Sissy Porn Slave

Robotic Rita 1844-332-2639 Ext 413

Have you heard those rumors? Men are disappearing at an alarming rate. People are saying some Wicked Robotic Mistress is seducing them at bars and other places. She lures them to her house with suggestions of casual sex. But nothing is casual about what she does to them once she has them in her clutches.

She has been turning them into sissy porn slaves! That’s right; she gags them so they can’t scream for help and covers their face in a ski mask so no one can identify them! Then, she films herself using them in all kinds of humiliating ways. Always for her own pleasure, though. The captive porn slaves are always locked up tight in a cock cage for her films. Continue reading “Sissy Porn Slave”

Anything For You

Francie 1844-332-2639 xXx 208

“I’ll do anything for you,” Josh moaned. I trailed my nails down his bicep, cocking my head as if I didn’t believe in the false praise. “Seriously, Princess. Anything. Just say it, and I’ll do it.” I took a deep breath and decided I would test his declaration. My hand drifted down to where his cock was rock hard and pulsing. I pet his shaft with my dainty fingers and mused, “Anything?”

Continue reading “Anything For You”

Penis Punisher

Penis Punisher

Lea 1844-332-2639 Ext. 244

I got this rep around town for being the penis punisher. Whenever boys misbehave, their wives bring them to my house for penis punishment. It’s crazy to me how a woman can say she loves a man, but then when he does her wrong, she “feels bad” for putting him in his place.

I guess if she had never let him out of his place, he wouldn’t have misbehaved and gotten them into this situation.

Continue reading “Penis Punisher”

I Love How He Screams

Francie 1844-332-2639 xXx 208

I told you in a previous blog that I acquired a new pain slut; well, the more we play, the more I find I love how he screams for me. I’ve had many callers claim they love pain play and say they want me to hurt their balls, but they balk when it comes down to the execution. Not this fucking toy. He dives in balls first, wanting to obey my every wish.

The first time we spoke, I told him for our next session, I wanted a bowl of ice water and a tube of toothpaste (Actually, I said Icyhot, but someone was a little bitch about that level of heat, so we kicked it down to a minty fresh pain.) Now, I didn’t expect him to obey as most boys never do, but he pleased me greatly when he called yesterday with ALL of his supplies and a few bonus items.

Continue reading “I Love How He Screams”

Bad Girls Club

TS Alexus 844-332-2639 EXT 349

There’s a place plenty of men go to find punishment and, in turn, true pleasure. Here at the Bad Girls Club, Alex and I take great joy in breaking down men in the most painful ways. Through their balls. You’ve been selected to be our demonstration tonight.

Hold your head high, for soon, the entire room will see you in tears at the mercy of the two of us.

Continue reading “Bad Girls Club”

Robotic Rita 1844-332-2639 Ext 413

Like any other day, you leave work and walk toward your car. Another long night means a dark parking lot, but you’re unafraid. You’ve never had to worry about being a victim before, and it leaves you vulnerable. The street lights in the back of the lot are off, and your nose is too buried in your phone for you to see the hulking shadow approaching. Reels play loudly in your earbuds, and just before you reach for the driver’s door, a large hand is clapped over your face.

The soft, damp cloth over your nose is odorless but not harmless. As quickly as you inhale to gasp for help, your vision blurs, and your body sags. Dropping you into the arms of the massive stranger. Is what’s about to happen to you your worst nightmare or a fantasy come true?

Continue reading “A Sissy Nightmare…Or is it A Dream”

Sawyer 1-844-33-CANDY ext 455

It was a total shock to me when my boy toy, who never dissatisfies, decided to disappoint me. It put me in utter shock, I was not expecting the trouble he was giving me. I guess he was left in his cage for longer than he liked and caused his misbehavior. But even so, my punishment had to be one that would not be forgotten.
Continue reading “Disobedient Boy Toy”

Sherry 1844-332-2639 ext 399

I was stationed in Tokyo, working abroad. It was different, especially the nightlife. It’s so full of life. It was in the middle of the night when I got home. I heard a loud noise in the front room and there was my housemaster sitting on the couch waiting for me. He was angry and pushed me against the wall. How dare you be late coming home. Continue reading “Working Abroad”

Sexy, Sassy, and Sultry Sabrina (844-332-2639) Ext 440

Sexy, Sassy, and Sultry

 and known for being unforgiving. That’s me! Your strict seductress Sabrina. My pretty pink and plump lips are soft and pleasant to have wrapped around you, but you’ll never know the feeling. You aren’t worthy of it! Continue reading “Sexy, Sassy, and Sultry! Come get a taste, my pet.”

Apologize For Being Male

Francie 1844-332-2639 xXx 208

God, it’s bad enough that you were born a male, but to be one with such a small penis is unacceptable. How dare you crawl to me and say that you wish to be of service. What possible service could you provide to me with a penis so small? Get on your knees and spread them wide. I’m going to make you apologize for being born as the inferior species.

Look up at me, you disgusting excuse for a human. Mistress Francie is your divine Goddess; you will serve at my hand. Thank me for the pain and suffering I offer you.

Continue reading “Apologize For Being Male”