phonesexangelWILLOW 1-844-332-2639, ext. 230

Just think of me as your very own, personal phone sex angel. I will have you feeling like you are walking among the clouds. This angel isn’t quite as innocent as you may think. Who knows? Maybe you can ruffle up my feathers a little?

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MORGAN 1-844-332-2639, extension 236

I love being a southern girl with southern values and southern ways. In that vein, I am sharing some southern sayings with you that have a southern slant to them with some commentary on how they may relate to you:  You’re Welcome!

  • Dry as Last Year’s Birds Nest aka Your wife’s pussy
  • Suckin’ Hind Tit This is in reference to being the runt of the litter aka your small penis
  • Could eat the hind end off a rag doll. This means you are hungry aka you want to eat my pussy bad
  • That will break him from sucking eggs. Something traumatic that changes a bad habit. You have lots of those so this could be about anything, really.
  • Bigger than a skinned mule aka fat as in your wife or my Sugar Daddy’s fat cock
  • Full as a tick. Either you ate way too much or your balls are about to explode.
  • Tougher than a pine knot. this can mean impossible/difficult or a beautiful woman aka me.
  • Slick as a mole’s butt. My pussy right after I have it waxed duh, or slick as a ribbon.

Continue reading “Morgan’s Sexy Southern Slang Phone Sex”

                                         Sex Kitten Lyric

Sex Kitten Lyric ===> 1-844-332-2639   EXT 247

There is something so sexy about a man in uniform.

Like the military, men in uniform.  While a uniform doesn’t necessarily make the man, it surely enhances the man who wears it.  He can be short or tall, bulky or skinny, yet that snappy garment adds authority and sexiness.  And it doesn’t have to be a military uniform, it can be police, firefighters, or other first responders.  Perhaps it’s the way they carry themselves, or the way they take charge or the fact they are there to serve. Continue reading “Man in a Uniform Phonesex with Sex Kitten Lyric”


WILLOW 1-844-332-2639, ext. 230

Happy Mardi Gras! It’s Fat Tuesday and I have decided to celebrate fat cocks. I love all sizes of cock. That’s right, I said it. Even the tiny dicks. I mean they are something to laugh at and make fun of so even they serve a purpose. But today isn’t even about that. Today, we shall honor thy fat cock. Those thick, juicy ones that just fill you up so perfectly.

Continue reading “Willow’s Fat Cock Tuesday Phone Sex”


WILLOW 1-844-332-2639, ext 230

I really should come with a warning label. As in, warning: able to catch fire and burn easily. Too hot for you to handle, perhaps. But it really wouldn’t matter to you, would it? You would still risk being burned just to get close to me.

Continue reading “Willow’s Highly Combustible Blonde Phone Sex”


ALYSSA 1-844-332-2639, extension 202

When I was a little girl, my Vietnamese mother took me to see the musical, Miss Saigon. It’s loosely based on Puccini’s opera, Madame Butterfly. Yes, my little mother was determined to raise a cultured and sophisticated daughter. If you aren’t familiar with either, let me break it down for you.

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VANESSA 1-844-332-2639, extension 232

I love Valentine’s Day, but with a twist. I am not a fan of that overly romantic and rather cheesy version of the holiday. My tastes run more toward the dark and demented. Perhaps a torturous Valentine? Doesn’t that sound like fun? How many Valentine’s Day lashings do you deserve today? What devious and fucked up things have you been up to?

Continue reading “Vanessa’s Dark Valentine Phone Sex”


MORGAN 1-844-332-2639, extension 236

Techdomme may be something you have never heard of. Leave it to me to be on the cutting edge of phone sex. I am young and tech savvy so what else would you expect? If you are into video games and other tech nerd stuff then I am the perfect phone sex partner for you. We can incorporate all kinds of tech into our play.

Continue reading “Morgan’s TechDomme Phone Sex”


WILLOW 1-844-332-2639, ext. 230

I can be submissive when it serves my purposes. My normal demeanor is a lot more dominant, however. In other words, I prefer to run things. Let’s face it, I know how to come in and take over. I also know how to control your cock and fuck with your mind. We should just let the feathers fly and see what happens.
Continue reading “Willow’s Not So Submissive Angel Phone Sex”


VANESSA 1-844-332-2639, extension 232

Today is evidently Thank Your Mailman Day. My Mailperson is actually a female so I’m not really sure what I am supposed to do, leave a note? a tip of some sort? Oh well, this idea, of course, made me think back to that movie The Postman Always Rings Twice. I believe the original featured a very glamorous Lana Turner in a turban no less. What a very sexy plot line for a movie that was so hot that Jessica Lange and Jack Nicholson heated up the screen several years later under the same premise.

Continue reading “Vanessa’s The Postman Always Rings Twice Phone Sex”