Julie 1844-332-2639 Ext 453

 Kayla is the ultimate hostess, always providing the most memorable get togethers. And her extraordinary brunch on Saturday was no exception! From her perfectly manicured yard, grand front entrance, chandeliers, and luxurious great room, she’s always outdoing herself to give us the best time. The spread she had for us on Saturday morning was exquisite, as always, just like everything she does! It was complete, with cheese boards, fruit boards, omelet bar, pastries galore, all handmade from scratch of course. Then she had the tea bar, beautiful ceramic teapots of hot water surrounded by every kind of teabag you can think of. It didn’t end there. She had a selection of coffees and flavored creamers. But best of all, was the champagne, orange juice, and peach juice.  Her hair was up, but loose effortless curls cascaded down around her face. She was wearing a little spaghetti strap, minidress. She welcomed us all in and made us feel right at home, like always.

Zoey entered the room in sexy, flowing pants slit up to the hip, exposing her perfect legs and a silky little top. Being the amazing omelet maker that she is, she took over the omelet bar, taking orders

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Mommy's Leaky Pants

Mama Felicity 1844-332-2693 Ext 270

There are some risks involved when sleeping with a bedwetter. The first is, you guessed it! Some mornings, you may wake up in a warm puddle. I was surprised Sunday morning when I woke up wrapped in Baby Johnny’s arms, but I felt dry. He’d had so much to drink the night before playing with his friends that I expected us to wake up in a river instead of just a piddle puddle. I scooted my butt back against his soggy nappy and grinned. I might be dry, but he sure wasn’t. By the feel of his heavy nappy against my ass, it wouldn’t take much more liquid in that thing or much more squishing before he sprung a leak.

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Anna 844-332-2639 EXT. 203

One of Tami’s mommies’ had organized a special pool party with special guests and had the pool cleaned and the hedges trimmed just for it. After breakfast and Coffee, Tami disappeared in the house and Mommy Anna looked for her baby.

Continue reading “Sissy Baby Tami’s Pool Party”

Julie 1844-332-2639 Ext 453

 It’s finally Saturday night and I’m so excited to just relax after a long week. I pour a glass of wine and can’t help but dance around my place as one of my favorite songs is playing. I’m so lost in my dancing that it’s takes me a few seconds to realize that the phone is ringing. I turn down the music but by the time I pick up the phone, they’ve hung up. I turn my music back up and proceed to make a little charcuterie board snack To enjoy while I catch up on my shows.

Right as I’m about to sit down on the sofa, the phone rings again. I answer to hear heaving breathing followed by a deep, masculine voice “Well hello there sexy”. His voice is so hot! Who is this mysterious caller?  I let him know he has the wrong number. “No, I have the right number. I’ve been watching you dance.”  My heart sinks. I jump up to close the curtains but it’s as if everything is in slow motion, my legs are jello and I can’t get to the windows fast enough. Right as I’m about to hang up, he yells “No,

Continue reading “The Mysterious Caller”


Anna 844-332-2639 EXT. 203

Mommy Anna was at work, when suddenly her phone rang. She sighed and picked up the phone, only to hear the automated voice msg declaring that a student in her household was absent. She rolled her eyes and hung up the phone and began calling her naughty boy.

Continue reading “Anna’s Naughtiest Boy Pt. 3”

The Sexy Doctor

Julie 1844-332-2639 Ext 453

 Sitting in the waiting room, I’m dreading my yearly exam. And it’s taking forever! Finally I hear my name. The nurse apologizes for the delay and explains that my doctor was called to the hospital to do an emergency c-section. She tells me that Dr. Andrews will be seeing me today.

Sitting on the table, in the robe, feeling completely vulnerable and humiliated, I’m seriously going to have to meet a new doctor that’s going to then see me spread wide open? The anxiety increases as I wait. I finally hear footsteps, the doorknob, and in he comes. My heart stops and drops. “Hello, I’m Dr. Andrews” he reaches out his hand, with a heart melting smile and piercing green eyes that can see right through me. With a blushing smile, I reach for his hand. As we touch, my heart is racing. “I’m Julie, it’s so nice to meet you” Our eyes lock for a split moment as he explains that he will be doing my exam today. I’m so nervous, this tall, dark, and sexy doctor is going to EXAMINE me!

He tells me to lay back. He proceeds to feel my breasts as he’s looking at me and

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Sherry 1844-332-2639 ext 399

It was late at night as I sat in my office wondering what to do with a problem. As I sat there pondering for a solution the madder I became. I needed to get out of here and think. So I went to the local restaurant down the street. I sat in the patio area. It was refreshing and the fire pits were a nice relaxing touch. But still, I needed more—perhaps a new romance to soften the madness.

Continue reading “The New Romance”

Sherry 1844-332-2639 ext 399

I hurt my ankle during tennis practice. I got sent to the Physical Therapy office. The doctor helped me onto the table and began to examine me. As the doctor started to perform physical therapy, he moved his hand up and down my leg feeling to make sure there were no more injuries. Always asking how I hurt myself during tennis practice. Continue reading “Tennis Practice”

Zesty Zoey 1-844-332-2639 Ext 403

My boss walked into my office and sat down in the chair across from me.  The look on his face indicated that this was going to be a serious conversation.  He cleared his throat and then leaned forward placing his elbows on his knees.  I stopped typing up the report I was working on and turned to face him more fully.  He told me that the company was looking at some budget cuts.  Unfortunately, my job was on the chopping block.  I explained that it was bad timing for me and that I really needed this job.  He looked me directly in my eyes and told me there was only one way for me to keep my job.

Continue reading “Keep My Job Phone Sex”

Sherry 1844-332-2639 ext 399

My eyes filled with the flames of the night. I have always been told I possess an aura of mystery and intrigue that captures and demands attention when I walk into a room. It was dinner time and I was starving. I found a nice quiet area.

Continue reading “Flames of the Night”