1844-332-2639 ext 285

Hi boys I’m Trinity and I’m hoping to finally meet the Daddy Dom to handle me anywhere and leave me feeling sarene. At work,driving home,in the grocery store or gas station ,the bank, at your favorite place for lunch. In passing brushing up against you on accident.. I need to be pleased on the spot so anywhere goes once my wet fuzzy peach start throbbing. I cant control myself something takes over me. It’s been so hard to keep a job I’m always disappearing to rub that tsunami out with no one to help most of the time. I’ve lost so many jobs by constantly showing up late or not coming back from break on time.. thinking to myself i can make it quick but I always seem to get lost dipping in the chocolate jar. Have you ever had to excuse yourself from a meeting because you’ve made a drenching mess of a wet spot on yourself?

Continue reading “WE CAN DO IT ANYWHERE”

Game Night Distractions

Shemale Alexus 1844-332-2639 Ext 349

Friday night, I was sitting at my desk, playing a roleplaying game with some friends from out of state. My head was in the game, and I wasn’t thinking about anything more than the tasks in front of me. My determined focus is probably the reason why the little sex kitten that crawled up between my legs took me by such surprise.

I muted the mic as she nuzzled her sweet cheek against my inner thigh. When I looked down, she pressed a finger to her wet lips as if to shush me and whispered, “Ignore me, Mommy. If you can.”

Continue reading “Game Night Distractions”

Mommy Felicity's Ball Pit Sissy Monster

Mama Felicity 1844-332-2639 Ext 270

Whoa, whoa, whoa! Look at this ball pit Sissy Monster! You must be wondering what the fuck is this dumb baby doing in a ball pit? Lol Well, isn’t it obvious? The little diaper faggot is just playing in the balls. As per usual. She likes big ones little ones. Pink ones, blue ones.

This monster is one hungry ball eater! Mommy Felicity loves to dress her up and take her out of the house for play dates. Ones that usually end in humiliating my little loser. I mean, she makes it so fucking easy! Dressing like a saggy diaper whore!

Continue reading “Mommy Felicity’s Ball Pit Sissy Monster”

Ariel 1-844-332-2639 Ext 290

I have a friend who loves to host parties. He is Mr. Social Butterfly! This upcoming weekend one is being hosted and I have an idea for party pleasures. There’s a coworker of my friends that usually stops by for a while at these events. I have wanted to fuck him for months now. Maybe this will finally be the weekend! There’s a back room in the basement behind the bar where they have a spare bed. I usually get to stay there because I ask to spend the night so I don’t have to worry about having fun and then getting home. I think I’m going to ask him to help me grab some liquor for the party and then sneak us into that back room for some party pleasures of our own!

Continue reading “Party Pleasures”

WILLOW 1-844-332-2639, ext. 230

Back To School Blow Job. I am here to teach you a lesson or several. Sit back and relax because you are guaranteed to finally have the best pussy of your life. In fact, I will make you blow your load like you haven’t in years. There are just a few very important requirements. All you have to do is spend some time and money. With me you always get the best return on your investment.

Continue reading “Back To School Blow Job”

How Many Licks To Get To The Good Stuff?

Shemale Alexus 844-332-2639 Ext 349

There used to be this commercial about finding out how many licks it took to get to the creamy center of a tootsie pop. It’s got me wondering how many licks it would take you to cause my balls to explode my good stuff all over your tongue. Would you be interested in finding out with me?

Imagine me reclined back in a chair with my cock laying limp against my thigh. It would only be fair if we counted how many licks it took in total. From limp to explosion. You’ll need to crawl between my knees and begin the experiment using only your tongue.

Continue reading “How Many Licks To Get To The Good Stuff?”

Who doesn’t love a good customer?  I was working in a gas station when he walked in.  Unfortunately, it was just one of those days when I was in a bad mood.  I didn’t really want to be at work in the first place.  So, when he asked why there wasn’t any coffee I responded with a smart mouthed “Cause you didn’t make it yourself.”

I never would have expected the reaction I got from a complete stranger.  We didn’t know each other from Adam.  Yet, he came around the counter and grabbed me by my throat.  His eyes darted around the small little store and spotted the employee stock room.  He dragged me by my throat through the door and slammed it behind us.

Continue reading “Learning Good Customer Service Phone Sex Part 1”

My King's power is bowling through me. His cock powers down my throat and I look into his eyes through my tears craving more.

Sammy (844) 332-2639 ext.421

My King’s cock rolls off of him with ease and finds itself in the back of my throat. Without hesitation from him. And only a mild chase from me. My pouting lips invite him to take over my mouth with a breath-stealing kiss and put his favorite girl, Sammy, on her knees.

The power of his cock takes me over. His growls of approval let me know that his cock owns my throat. Sammy doesn’t want it any other way. Not all men Sammy comes across are kings. But the ones that are, know their place and how to make Sammy worship them while she sits on her throne herself.  Continue reading “My King’s Cock Cums First”

sammy's slutty mouth is slightly open looking you in the eyes, waiting for you to start the slurping party

Call Sammy at (844) 332.2639 ext. 421

Sloppy head is a girl’s true first love. Some say it may be diamonds, I say there’s nothing better than controlling you from your most sensitive parts. Latching on to you, and taking you for a ride. A sloppy sweet mess dripping from my mouth isn’t going to stop me. Only encourage me to go faster.

Even when my spit pools at the bottom of your feet, I’ll be sure to look up at you from my knees. With your reassuring knuckle lifting my head up to meet your eyes. As your expert hand reaches the back of my head, grips my hair, and shoves me down on your hard cock. Just long enough to have me gasping for air when I get back up again.


Continue reading “Sloppy Jobs Make For The Best Workers”

Zesty Zoey 1-844-332-2639 Ext 403

I was feeling particularly frisky and naughty.  We’d been on a few dates already.  He’d let me know we were going to go to a nice restaurant and that I should dress appropriately.  I dressed like the perfect lady just as he’d requested but conveniently forgot to put panties on underneath.  He might want me to dress like a lady, but I had other plans for how I plotted to behave on our date.  In the mood for a little exhibition excitement, my brain was full of super fun ideas.

Continue reading “Exhibition Cock Sucking Adventures”