Mothers Day Tea Party Ends In a Stink!

Mama Felicity 1844-332-2693 Ext 270

Every Year on Mother’s Day, I like to host a single Mama’s brunch. I invite over all my girlfriends who are raising smelly babies all by themselves and treat them to bottomless mimosas and girl time. I had everything all set up perfectly yesterday when the doorbell chimed, announcing my guests. As I walked from the kitchen through the living room, a vile stink slapped me in the face.

“Pyyyouuuu! What is that smell?!” I waved my hand in front of my face, horrified that this smell would be the first thing to greet my guests. Then I saw the source of the stink! Mr. Stinky Pampers was squatting near the couch with his toy trucks in his hands.

Continue reading “Mother’s Day Tea Party Ends In a Stink!”


Mila 1-844-332-2639 Ext. 220  ~XXX~  Anna 844-332-2639 EXT. 203

Miss Anna’s little sister Mila had invited one of her male friends over. They both had been partying and were acting naughty and silly. It was only later into the night that Mila had passed out in her bed leaving her friend alone laying beside her. Miss Anna crept into their room and climbed into bed with them. Mila’s friend whispered: ‘’What are you doing here?’’ But Miss Anna simply told him: ‘’Shhhh…’ and began grinding up beside him. She felt him become instantly hard.

Continue reading “My little Sister’s friend”

Should I Tatt My Tits Or Ass

Lea 1844-332-2639 Ext. 244

I been thinkin’ bout getting a hot tatt. Only problem is where the fuck should I put it? I got great fuckin’ assets no matter where you look, right? These massive boobs could use some ink, but this tight little ass could use a target for when you fuckin me from behind and want to spank me.

Come wit me to the tattoo parlor, and let’s look at the options. Would it turn you off if I got your name tatted into my smooth, ebony skin?

Continue reading “Should I Tatt My Tits Or Ass”


Anna 844-332-2639 EXT. 203

A handsome gentleman went to the mall on Saturday with his family. He decided they should split up, and walked around. He came across miss Anna in a shoe store and immediately stopped. There she stood beside the counter register wearing a silk blouse, a short skirt, and sun kissed tanned pannnyhose. It was their sheen reflecting in the light which caught his eye, so he walked into the store. Miss Anna’s high heeled shoes were tan colored as well, so you couldn’t tell where her pannnyhose clad legs began and ended.

Continue reading “The sales clerk and her Pannnyhose”


                                  XXOO Laylene 1-844-332-2639 ext 419 – OOXX Anna 1-844-332-2639 ext 203

It was Tami’s birthday, and she bursted through the nursery like a bat out of hell screaming it all throughout the house: ‘’it’s my birthdayyyyy! Mommies! Where’s my mommies. It’s Tamis birthday!!!!!!!!”” running everywhere in her actual birthday suit. When she came downstairs she was met with Mommy Laylene and Mommy Anna. They were sitting dressed to the nines in their black stockings, lingerie and high heels. There was a big pink box on the coffee table with a bow on it. ‘’Go ahead,’’ said Laylene ‘’open it!’’ Tami ripped through the bow and wrapping, thrashing it everywhere. Tami gasped with joy when she finally opened it to see what it was.

Continue reading “Happy Birthday Sissy Baby Tami! (Pt 1)”

Your Wife

Naughty Naomi 844-332-2639 ext 216

I called your wife today.  She didn’t seem all that surprised to get a call from me.  You thought you were being sneaking and getting away with cheating with me on her behind her back.  But you underestimated both of us.  You thought I’d continue to listen to your lies about how you plan to leave her for me.  Then you thought that she was completely clueless about what you have doing with me for months.  Now you reap the seeds you’ve sewn.  I got tired of listening to your empty promises.  So, I took matters into my own hands.  Turns out, I like your wife better than I like you.

Continue reading “Naughty Naomi Called Your Wife Today”

Anna 844-332-2639 EXT. 203

Anna had begun dating an older man. He had a naughty bratty son who was always getting himself into trouble.  One day the man had to go on a business trip and left Anna and his son alone at home. Anna was to cook him meals and make sure he went to school and behaved while his dad was away.

Continue reading “Step Mommy Anna and her Naughty Boy….”

Didn't Feel It Cummin'

Lea 1844-332-2639 Ext. 244

This house always be bustlin’ with boys- my husband’s friends, the boys from ’round the neighborhood. Our house is jumpin’, and everyone says it’s the spot to be. Which can be great but I never get any peace and quiet.

Because of them always causes a ruckus at all hours of the day and night, I’ve trained myself to be a real hard sleeper! So hard, in fact, that I didn’t even feel it when it young little punk decided to jerk off on my sleeping face!

Continue reading “Didn’t Feel It Cummin’”


Anna 844-332-2639 EXT. 203

Tami was being especially naughty and bratty on Easter Sunday. Mommy told Tami, to behave and that she had a surprise for her. A special Easter egg hunt that would even make the sluttiest sissy blush. Mommy brought Tami to the nursery, carried her and dressed her in her special Easter outfit: a special dress that was different easter egg colors, and beautiful frilly trim.

Continue reading “Sunday, Tami Easter Sunday! Pt. 1”

Public Transit Handjob

Ronnie 1844-33-CANDY Ext 443

As you know, I am new to big city life. It’s still so confusing and fast-paced for me, and I’m really just getting used to how everything happens. While shopping downtown, I ended up needing to take the subway. I was pretty nervous about it; you hear so many bad stories about how dangerous public transit can be, especially for women.

After paying, I stood at the platform, feeling like eyes were on me. I tried to shake it off, but as the subway swooshed to a stop before me and I took a seat against the window, I still felt someone watching me.

Continue reading “Public Transit Handjob”