Rachel 1*844*332*2639 Ext 457
My professor had told me to see him after class. So I did. Long story short, his wife caught me. I was under his desk, sucking his dick. She wasn’t happy. Then she told me to be at their house at 6:30. I wasn’t going to show up. Because I was so scared. But he texted me and told me that I could not be late. So then I was scared not to go. I was in for it, I thought. She was humiliated, I’m sure. And she’s vindictive, I know.
As I approached the door, I was trembling. She opened it and invited me in. He was sitting quietly on the sofa. It was dark. And he was just looking down at the floor. I began to get even more concerned. I was getting even stronger Mommy Dearest vibes. She was dressed like her, looked like her, and even acted like her. She told me to go sit down on the sofa. So I did. Then she began to tell me how my professor hasn’t been attracted to her for many years. She said she couldn’t even remember the last time they had sex.