*LUCY* 844-332-2639 xxx- 221

Are you a sweet, innocent ABDL or are you into some kinky anal play? I’ve told you before that some of my babies take their diapers off and put big things into their little bums. Are you a kinky baby like that too? You are, huh?

Well then, I have just the guy who wants to come over and do that for you. I was showing him pictures of you, and he got really excited when I told him that he could fuck you if he wanted to. That’s what it’s called when someone puts his pp in your ass. You probably didn’t know about anal play though being just a baby and all…

Continue reading “A Little Anal Play For My Naughty ABDL Boys”

~~~Olivia ~~~ 844~332~2639~x~226~~~

Sexual fetishes are the thing that makes your little dickie or rocket cannon go off with a big bang.  We all know there is no bad sex ever but big bang sex can be hard to come by.  When you come to me with your fetish it’s big bang sex.  I’ll know that it’s the smooth feeling of the panties you have on that your cock needs to explode.  Maybe it’s something totally different; maybe being a very naughty boy turns you on more.  Putting yourself in a taboo situation could be what gets you off.  Whatever it is; I would guess is something you keep hidden from most and need someone to share it with.  That someone is me.  There’s no judgment here nothing but the one thing you need desperately to make that firecracker or cannon between your legs go off. 
Continue reading “Sexual Fetishes”

adult baby phonesex

M.I.L.F. SUMMER Ext 381

Adult baby phonesex for Mister Stinky Pampers is quite erotic for me. I am in charge of a dirty boy today. I have Mr Stinky Pampers who gives me quite the unpleasant surprise. First it is just a stinging smell to my nostrils as I look around the mall. Thinking to myself surely this can’t be Mr. Stinky diaper boy already! The mall is packed for Labor Day I wasn’t expecting that when I brought him out. Those pamper cruisers are the big birds on them… well something stinky just happened! If this was cartoons visible  green vapors would be assaulting my nose. I yell out how could you right in the middle of the mall! Ladies are laughing at my diaper charge. I’m trying to apologize as Mr Stinky pookie fudge pants squinches up his face and pushes more Brown nuggies out. 

I almost I’m gagging. Now I am dragging my stinky butt boy through the mall into the ladies room. Girls and ladies point and laugh and ask how could such toxic waste be in this little boy’s diaper? Mommy summer knows that if was you, you would be so embarrassed! Continue reading “Mr. stinky Pampers Adult baby phonesex Mom”

I agreed to keep an eye on Mr. Stinky Pampers the other day.  Some of my girlfriends were coming over for a gab session.  He was sitting on the floor playing with his toys like a good boy.  As we talked a pungent odor suddenly assailed my nose.  I watched as my other friends wrinkled their noses and tried to be nice and not say anything about the noxious scent that began to surround us.  My Mr. Stinky side-eyed me from his place on the floor.  I knew he thought about making a run for it when he slowly stood up.  But I snagged him around his waist and pulled him up into my arms.  I draped him over my arm and gave a big sniff to confirm him as the source of the awful smell.

Continue reading “Mr. Stinky Pampers Meets Zoey’s Friends”

Cuddle time

Wendy @ 844- 33 – CANDY, ext. 424

I’m really starting to find my niche here.  It’s been a while since I’ve been on, but I have been back now for about three weeks, and I seem to be finding the perfect spot.  I’m Mommy.

Which is odd, because I am a Mommy.  And I am a damn good one.  When it’s time to discipline, I am the best at it.  But also when it’s time to snuggle, I am the best at that, too.  Mommy always seems to know just what her babies need.  It’s like an instinct, I can read their thoughts before they have even had a chance to process them.

Continue reading “Cuddle time”

Ab/Dl phonesexM.I.L.F. SUMMER Ext 381
Mommy Summers ab/dl phonesex diaries can get a touch bizarre at times. Of fucking course they’re very sexy and hot roleplays. Even my diaper lovers know that Mommy may secretly be a very dirty kinky woman. Even my nephew has become a diaper wearing bitch what you would call a regressing pervert. Auntie takes full blame for this happenstance. I know exactly what kind of diapers to buy for him because Auntie always knows best!

The adult pacifiers and sippy cups and onesies make his head spin right around! This started years ago when he confessed how unhappy he was with how his life was going. A company Man married to a wonderful young sexy hot wife. He has the standard play toys for a CIS heterosexual adult male needs. Jet skis, motorbikes and the fast sexy cars out the wazoo! Now for a masculine man these are all status symbols that make you happy right? But for someone who indulges in the occasional adult baby phonesex, this is fails short of his diaper lovin needs! Walk with me to ABDL playland story Time! Continue reading “Mommy Summers ab/dl phonesex diaries”

Phonesex with Felicity 1844-332-2639 x 270

It’s not common to find Mommy in a diaper, but every now and then, I like to surprise my big boy. Unfortunately, he’d been very stressed with work, pulling double shifts, and even working overtime. As a result, there hadn’t been a lot of time to embrace his little side. So there had to be a way to help him really regress with Mommy and release all that adult world stress.

Just before he was due to come home, I taped myself into a thick, crinkly diaper and nothing else. Then, I laid on our bed with his diaper folded and ready beside me for when we walked into the room.

Continue reading “Crinkly Diaper Sex”

Phonesex with Felicity 1844-332-2639 x 270

My big boy was napping, so I ran out real quick to the grocery store and did a few other fast things around town before zipping back h as I carried the grocery bags into the kitchen and set them on the island. My baby was awake and was fidgeting with a bowl. Shakey hands tried to pour cereal, but he was getting more on the island than in the bowl. I smiled, watching him be so independent, and asked how his nap had been.

His eyes still looked sleepy and his hair was a wreck. He shrugged and shuffled to the other side of the island. I wondered why he moved away from me when he was typically such a snuggly boy. And then it hit me. I lifted my chin and sniffed the kitchen air. He was looking down into the bowl to avoid eye contact. “Baby? Did you make a stinky in your diaper during your nap?”

Continue reading “There’s No Hiding When You’re Stinky”

Katrina 844-332-2639 ext409

We have been talking for months online and decided to meet up finally. He lives out of town, so he gets a hotel room. He informs me when he arrives in town, and I head to the hotel room. When I arrive, he is naked and kneeling by the bed as we had agreed. I am a little nervous because he would be my first sub. I have known for a long time I am a switch and wanted my own submissive.

Come here; baby mommy has some surprises for us. He crawls over to me, and I pull out my bag with all my supplies and toys.  Remember what we talked about,  he nobs—Lays downs on the bed where I’ve laid the diaper. I cover his bum and groin with a diaper cream rubbing it in to ensure he’s well protected. Put on his little outfit I brought. Say, look at yourself in the mirror. Don’t you look so cute, baby boy? He crawls to the mirror, looks at himself, and says, ” I do, mommy, thank you.

Continue reading “Katrina’s First Baby Boy”

Sissy Faggot Daycare .  His mommy dropped him off at Aunt Zoey’s house for the day.  I took him upstairs to the nursery and started his transformation.  First, I took off all those stupid boy clothes.  I don’t know how many times I talk to his mommy about not letting him have them.  But she gives in to his whining and crying and then gives in and puts him in his favorite pants and shirts.  Aunt Zoey isn’t as easy to manipulate and as soon as he gets dropped off at my house, I strip him and burn the banned clothes so he can never try to wear them again.  Then it’s directly into a pink girlie pamper and the frilliest dress I have in my ABDL sissy baby closet.

Continue reading “ABDL Sissy Faggot Daycare with Aunt Zoey”