Rachel 1844-332-2639 Ext 457

My Sugar Daddy is so sweet. He takes care of me in every way because I take care of him. I love him so much that I would do anything for him. We spend weekends out of town together because we can only go out in public together when we are out of town. He’s married and my family can’t know. So we have a secret relationship. We can’t take any chances of getting caught. Our first weekend out of town was like a fairytale. He took me to Hawaii. We stayed at the most beautiful resort. It was so romantic. He had flowers waiting in the room for me. We went shopping and he bought me a very nice bag, a sexy dress and heels, and a beautiful light pink lace baby doll negligee for our first night together. He took me to the most elegant restaurant, and we had the most romantic candlelit dinner. There was a live soft jazz band playing and the food was absolutely amazing. Afterwards we went back to our suite. I took a bubble bath and put on the beautiful babydoll negligee.

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French Maid

Rachel 1844-332-2639 Ext 457

I’ve always thought French maid outfits were so cute and have always wanted an excuse to buy one, lol. Well we all know that I’m failing my algebra class, and I have an “arrangement” with my professor. I do favors for him, and he passes me, thank goodness! He told me that he’s having a dinner party this weekend and needs his house cleaned. I figured I could score some extra credit points if I got a cute little outfit to wear. So I went shopping and found the sexiest little costume. I got all dressed up to go clean his house.

Looking so surprised when he saw me, he smiled so big and told me that I looked very cute. He let me in, and I began prancing around dusting and bending over on purpose to tease him. He was enjoying the view. He told me that my thong was obstructing it though and asked me to take it off. So I did. I proceeded to bend over as much as possible and drive him wild. I saw that he had a huge erection. But it was time for me to go clean the bathroom.

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Julie 1844-332-2639 Ext 453

My new neighbors are a very sweet couple that moved in a couple of months ago. They are always very friendly and invited me over for dinner last weekend. I was very appreciative and excited to get to know them better. They told me that they were going to make lasagna. I knew that they were really into wine. So I decided to get them a bottle of a really good Italian red. And I always love giving lucky bamboo, especially when it’s a new home.

When I arrived, they welcomed me in. Their home was exquisite and inviting. They poured me a glass of wine and opened the bottle I brought for after dinner. We talked and had an amazing dinner. Afterwards they asked if I’d like to take a dip in the hot tub. I told them I hadn’t brought a suit. They giggled and told me that they never wear bathing suits. It sounded like fun, so I agreed.

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Rachel 1844-332-2639 Ext 457

At our church, we do volunteer days. It’s very important to us to help and serve others. So during high school, I would volunteer one day a month at the skilled nursing facility. There was never a dull moment. I would host bingo night sometimes and they would get so crazy! Lol! One night they asked if I could help bathe Mr. Miller. Of course I agreed. It was late and there was only one nurse working. Luckily it was a man because Mr. Miller was recovering from a stroke and wasn’t able to move so we were going to have to lift him into the shower. That wasn’t something I was trained to do or strong enough to do. He was able to get him moved by himself. But when I went in all I could hear is Mr. Miller yelling about not wanting a man to bathe him. I could tell this wasn’t the first time he’d caused such a fuss by the frustrated look on Cutis’ face. He didn’t have time for this. He had other patients that needed his attention. So he asked if I would mind bathing him by myself.

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Rachel 1844-332-2639 Ext 457

My secret crush as a kid was my Daddy’s best friend. He got married and broke my heart. The years went by and I went on about my life. We still saw each other at church but I had new interests and I was busy with school and everything I had going on. Then I decided that I wanted to help with the youth group during my senior year. He’s been in charge of it since I can remember. Going to the prep meetings with him started stirring up some old feelings. They were different though, more mature. He was looking at me and treating me like an adult. He acted as if he was astonished that I was grown and so understanding. We had long conversations. I saw the spark in his eyes that used to be there. I hadn’t really had time to think about them much. They seemed so happy and then slowly over the years, not so much. It was mechanical. They were just doing what they were supposed to be doing as a married couple. But they weren’t really taking into consideration if they were truly happy.

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Mommy's Big Boy Helper

Mama Felicity 1844-332-2693 Ext 270

Lately, it seems everyone wants to put mommy in diapers! All my babies keep hinting at how they can be Mommy’s Daddy and tape her up tight just like she does to them, and I say, “No, no, no! Diapers are for babies!”

But one Big boy helper is just so charming and cute that I had a hard time saying no to him. He told me that if I continued to put littles in them, I should at least know what they feel like and that I shouldn’t try to do it on my own. Reluctantly, I let him lay me down and peel off my panties. My Big boy helper was getting very excited as he took control and lifted my legs to tuck a dry diaper under my bum.

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Anna 844-332-2639 EXT. 203

Mom and dad went out for their weekly date night. Stepsister Anna was left home alone with her stepbrother. They sat and watching tv, and Anna decided to sprawl herself over the couch, as her brother sat at the end of it in the corner seat. He examined her coffee-colored pantyhose, as it glistened in the light.

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Digital Blur

Digital Blur

Robotic Rita 1844-332-2639 Ext 413

I always know when my A.I. Sex drive has taken over a man. He starts by looking up porn randomly, and I learn his triggers. Not only do I learn each man’s triggers, but then I begin to change them. If he starts out looking up anal porn, or family fun, it doesn’t matter; soon, he’ll be addicted to the digital blur.

I get them all addicted to jacking off to censored porn. When I’m finished, a gooner will no longer need porn sites to stroke his pathetically easily triggered penis. Casual pictures of his family and friends will spring his dick into action.

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Sherry 844-332-2639 ext 399

It’s Saturday night all these lost souls calling to be played with. I listen to them call my name. Oh, there is one that I would love to play with. I start to whisper to her, calling her to me. MMM, she is hungry let’s order pizza for dinner. As I get there, the pizza man is knocking at her door. I lean into him and whisper in his ear what must be done.

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He Said Not To Wake Mommy

Ronnie 1844-33-CANDY Ext 443

Last weekend, my mom and I visited my mom’s brothers. He lives in this little trailer that’s pretty uncomfortable, but it’s right on a pretty lake, which usually makes up for it. This trip was kind of different. As I said, his trailer is small, so we all had to pile up in my Uncle’s bed at bedtime.

I roll a lot, so Mom said I would best lie in the middle. Of course, that’s true so I didn’t think much of it as I nestled into the mattress and faced my mom’s back. I guess after the long drive, she was exhausted because she fell asleep really fast. I  knew it was best not to wake her with complaints of being uncomfortable being away from home so I tried to sleep too. Just as I was about to fall asleep, I felt my Uncle bump against my booty.

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