Mistress Noel <3 1-844-332-2639 ext 379

Hey you.  Yeah, you there with the big dick.  Get your ass over here.  I am so sick of all of these small cock losers who are always trying to get my attention.  Now you on the other hand look like a real man.  A man with a sizable contribution to my desire for a hot fucking.  With a man like you I’m always ready for wild fucking.  A man like you knows how to satisfy a woman like me.

Continue reading “Ready for Wild Fucking PHONESEX”

1-844-332-2639 EXT 224

This man broke into the wrong house. BWAHAHAHA some idiot decided it would be a very smart idea to break into a witch’s house. I’m sure he didn’t know that a witch lived here but your breaking into someone’s house I feel like you get what you get. This poor dude got a ticked off witch work up in the middle of the night to hearing a man’s voice confused at all the herb bottles and cauldrons and crystals everywhere.

The funny thing is he was looking for valuables. I can promise so of the spells he passed over were more valuable than any bank vault. The poor sap just didn’t know what he was missing. The only thing that saved him from me just destroying him was that all in all he was attractive. So he gets to be welcomed into my harem of men.

Continue reading “~ The wrong house phonesex~”

MORGAN 1-844-332-2639, extension 236

Yes, bitch boys, the Halloweenie Trivia Game is this Saturday, October 31st, 2020 in the Phone Sex Candy Chatroom. I will be giving you all kinds of Halloween trivia questions and we will see which “weenie” comes out on top. You can win a free 15 minute call with the phone sex vixen of your choice. Here are all of the details:

Morgan’s Halloweenie Trivia Game

Saturday, October 31, 2020

2:00 PM (E.S.T)

win a free 15 minute call

Continue reading “Morgan’s Saturday Game Day – Trick Or Treat For Your Dick “Halloweenie” Phone Sex”


WILLOW 1-844-332-2639, ext. 230

I’ve been told that I am bewitching. With all of my skills I am quite the little seductress and I love fucking with men of all types. It is Halloween and you know what that means. Lots of tricks and treats are in store for you. I don’t engage in the lame, run of the mill Halloween festivities that you are used to.

Continue reading “Willow’s Bewitching Halloween Phone Sex”

How Can You Serve Me Phonesex interview. What I want when you come to me first and foremost is obedience. Without your willingness to surrender, we will not get very far. Just saying you are submissive isn’t going to cut it with me. I take this seriously. If you want to be my pet, I require total control.

That does not mean we can’t have fun. Trust me when I say we are going to have a lot of fun.  What I am trying to establish during this How Can You Serve Me Phonesex interview are my expectations and our boundaries. This will be the only time you get to tell me what you don’t like. If you want to negotiate terms, now is the time to do it. Continue reading “How Can You Serve Me Phonesex”

You're Not Cumming During Phone Sex!

Gianna 844-332-2639 ext 355

Not being able to cum drives you crazy, doesn’t it? You get so horny all the time. A simple swimsuit commercial even makes you rock hard. Most guys are like that. They’ll fuck anything. You call me up and tell me you haven’t cum in weeks and beg me to guide you to a sweet release. Jokes on you! You’re not cumming anytime soon.

Continue reading “You’re Not Cumming Phone Sex!”

1-844-332-2639 ext 204

Trick or treat everyone! The count down has started and I am just so excited I can’t wait! I have many dirty costumes inspired things I’ll be doin here in a few days on the night of Halloween. I really have to do somethin now or I am just goin to explode from excitement. So now its time for a little pre-Halloween fuck night fun!

There is this old farmhouse way down the holler from me. Everyone thinks its haunted and creepy all year round. But that’s why it’s the perfect place to have me some fun tonight. I am goin to have me a little orgy fun. I posted Signs up the abandoned road leading up to the house. All vague promises of naughty fun for anyone who was brave enough to make the trip to the old farmhouse out in the far back sticks where there would be no escape.

Continue reading “The count down PHONESEX!”

844-332-2639 xxx 345 

You love jerking that pathetic prick of yours. I can’t believe how much some of you jerk off. My slaves are all horny losers like you. They have no lives and exist purely to serve and worship me. I only allow them to cum a certain amount of times per week if they’re well behaved. I have one slave that is a pain in the ass. He can’t control himself so I’ve started making him eat his own cum since he produces way too much. To my dismay, he has started to like the taste of his own *****.

Continue reading “Cum Eating Phonesex”

1 844 332 2639 ext 283 Pandora

 READ PART 2 HERE !The robbers picked the wrong house! Age regression with Witch Pandora! When H called for a session he asked me to choose from two of his favorite Halloween fantasies that made him tingle! Y’all know I love to be in charge and adore kinky, creative roleplays!

He wanted a witch to regress him using potions and spells in each one. I do SO enjoy a choose your own adventure! Making my choice, I thought about every detail of grabbing my forever baby, with a twist OF COURSE! He wouldn’t even know what hit him as he was transformed and regressed from a robber into a babbling baby!

Continue reading “Witch VS Robbers Phonesex Part 1: Age Regression Tales”

1-844-332-2639 ext 411

Bobbing for apples is not something we do in France. It was something that I thought was so strange when I would come and spend time with my father here in America. First of all, why are the apples in the water in the first place? I do wonder who dropped a bunch of apples in a bucket and decided to retrieve them with their mouth.

But I digress; I am always on the lookout for something that I can use to make the things I do more diverse and satisfying. So yes, I am going to turn this American Halloween tradition into a sexy fun kinky way for me to have fun with a client. My client is a sissy one of my favorite kinks to play with because there is such a variety.

Continue reading “Bobbing for apples phonesex”