
WILLOW 1-844-332-2639, ext. 230

That shy yet seductive giggle, the sexy little sighs, and that feeling you get when I answer the phone. These are just a few of the components you will encounter during The Girlfriend Experience with me. The slow and methodical seduction pulls you in and keeps you there in that state of infatuation. It’s highly addictive and you will find that you are becoming quite compulsive. You won’t realize how deep in you are until it’s too late.

Continue reading “The Girlfriend Experience Phone Sex With Willow”


MORGAN 1-844-332-2639, extension 236

Well, school is back and what the fuck dude, I got too spoiled over the holidays. It was so hard to wake up this morning and drag my hot, little ass into school. But, once I got there it wasn’t so bad. Of course, the girls are all jealous of me and the guys all want to fuck me. What else is new?

Continue reading “Morgan’s High School Rebellion Phone Sex”

Amazon Goddess, fertility slave bondage cock milking

Sadie 1-844-332-2639 ext. 222

It was time for the Amazonian Fertility Rite. My duty, as Queen, is to see that all of the males are milked of every last drop of their baby making milk. The slave is brought in to witness the ritual preparation of my body by my warriors, which would ripen his seed. This, making him eager to give up his precious fluids. The drums filled the air with their primitive pounding as the great golden chamber doors were opened and the first and best of them was brought forth in chains. Continue reading “Amazon Queen Milks Her Fertility Slave Phonesex”


WILLOW 1-844-332-2639, ext 230

It’s 2019 and your favorite, little homewrecker will be starting off her 2019 Homewrecking Tour. It’s coming to a city near you, LOL. I’m sure you are hard right now just thinking about all of the havoc I could wreak on you, your marriage and your cock. You should know by now how talented and accomplished I am in the homewrecking field. Oh, I know others try to emulate me, but none of those wannabes can really compare.

Continue reading “Willow’s 2019 Homewrecking Tour Phone Sex”

Mistress Collette — 1-844-332-2639 ext 383

Look at you, sitting there once again, before me. You’re pathetic and your life is fucking meaningless. The only thing that you have to look forward to is worshipping me and spending every single dollar that you earn on me. I mean you do get to cum but I don’t think I’m going to let you enjoy it today. Why should you be able to enjoy it? You’re a pathetic loser.

You really are the dirt beneath my feet. Go ahead, pull it out, pull out your pathetic little cock. You call it a cock, but it’s a lame cock. Go ahead pull it out. Look at you, already hard. And you call that thing a cock??? If you would try fucking me with that pathetic little thing, you would make my tight little pussy appear like a fucking canyon. Continue reading “Even in 2019, You Are Still Pathetic — Phonesex with Mistress Collette”