ALYSSA 1-844-332-2639, extension 202

Mukbang with Alyssa – Guess what? Today, I am holding a special event in the Phone Sex Candy Chatroom. I enjoy a good Mukbang but I don’t want to devour loads of regular food. I like penis shaped food or sometimes food shaped like a luscious pussy! So, I will be talking about favorite foods, recipes and showing some pics of sexy food!

You can imagine how I would devour that cock. Enjoying every inch of it like. You do have an active imagination. I just wonder how long you will last? Probably not long before I get my creamy treat. Yummy! More, please!

Continue reading “Mukbang With Alyssa – Food Porn Edition”

Katrina 844-332-2639 ext409

Bill was this mysterious and sexy vampire who had just moved to town. No one in the city knew anything about Bill except that he was the last living Bramwell and had inherited the old Bramwell place. Katrina was curious to learn more about Bill as she suspected that Bill wasn’t what or who he said he was, and she would soon know she was right. Bramwell’s place was right across from Katrina’s.

That evening Katrina was sitting on her front lawn relaxing and reading a book when she caught a glimpse of Bill from the corner of her eye.  Bill looked so sexy in his tight blue jeans and t-shirt. He looked good enough to eat with his blond hair, blue eyes, and a six-pack. Katrina could feel her body reacting to him being so close, and her mind raced with naughty thoughts of what she wished Bill would do to her. Bill walked over and introduced himself. Katrina said nice to meet you. I’m Katrina. Continue reading “Mysterious And Sexy Vampire”

xXx Francie xXx 844-332-2639 x 208

Recently, I’ve found myself drawn to rocks and crystals. As if my frequency has been off, and I need to connect to something ancient and natural to get it back in balance. There’s this fun little hippy-dippy store downtown that I remember having a ton of cool stones, so I thought I would check it out.

When I walked in, the scent of sage tickled my nose. The store was small and overflowing with items. My eyes didn’t know where to look as I was overwhelmed by all the options. So I just started to wander without knowing what I was looking for. Finally, a lady walked beside me and slipped her arm around my elbow. She patted my hand and said, “You’re looking for a yoni egg.”

Continue reading “Yoni Egg Shopping”

~~~Olivia ~~~ 844~332~2639~x~226~~~

Cum without Stroking?  Do you believe that can happen?  It can and hypnosis will help that happen. Hate having to stroke and stroke getting nowhere?  The worn-out fantasy that gets you over the hump is not as hot as it use to be.  Some sexy girl picking you out of the crowd and taking you to her room to fuck the night away. Borning.  I’ll set you up with more than one hot scenario which keeps it hot and exciting.  I’ll put you under hypnosis and we’ll walk through all the way til you moan our a much more enjoyable climax.  You’ll remember my smooth southern voice and the steps that got you to the climax.  When you do the steps to put you under self-hypnosis all those words will come back to play in your mind.
Continue reading “Cum Without Stroking?”

HONEY 1-844-332-2639, x 300

Dripping While You are Tripping – Calm down boy. You had to know this pussy does what it wants. No mortal man could ever hope to own this, especially you. This type of perfection is what you need and this is what I always deliver. Chances are you don’t have the necessary tools in your toolbox for this. This is that pussy that is so incredible that it takes over your life.

We both know how this story will end – With me getting everything and you left standing there with your dick in your hand. Black girls have the best pussy – Once you go black you will never go back. This is to be expected. Continue reading “Dripping While You Are Tripping”

Wendy @ 844-33-CANDY, ext. 424

You watch as I twirl the emerald-looking pendant around and around in my fingers.  You quickly look up into my eyes, wondering as to what will happen next, but it is as if I am not even looking at you.  You only hear me whisper, “Sleep”.  You quickly lose consciousness.

Continue reading “My name should be your mantra”

Kayla Cumsalot 1844-33-CANDY ext 357

I’m a tad pleased with myself. See this photo? Lovely, isn’t it? One of the most important moments in a person’s life is their wedding day. It was captured in a still shot for them to treasure. The life-changing moment, gathered before friends and family when they exchange vows and promise to love each other FAITHFULLY till the end of time. That’s what this photo is…or was. A wedding photo. It should have been sacred, off limits, but he let me defile it.

Stupid cupid fucked his marriage when he welcomed me into his life. It’s been a few years now that I’ve been chipping away at the foundation of his marriage. So slowly, he hasn’t really noticed the crumbling under his feet. With naughty whispers moaned into his ear, his cock stiffens for me, and he becomes mindlessly obedient. So when he called last, and I told him I wanted to put my face on his wedding photo, he didn’t even hesitate to give it over.

Continue reading “Stupid Cupid Fucked His Marriage”

MORGAN 1-844-332-2639 ext 236

Why are you so obsessed with me? Seriously, you really seem to be really wound up tight, like really sprung. Of course, who could really blame you?  That’s right, yours truly is the baddest, wildest, and craziest, little bitch you will meet. It’s true, I’ve been fucking men up for as long as I can remember. It only makes sense that I make you weak in the knees.

Continue reading “Why Are You So Obsessed With Me?”

Kayla Cumsalot 1844-332-2639 X 357

You know, you spend an awful lot of time watching porn. Almost too much, but not quite. Those sexy women, bending over, passionate and moaning while massive cocks slide in and out of them, bringing them to such intense levels of sexual pleasure. Look at their faces; you never once have felt that height of intense pleasure. The kind that takes over your entire body, sending you into a shaking mess and collapsing on the bed as your brain literally shuts down. Day after day, you watch straight porn like this while jerking your cock. You cum when he does, and you see the intense pleasure on her face while you cum, but have you ever stopped to think about how your brain is processing that information?
Continue reading “A Little Psychological Experiment”

VANESSA 1-844-332-2639, extension 232

The Ultimate Cockblocker – You really need to face that fact that your perverted addictions have become a serious problem. It started out so innocently enough. Then it progressed and has taken complete control over your life. You reached out to me for a variety of reasons. Your marriage was in a perpetual rut. This was supposed to be just a bit of harmless fun. You thought a distraction would be good for you. You were so fucking wrong. The fact is, this has became something so much more, hasn’t it? It really is unfortunate that you lack even an ounce of self-discipline or willpower. The very idea of a pervert like you is just deplorable to most people. But that doesn’t stop you from harassing unsuspecting women with your nonsense. I am making it my mission to cockblock you at every turn.

Continue reading “The Ultimate Cockblocker”