Sinful Serinda 844-33-CANDY (844-332-2639), ext. 394

Do you have a role-play in mind? Hmmm. I love role-play’s, and I had an amazing one with one of my regulars sometime ago. In fact, it was one of our first calls ever. Surrender to Succubus Serinda.

Continue reading “Surrender to Succubus Serinda Phone Sex”

Sweet-Lovin’ Kayla 1844-33-CANDY ext 357

Part One

A man who will set aside his own desires to see to my needs is a special kind of man. Not everyone is willing to be so brave and take a chance by jumping into the unknown. This handsome man, however, was going to take a chance on being put into DIAPERS just to please me.

Or so he thought…

Continue reading “The Forced Diaper Boy Phonesex Saga With Kayla Cumsalot”

RHIANNA 1-844-332-2639 x 253

The thump of the bass was already pulsating through my core as I adjusted the volume on my stereo system to 10. Go big or fuck off home! I had just bathed and was in the process of adorning my perfect body. From the top of my gorgeous head to the tips of my flawless toes I looked fucking amazing. Beautiful … sexy … cunning … modest. All words used to describe me, Rhianna Knight.

An evening on the town and a night filled with fucking was on the menu as the final piece of the puzzle came into place in a pair of these sexy as hell high-heels that not only screamed “come fuck me,” but also “bring your fucking A game.” Limp dick’d one-minute men best steer clear of me tonight.

Continue reading “Doublestuffed Phonesex”

GODDESS JASMINE 1-844-332-2639 ext. 262

One of my favourite ways to control and mind-fuck you is to tease your cock by edging it.

Yes, I do so adore to take my little stroke sluts right to the edge of orgasm and then make them stop and stay there, right on that edge. Your cock, how it pulses, how it throbs and twitches but still you stay there on that edge, on the brink of orgasm.

And I will bring you to that delicious edge over and over and over again for I love to make you ache and beg for it–yes, beg for that release. For edging increases your sexual need and also the intensity of your orgasm when–or perhaps, IF, I allow you that release.

Continue reading “Mindfuck Edging Phonesex”


VANESSA 1-844-332-2639, extension 232

The CEO of the company I had interviewed to work for asked for an additional meeting. I was aggravated to say the least. I mean, seriously, you either want to hire me or you don’t. And he would be a complete idiot not to want me. I knew that I was the most qualified candidate and plus, I am me. Enough said, right?

Continue reading “Vanessa’s Putting The CEO In His Place – Corporate Takeover Phone Sex”

Avery  1-844-332-2639 ext. 228

Tomsin MILFS. We all love them. We all fuck them. We all let them diaper us, well not me personally but I know you kinky ABDLs do lol. There are so many hot mommies, GILFS and MILFS here and since it’s Mother’s Day coming up I thought we should honour these hotties and have a little fun at the same time.

I’m hosting the infamous Tomsin Game Night Tonight, 04/23/19, and it’s a Game all about MILFS! So prepare yourself guys. Do your research and know that if you mess up the MILFS will be ready for you with a spanking. I’m sure you’d probably like that though wouldn’t you? You dirty, dirty boy. Come find us tonight in the chat room at 9:00pm ET and if you win the game you get a FREE 15 minute call with any of the girls in the room during the game! What’s better than free hot sex?? Can’t thing of anything huh? I thought so! See you tonight lovers xo

Continue reading “Win FREE Phone Sex!!! MILF Themed Game Night With Avery – 04.23.19 at 9 pm ET”

Pushed to the Edge

844-332-2639 ext. 205

I like to use people, I know one could say sometimes that a person isn’t to blame for their actions, but trust me, slut, I am very aware of how much pain I can and do cause, how uncomfortable I leave you. In fact its the one thing you’re probably able to guarantee you’ll make me happy with you, is to let me use you and hurt you for my own fun and games. But you want to be pushed to the edge, don’t you? Pushed further then you’ve ever gone before.

You’ll let me use you like a little fuck toy, won’t you? Submit to me totally and entirely right? Don’t worry, its not as though you’re going to have even a hint of a choice in it in the end.

Continue reading “Pushed to the Edge of Phone Sex Humiliation”


ALYSSA 1-844-332-2639, extension 202

I love egging you on. Getting you hard and then teasing you. Tempting you to do something you’ve never done before. I like to get you to take some risks. It’s fun and exciting. It gets your dick hard doesn’t it?

Continue reading “Alyssa’s Egging You On For Easter Phone Sex”

XOXO RUBY 844-332-2639 EXT 252

Our Gangbang Creampie Phone Sex fantasy call today was probably my favorite I’ve had in a long time. Getting creampied is my favorite. I didn’t think phonesex could get any better. Then, we multiplied it times six!

You put an ad on Craigslist and we rented out a cheap motel room. You left the door unlocked and strangers came and went as they pleased, in more than one way – if you know what I mean! Heehee! Continue reading “Gangbang Creampie Phone Sex”

sexy erotic seduction neighbor fucking oral sex hot beautiful naughty

Sadie       1-844-332-2639 ext. 222

I was giving up on my neighbor seduction campaign. With Spring’s arrival, it is time to get dirty on my knees! I’m talking about working in my flower beds. It is just a little early and the ground was really hard. My little hand trowel wasn’t going to get the job done. It was just about this time that my sexy neighbor came out of his house with a friendly wave.

This man is the epitome of traditional values. Straight as an arrow, he makes boy scouts look like hoodlums. Of course, he has to be gorgeous and tantalizing too! He drives me crazy. So many times I have tried to trap him but somehow he always manages to elude me. Naturally, my first reaction to him is to immediately plot how to get him out of his clothes and into my bed. Continue reading “Tables Turned In Neighbor Seduction Phonesex”