The Pied Piper came into town handsome and tall, wearing leather pants and black boots.  The sun glistened off his bare chest and glinted off of the flute hanging from his belt.  All of the girls seemed entranced just by how the flute bounced off his thigh as he walked.  He made his way through the village, strolling right up to the king’s castle and asking for an audience.  When it was granted, he told the king that he’d heard of the ogre terrorizing our village and promised to make him go away if the king promised the crown princess’s hand in marriage.  The princess was already ogling the visitor, so the king agreed to the proposal.  So, the Pied Piper left and soon returned with the head of the ogre gripped in his masculine, strong hands.

Pied Piper

But when it came time for the king to follow through on his end of the deal, the king went back on his word.  The princess pouted but obeyed her father’s words.  The king told the piper that he could leave quietly, or the guards could escort him to the dungeons.  Simply responding with a bow, the Pied Piper turned around and walked out of the throne room.  He kept walking until he was at the edge of the village boundary.  Then, he took out his flute and began to play it.

All of the women in the village immediately stopped what they were doing.  They all began to walk to where the Piper stood.  Once they reached him, everyone began to strip and get on their knees in front of him.  They began kissing each other, and those that couldn’t reach him to share his cock as the closest started licking each other’s pussies and tits.

The princess reached the orgy last.  When she arrived, the piper stopped playing his flute and pushed away from the women sucking his cock.  He walked over to the princess and turned her around, pushing her skirts up.  He fucked her right then and there in front of the entire village, making her scream in ecstasy.

Zesty Zoey

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