yellowfeverALYSSA 1-844-332-2639, extension 202

Have you ever wondered if you fetishize Asian women? Asian women are often stereotyped as subservient and submissive. Why do you think Asian women get the most attention on online dating sites? Because you guys are pervs, probably. Every Asian girl who has ever tried online dating has experienced a “Creepy White Guy with Asian fetishes.” (often more than one.)

Continue reading “Do You Have “Yellow Fever”? Alyssa Says You Do Phone Sex”


WILLOW 1-844-332-2639, ext. 230

It’s Saturday and it’s Game Day, so what could be better than a chance to win 15 Free minutes with the hot girl of your choice here at PhoneSexCandy? Well, perhaps the fact that I will be your host? I have lots of naughty things planned for you and the theme of the Game will be Naughty Valentine. I just know you want to show off for me, don’t you?

Continue reading “Willow’s Naughty Valentine Game Day Phone Sex”

Sweet Sounds Harmony ~ 1-844-332-2639 ext 386

Don’t you fuss or bother your sweet souls one little bit, I’m not some Svengali Hypno-creep. I’m just sweet little Harmony here to help you feel happy.

You know that you want to be owned. You know that you need to be owned. And, the fact that you so love the stoned-out-of-it feel of trance makes it so much easier for me to do just that. It’s as simple as planting a thought virus, a post-hypnotic command which renders my victims more easily led. But don’t you fuss or bother your sweet soul one little bit, Harmony is in complete control.

Continue reading “Hypno-Bitches Phone Sex”

Lori   844 332 2639 x 352

lol, not every man can endure two hot women at one time.  You’d be spent in no time.

That’s not the only option on Tuesday.  How about trying the other Tuesday Special? Continue reading “Tuesday’s Special is not Just Two Girls Phone Sex”


WILLOW 1-844-332-2639, ext. 230

I can be submissive when it serves my purposes. My normal demeanor is a lot more dominant, however. In other words, I prefer to run things. Let’s face it, I know how to come in and take over. I also know how to control your cock and fuck with your mind. We should just let the feathers fly and see what happens.
Continue reading “Willow’s Not So Submissive Angel Phone Sex”


VANESSA 1-844-332-2639, extension 232

Today is evidently Thank Your Mailman Day. My Mailperson is actually a female so I’m not really sure what I am supposed to do, leave a note? a tip of some sort? Oh well, this idea, of course, made me think back to that movie The Postman Always Rings Twice. I believe the original featured a very glamorous Lana Turner in a turban no less. What a very sexy plot line for a movie that was so hot that Jessica Lange and Jack Nicholson heated up the screen several years later under the same premise.

Continue reading “Vanessa’s The Postman Always Rings Twice Phone Sex”


WILLOW 1-844-332-2639, ext. 230

You really are delusional. Sometimes I don’t even know how my eyes have not rolled into the back of my head and become stuck there from listening to your nonsense. The fact that your wife can still put up with you is phenomenal. You must just be a walking, talking meal ticket to her. You act like a smitten schoolboy around me. In fact, you act like a total cuck. Don’t you realize that women don’t want a guy who tries to cater to every need and literally begs for attention 24/7? If I wanted that I would date a sissy, LOL.

Continue reading “Willow’s Bursting Your Bubble Phone Sex”


ALYSSA 1-844-332-2639, extension 202

Running my fingertips down the shaft, gripping from the bottom, that’s what I want to do to you. Your sword is strong and hard like impervious steel. When you slide up inside my tight, little sheath. It fits just like a glove, a very wet and tight glove. Stroking that sword and fucking you harder and deeper.

Continue reading “Alyssa’s Sexy Swordplay Phone Sex”

1-844-332-2639 ext 206

I’m your sex counselor and therapist. Your life will be so better once you meet me. I will give you exactly what you want. Step by step advice and instructions, with many intriguing scenario’s. Mesmerize you with my voice, have you falling for me. I love bringing men to their knee’s. Denying them cum release and making a man only cum for me, turns me on more then they will ever know. Continue reading “Sex Therapist Phone Sex!!”

Sinful Serinda 844-33-CANDY (844-332-2639), ext. 394

I am absolutely in love with nipples! Not just my nipples – I mean, they are pretty awesome and fun. But nipples, in general, are just the best. I love having my nipples played with, I love playing with nipples – other nipples, my own nipples, while I’m playing with myself, or have a toy or fingers or a cock in me. Doesn’t matter, just play with my nipples!

Continue reading “Nipple Worship Phone Sex With Sinful Serinda”