of play.  It’s funny to see you sneaking around. Married men like you shouldn’t tempt chunky girls like me. It’s dangerous for your wallet as well as your dick. You have everything I want and only one reason to give it to me. What’s that, you wonder? Why would you hand over your wallet to me?

Simple. If you don’t, I’ll tell your wife.

Continue reading “Coercion Phonesex”


HONEY 1-844-332-2639, ext. 300

I have a reputation as a bad ass boss bitch. The problem is a lot of these men will be trying to act like they’ve been fucking with me. Look, you don’t have to lie. Why is it that it’s always the one’s who can’t get it have to be the ones that have the most to say?

Continue reading “Honey’s Playing A Chump Phone Sex”


Phonesex with Felicity 1844-332-2639 x 270

The rain began slowly. Gentle taps against my window pane. Sitting closer to the window, I watch the grey clouds swirling across the dusky sky, and something called out to my spirit, I needed to be out in nature, in the most natural way.

I slipped out of the dress I was wearing and unclasped my bra. The heat of the house warmed my now naked skin, but I knew soon enough, I would be freezing. Panties got shoved to the floor, and out the kitchen door, I skipped butt ass naked.

Continue reading “Playing Naked in the Rain Phonesex with Feisty Felicity”


WILLOW 1-844-332-2639, extension 230

Welcome to the Willow Fund for prospective Sugar Daddies. This is an entirely different type of portfolio than you are used to. First of all, check all of your emotional and sexual baggage at the door. Second, be prepared to have more fun than you have had in years. This is not like the regular stock market. Think of it more like a “cock market“.

The Sugar Baby experience is not for the faint of heart so you might want to get a check up with your doctor before embarking on this kind of journey. Make sure the old ticker is working properly. While you are at it a prescription to battle erectile dysfunction might be in order as well. We both know you haven’t exactly been using that cock for anything.

Continue reading “Willow’s Spring Into The Sugar Baby Experience Phone Sex”


MORGAN 1-844-332-2639, ext. 236

Guess what? I’m the host of the mother of all motherfucking game days.  In honor of Mother’s Day the name of the game will be “Who’s Your Momma?” (and if you haven’t bought something for your own momma yet, you’d better get on that!) don’t be a complete loser, get her some flowers or something. After all, she had to push you out of her vagina!) You will need to answer who’s the mama of various famous people. My own momma is a celebrity in our little hick town. Well, she’s more infamous than famous if you know what I mean. The town whore usually is. That bitch was homewrecking before it was in fashion. But enough about her, this is all about me and my game.

Continue reading “Morgan’s “Who’s Your Momma?” Game Day Phone Sex”