Shrunken Spelunking

Mama Felicity 1844-332-2693 Ext 270

I read an advertisement for a shrunken man who wanted to go spelunking. He was looking for an adventurous, normal-sized woman who would let him dive deep into her…caves. The idea thrilled me. He said he was currently one inch tall and was looking for wet, tight caverns to explore. Of course, his hobby would bring me great pleasure as he did his exploring, so I dialed the number and asked how soon we could meet up.

He was even more excited and begged me to come pick him up. He was at the research facility that had shrunk him. They hosted a shrunken community and cared for people his size when they weren’t with keepers. I’d have to sign him out as his current caretaker while we had our fun and return him after if we wished to part ways.

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Sissy's Wedding Dress Blunder

Mama Felicity 1844-332-2693 Ext 270

Gather ’round kitten girls; Momma has a story to tell, and all of you bitches are for sure gonna want this tea. For it is PIPPING hawt! So, my favorite Sissy Jessica is back in action, and girlie messaged me to tell me all the deets. She texted me early this morning to inform me that she was going to try on wedding dresses later today. (At that moment, she didn’t say more, so I was picturing her going to a boutique with champagne flutes and flimsy veils. Phew, was I off!) I was SO excited for her and told her to send me pictures as she went. Well, she got WAY more than she bargained for with this wedding dress blunder, and we just had to share with the group. Remember, I wasn’t there, and she gave me permission to share, so what I don’t know, I’m just gonna fill in the gaps with my sexy imagination.

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Mama Felicity 1844-332-2693 Ext 270

Yesterday, a strange package arrived at your doorstep. There was no return address, and you couldn’t recall ordering anything. The name on the package was yours, however, so you took it into the house, and curiosity got the better of you. You opened the box to find a pack of adult diapers, a large pacifier, and a tablet that was already powered on.

“Greetings,” My voice begins to play through the tablet as images of you cheating on your wife grace the screen. “I’ve discovered what you really are. An entitled adult baby. If you wish for your wife to never find out about your transgressions, you must follow ALL of my instructions.”

Continue reading “A Strange Package”

Service Provider

Mama Felicity 1844-332-2693 Ext 270

I’ve always been the type of girl to swoon for a man in uniform. I grew up around the Military and knew the cost of their sacrifice. From a very young age, I knew I wanted to help in my own small way. Giving back to those who give the most, you know?

I must say, I think I’ve been able to provide that a little bit better than I could have ever hoped. Recently, I got a call from a soldier I’d never met before. He told me someone on base gave him my name and phone number! Can you imagine my excitement over this mystery? Have I, little ole me, been a good enough service provider for someone to take something so private and intimate as calling a phonesex line and share it with someone else?! Color me Flattered, and I am aching to thank that person. Was it you?

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Mama Felicity 1844-332-2639 Ext 270

Oh no! I stepped into the living room of the Holiday party and smelled something VERY stinky! “Pyoo!” I whispered under my breath as my hand waved in front of my nose. “What in the world is that smell?” Against my better judgment, I started to sniff out the source of the horrible smell. Sniff, sniff. Sniff, sniff.

I had to find and get rid of that stink before the whole party smelled it and was ruined. As I approached the window, thinking I could open it for fresh air, the pungent smell burned at my nose. I pushed back the curtain, and wouldn’t you know it? The stinky source was squatted right there behind the curtain. “MR. STINKY PAMPERS! What are you doing?”

“Making you a present, Mama.” His red face wrinkled as he pushed.

Continue reading “The Stinkiest Present”

Mama Felicity 1844-332-2639 Ext 270

Ugh, I love my tea parties with my girls. At least once a month, we all get together and gossip over imported teas, cakes, and cookies of all sorts. We dress up and make a whole day of it. It’s something I really look forward to. However, I had to take Little Johnny to today’s tea party.

Zoey was hosting today’s get-together, and she had the most adorable petit fours laid out on the table, along with so many other tasty desserts. Johnny dove right in before we ladies could even sit around the table. He scooped up one and shoved it into his mouth, to my horror. I snatched his wrist and turned him while shoving his face into the wall. Zoey and the girls audibly gasped at his lack of manners, and I pushed down his pants.

Continue reading “Tea Party Humiliations”

You'll Be Writing Lines

Mama Felicity 1844-332-2639 Ext 270

*Long, dramatic, disappointed sigh.* Come here. What is this I’ve found in your room? A pair of boxers? Where did you get these? You know that Mommy only allows you to wear panties because why? Because your little sissy button is too small to be considered a penis. Only real men wear boxers; we both know you’ll never be a real man. I’ve had to repeat myself one too many times, and now you’ll be writing lines for punishment.

Get over here right now and drop your pants. Mommy will make you stand in front of the big picture window in the living room. The one that faces the street, you know which one I mean? You’ll wear only this tiny pink thong and write your lines.

Continue reading “You’ll Be Writing Lines”

What Will I Find In Your Diaper

Mama Felicity 1844-332-2639 Ext 270

Babies are notorious for exploring their little bodies as they grow. I remember the first time my baby boy found his toes. He was just the cutest, laying there with his legs in the air as I changed his diaper, and he grabbed ahold of his foot with such curiosity on his face. “What IS this thing?” I remember teasing him as he put it in his mouth to taste his own toes. “What did you find?” I would coo at him and shake his tiny ankle.

Again, later on, the same thing happened with his hands and then, of course, his penis. Little boys find that thing, and nothing matters for the rest of their lives. Constantly fondling it, tugging on it, and trying to find ways to indulge it. But that isn’t where their exploration stops.

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Mommy Felicity's Ball Pit Sissy Monster

Mama Felicity 1844-332-2639 Ext 270

Whoa, whoa, whoa! Look at this ball pit Sissy Monster! You must be wondering what the fuck is this dumb baby doing in a ball pit? Lol Well, isn’t it obvious? The little diaper faggot is just playing in the balls. As per usual. She likes big ones little ones. Pink ones, blue ones.

This monster is one hungry ball eater! Mommy Felicity loves to dress her up and take her out of the house for play dates. Ones that usually end in humiliating my little loser. I mean, she makes it so fucking easy! Dressing like a saggy diaper whore!

Continue reading “Mommy Felicity’s Ball Pit Sissy Monster”

Mama Felicity 1844-332-2639 Ext 270

Have you met my little toy? He’s really the cutest thing. Dennis chose to be shrunken down to the size of an action figure, and my family adopted him. Together, we all take care of him and love him like a pet. He’s always getting into trouble and finding himself in messes she shouldn’t be in.

Like how last night, I was cooking dinner, and Dennis was playing on the counter. He climbed into the bag of shredded cheese and tossed out little bits of cheese to help make the cheesy garlic bread. Of course, this isn’t really the help I would have asked him for, but he just takes initiative and tries on his own. I had to fish him out of the cheese bag and dust his little body off.

Continue reading “Felicity’s Little Toy”