By Kinky Krysta 1844-332-2639 Ext. 410

Our favorite teen Chunka Monka is taking over your Tuesday night game night! Meet me in the Chatroom at 9 pm EST for our FREE to play game. I know some of you think games are hard and that you are too slow so I’m adding a spooky twist that will make even you old slow pokes be able to get points!

What’s the twist, you ask? You’ll have to show up on time, vote for phonesexcandy, and be ready to roll to find out! The game winner gets 15 free minutes of spooky phonesex with any down to fuck candy girl at the game! See you tonight!

Continue reading “69 Dirty Riddles Phonesex”

Too much

By Krysta 844-332-2639 Ext. 410

Some people say too much is never enough and others say you can’t have too much of a good thing. That’s kind of how I like to live my life. Always pushing the boundaries until I find too much. Daddy bought me a new little toy that is so much fun to play with.

It goes up inside of me and then he can control it whenever he likes. He told me to wear it out for our day adventure and I was happy to do just that. With it nestled inside of my tight pussy, each step made me tingle. Even before he turned it on!

Continue reading “Too Much To Handle Phonesex”


By Krysta 844-332-2639 Ext. 410

Now that it’s cooler outside in the afternoon, I like to go hiking. Some of the trails are lesser-known than others and I really enjoy exploring those. It was a few hours before sunset and I was almost at the peak of the trail when I heard some rustling just off the path.

That was a little strange because I hadn’t seen a single person all day.

Continue reading “Hiking Climax Phonesex”


By Krysta 844-332-2639 Ext. 410

If eyes are the window to the soul than my asshole is the eye to my soul. Hehe. If you want to get to know me, really you need to look deep into this hot, little brown eye. On my knees, you can dive into my depths and show me how much you really want to know me.

Continue reading “The Eye to My Soul Phonesex”

Bad Aunty

By Krysta 844-332-2639 Ext. 410

I have a bad aunty! She’s very naughty. I’ll tell you about the first time I realized she was a bad, bad girl. I had stayed over her house for a sleepover with my cousins. She’s has a handful of kids and it’s really fun when I go over there. They have a ton of toys and games to play.

It was early in the morning and everyone was in the kitchen making breakfast. I was sitting at the dining table by myself, still half asleep when my aunty came to sit next to me. She reached right between my legs and started rubbing my pussy through my PJ shorts.

Continue reading “Bad Aunty Phonesex”


By Krysta 844-332-2639 Ext. 410

Like a good big sister, I had my little brother in the bathtub to help Mommy Indigo. She’s a uber busy lady and it was the least I could do. I was using a soft little cloth to wash my brother’s penis when she caught me washing him a little more than necessary.

She hauled us both out of the tub and threw our wet, naked, little bodies on the bed. Mommy Indigo wants what she wants and there was no way we could say no.

Continue reading “Mommy Indigo Wants What She Wants Phonesex”

Krysta 844-332-2639 Ext. 410

Sometimes real life can look like a porn moment. Do you know what I mean? Like you stub your toe and seeth out a groaned moan of pain that to someone might look like you just had a dick stuffed in your asshole? Well, that’s my inspiration for game night!

Tonight I’ll share with you several facial expressions and you have to tell me “Porn Or Not!” The first person to answer correctly will get a point and the smartie pants with the most points at the end of the game wins a hot, sexy, NO TABOO Call with any DTF Girl who attended the game!

Continue reading “PORN or NOT Phonesex GAME NIGHT!”

Krysta 844-332-2639 Ext. 410

Who doesn’t love bacon? It’s tasty and filling. It makes the whole house smell good and when it makes that sizzling popping sound, I get all warm inside. This morning, I was getting ready to make breakfast for Daddy when he came downstairs and demanded we have bacon.

Now, I love to eat it but it hurts to cook it. Those greasy kisses feel more like beestings. Daddy knows I get nervous when I cook it on the stovetop, I think that’s why he told me to get naked and fetch the frying pan.

Continue reading “Human Bacon Shield Phonesex”

Krysta 844-332-2639 Ext. 410

Oh, hey, hi! I’m going to be hosting my very first game night! I found all these wacky, weird toys in my Daddy’s closet and I need your help to figure them out! Tonight at nine PM (EST)/six PM (PST) I’ll be sharing all of the strange things and asking you to identify them.

But there is a twist!! I’m a little, sweet innocent thing who shouldn’t know all the filthy, perverted ways of you big, naughty adults so you are gonna have to lie to me! Make up the names of the toys and the one that makes me laugh the most will get the point!

Continue reading “Name That Sex Toy Game Night Phonesex By Krysta”


Krysta 844-332-2639 Ext. 410

I am so bored. All my coloring pages are colored and all my puzzles are puzzled. Giving my playroom one last look over, I know I am for sure, out of luck. This is the end of the world. For surely I will succumb to boredom. Then, just before all hope is truly lost, I hear footsteps in the hall.

Daddy is leaving his office with an empty coffee mug in his hand. He’ll know what to do! I chase him down the hallway and crash into his back. Locking my arms around him, I tell his back “I’m bored.”

Continue reading “Pretty Daddy Self Isolation Phonesex Entertainment by Krysta”