XXX Collette XXX 1-844-332-2639 ext 383

That’s right boys and gents, it’s MY BIRTHDAY today.  When I first started my fabulous adventure with phonesex, I did not realize how many panty boys there are literally running around.  It makes me think that some of these boys have more panties than I do.  But that does not matter, I still love talking and playing with each and every one of you.

I have this one panty boy where humiliation is a huge turn-on for the sexy panty boy.   He gets all excited and giddy about showing me on Skype his sexy panties that he is wearing.  Sometimes he is shy about it.  Those cute little panties for sure make him tingly and excited. Continue reading “Spending My Birthday With My Pantyboy Phonesex”

1-844-332-2639 ext 411

I have set up some fun for us. In the middle of the room, you see a computer and a chair. Yes, this is for you. I want you to sit down for me. Do not worry I shall stand right here behind you. I have spent some time doing some online shopping. Some items that I really felt like you needed. I want you to go right now to the order on the site I have pulled up.

As you sit down in the chair I can sense your excitement grow. Seeing the site I have pulled up your mouth drops open as you lick your lips. A women’s clothing store is staring you back in the face. You pull up the order I have now made on your behalf. All the clothing of course is women’s clothing. All for you. Your cock gets harder as you look through all the clothing I have picked out for you.

Continue reading “Here behind you phonesex”

1-844-332-2639 Ext 204

Down and dirty in the dirty south. Everyone has heard that sayin. Well, I am here to tell you that THAT is exactly how things get round here. The sayin ‘work hard play harder’ was invented here. And when we’ve worked hard all week there ain’t nothin like gettin a little crazy on the weekend.

There is always a bonfire goin down at someone’s house. If it ain’t mine it’s Mary or Lenny or Ben or Ash we all have our turn. And you always know when you end up at Clint’s then things are goin to be off the chain! Me workin on the farm all week and my good friend Cindy who works at the corner market. That’s who is in the ring.

Continue reading “Down and dirty PHONESEX”

1-844-332-2639 EXT 224

I’m really not a hard girl to figure out. I like many girls have a plan of what I want to achieve out of life. Most girls though want to get married have a few kids and a nice house. Maybe some time to themself to do some mundane hobby they have. Not me. I want something very simple. Yep, I just want to rule the world! I mean that seriously. No joking about it.

I would be a wonderful ruler of the world. With my magical practices and ideas. Not to mention I’m hot as fuck and know it. Super easy on the eyes. I would be ruling things in a supervillain sort of way. But as long as the world just meets my demands there won’t be a problem. If there seems to be one I will fix that right away.

Continue reading “~ A hard girl phonesex~”

844-332-2639 Monique x231 & Zoey x403

Everyone knows I love a spankable booty. I just crave the nice tight, round tush of a troublemaker! Having one in front of me, up in the air, over my knee. Just a wonderful feeling. I’m not saying all booties aren’t spankable, but some are just better than others. Does that make sense? If you are a spanker, I know you will understand.

Imagine my glee when I learned that I would be spending sexy time alone with the Zesty Zoey! She has the best booty I know of, and my hands were about to be all over it!  I just knew that her ass would bounce the moment my hand came down on it. Dare say I was a giddy Mommy! Continue reading “So Spankable Phonesex featuring Zoey”


MORGAN 1-844-332-2639, extension 232

I enjoy a SugarDick. There is really nothing better than an older, married man who wants to lavish and spoil a naughty little girl like me. I get the best of both worlds – an older, experienced man who wants to please my young pussy and enough financial resources to spoil me silly.

Continue reading “Morgan’s Turbo Tax For A Tiny Penis Phone Sex”

Stripper Beat Down Phone Sex

~Idun~ 844-332-2639 ext 369

You enter the underground strip club run by the mafia. My boss is a beautiful and strong woman named Staci who can beat the living daylights out of any guy that gets out of line. You’re a few drinks in when you watch me get on the stripper pole. I’m enjoying myself as I shed my lingerie off until I’m left only wearing my tiny black thong.

Continue reading “Stripper Beat Down Phone Sex”

Taking Old Men's Money

844-332-2639 Ext. 344

I like freaking love older guys. Hehehe, they’re so stupid! I never say I’m gonna give them anything, and usually I won’t, but they just give me anything I want! Just because they think they might, maybe, get a chance to get at that! Its so fucking pathetic I have to giggle, especially because they never ever catch me! I just love taking old men’s money!

It feels like it’s almost cheating to have it this good, but really I feel like its their own fault! They want an asian girlfriend half their age or more that much? Did they think they’d win me over with their looks? LMAO!! That’s too much.

Continue reading “Taking Old Men’s Money Phone Sex”

Torri ext 204 ~ Zoey ext 403 ~ Idun ext 369 

In the city of Loserville PowerSlut Girls: Bubblebooty, Blossompussy, and ButterDCup are getting a call from the very needy Mayor.
“Girls we have a situation on our hands Miss Bellumbottom wants to give your old Mayor of Loserville a reach around while she does some service on the Mayoral backdoor with her long and thick Bellumrod but my little Mayors assistant just won’t stand up for the job. I NEED THE POWERSLUT GIRLS!!!’’

Blossompussy is quick to accept this job. “ Of course Mayor you can always count on the Powerslut girls!” She hangs up and turns to her sexy sisters! “We have to help the Mayor! Miss Bellumbottom is going to give the Mayor a reach around and tug during his pegging today as a present and our Mayors little bitter just isn’t up for the task! You know what you must do!”

Continue reading “in the city of Loserville PHONESEX”

1-844-332-2639 EXT 330

I am a Queen. Not literally by any sort of lineage or paperwork. But I am a Queen in this role play. I am the Queen of the land somewhere in the 1800s. You are my attendant. You are a new attendant as the King my husband had the old one removed permanently via a sword to the neck. Why? Well for fucking his dear wife of course.

A scandal in the castle is something that he just simply can not abide by. You already have heard the rumors and you know you have to mind your place with the most beautiful woman of all the land. I am not going to let that happen though. I ordered my attendant to fuck me. Yes he enjoyed it and yes he wanted to BUT he was hesitant because he knew what would happen if he was caught.

Continue reading “I Am A Queen Phonesex”