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Loving AB/DL boys are is easy.  “Wakey up baby and let’s start our day” (he’s so cute when I wake him).  Today you can stay with Mommy Sylvia and don’t have to go to that big boy executive office downtown.  First, you have to have a bath in the little safety tub inside the big bathtub.  Mommy  Sylvia will make sure the water is warm and has plenty of bubbles.  Sitting on the side of the tub, I’ll sponge you clean while you play with your toy boats and rubber ducks.  After your bath, it’s time for wrapping you in your hooded towel and taking you back to the changing table.  “Tickle Tickle,” I say as I run my fingers on your tickle spots.  Then lifting you high enough for the fresh cloth diaper.  Because you will be with Mommy today; you don’t need the Huggies.

Loving AB/DL Boys


After the bath, it’s into the high chair for your breakfast.  I know you’re a big boy, but Mommy loves to sit up close and feed you with your baby spoon.  “Mommy is so proud of the baby” no messes this morning. Adding a diaper shirt and some cute little socks; it’s time for fun in the playpen.  After playing for a while you get whiney and I know what that means.  It’s time for a diaper change.  When still fussy after the new diaper; we will go sit in the big rocking chair by the picture window.  I love cuddling you while looking outside.  Soon you start nuzzling around looking for boob milk.  It’s a special time when we sit in the rocker and you enjoy boob milk.  When Your little eyes start closing; I burp you and put you down for a nap.

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