Kinky Krysta 1844-332-2639 Ext.410

He kneeled blindfolded with his hands behind his back on my dorm room floor. “Bounce bitch.” I barked as I buckled the thicker strap-on harness over my hips. The tall, pink dildo impaled in his ass was still mostly visible. Lazy fucking loser.

I stomped over and pushed down hard on his shoulders. A strangled whine exploded from his lips as the dildo filled him. I giggled as his tied-up cock flexed under the tightly tied red ribbon. “Awh, what is it? Is the dildo too big? Too bad! Bounce on it and prepare that tight little boy pussi cus this one is twice as thick.” I slapped his tear-stained face with the cock swinging from my harness.

Continue reading “Got You In A Choke Hold”

Sherry 844-332-2639 ext 399

It’s Wednesday and it’s already been long. Being an executive admin to the COO has its demands and perks. But his boss the CEO is so jealous that I refuse to be his assistant. He always pesters me at work especially when I have to work late. My boss keeps me well satisfied and happy so why would I change? The CEO is an abslute ass.

Continue reading “Chronicles of Sherry- Delivering Punishment -Part 1”

Babies Love Alex 1-844-332-2639 Ext. 425

“Yes Mommy, I know you need to do this to me. But I don’t think my last Mommy did this to me!” I laughed as the words fell out of my silly baby’s mouth. Occasionally I forget why my babies are that; babies. No critical thought, just need a mother’s touch to push them along. And push them along, I do. Sometimes training a baby to listen to their mother without fear can be hard, but it is essential. Aside from diaper changes, sometimes Mommies need their babies to do something more. I had my baby draped over my knee, plug easing into his bottom.

Continue reading “Babies And Alex”

Torri 1-844-332-2639 ext 204

Oh, daddy! It has been so long since we have gotten to talk. But don’t you worry. I have been a very very naughty girl. So naughty I just know when I come back home that you are going to have to punish me real good. There are so many things that I have done while I have been away that my daddy wouldn’t approve of. I have had some very naughty sexy time with other daddies. Lol, I know I know I’m a bad bad girl. But you know I couldn’t help it.

You know that if your sweet teen slut doesn’t have cock every so often then the aching between my legs drives me crazy! I need to feel a daddy’s firm hand on my bottom with a nice hard spanking. Him grabbing my from my hips while he makes me beg for his big thick cock. Then of course the cream at the end. I did learn a few things at the sex-con though so don’t be too awful mad at me.

Continue reading “A Very Very Naughty Girl”

Sherry 1844-332-2639 ext 399

I looked at them dangling from the garage ceiling by chain handcuffs as thoughts raced through my mind like a hurricane. Time for teaching lessons.  I put cock cages on each one as they squirmed trying to get undone. But I knew it would not happen. I lowered the first one to my level and put a ballgag in his mouth and a leash around his neck. I led him to my spreader table. His eyes opened wide as I strapped him in. I began to spread him as the other looked on. I smiled back giggled knowing they would also suffer in my wrath for revenge as I strapped on my 10-inch strapon.

Continue reading “Chronicles of Sherry – Teaching Lesson Part II”

1-844-33-CANDY ext. 455

“I’m craving taco today” is not a thought that I have. Unless I’m thinking of actual tacos of course. Damn, I love tacos. Mexican ones, with fire sauce. Fleshy, pink tacos have not been a craving of mine.

I was out looking at toys for my collection. Little did I know, this be the start of my cravings. As I’m gazing through the different anal toys someone speaks up to me, “The wand is my recommendation. It holds a magical power that never disappoints, unlike the guys.”

Continue reading “Craving Pink Taco”

Sweet Girl Mila 1-844-332-2639 Ext. 220

You know, I have like a crazy amount of guys that come to me in the chatroom and wish they could get with a girl like me. It’s very flattering of course, but it always makes me sad! All of these guys always say they could never get someone pretty as me with the looks they have, but I disagree. Someone with a sweet personality and a kind core is always someone who can get a hot date. You’re just looking at the shallow girls. I have had many different guys on my arm and they all are completely different to one another!

Continue reading “Cum Get A Girl Like Me”

Alex 1-844-332-2639 Ext. 425

There will be newspapers scattered on the streets next week. Of course, the newsboy had to trip and spill his bag all over the main street, making the road look apocalyptic. None of that worries anybody, like any other normal day. But if you focus your eyes on the pages fluttering by in the wind, tearing away from their stapled spines, you may notice it. Black and white ink smearing all over doesn’t cover the portrait printed on page 3. MISSING: REWARD OFFERED. Your picture looks quite good, I must admit. They used the one your wife took at the banquet last May.

Continue reading “They Will See You In Newspapers”

SAWYER 1-844-33-CANDY ext. 455


My competitive nature makes me one to never turn down a challenge. I will try anything once. People may underestimate the punch that I pack. You will never believe what these guys wanted me to do, thinking it be a good laugh and I would be playing my part as the dumb, worthless, slut girl. Well, well, well.. Were they serious? “Cum on!” i thought. They cant be serious

It was all set up for Friday night, at a pool party at a hotel on the strip. The night was perfect! The weather was warm,  but not humid, and no rain in sight. I got there fashionably late to leave them in suspense whether I flaked out or not. Jaws dropped  when I walked in. I was wearing a long, black trench coat, which also dropped to the floor when I came in. On my stomach was my tattoo, which would be used as the “bulls eye” for tonight’s endeavors. “Cum one, cum all, Let the games begin,” I said mischievously and took my place  upside down, against a wall.  I’ve done hand stands since I was a little girl, this is nothing. Continue reading “Steady, Aim, Cum”


Torri 1-844-332-2639 ext 204

What is it about seeing me in a frilly white dress with bows in my hair that just turns you on Daddy? You always want to make sure you get me all nice and dressed up before the real fun begins. Daddy always comes in with a big smile on his face and a sucker for me to lick on. I asked you once why the sucker lol; do you remember what you told me? You said “Well little one we have to warm that tongue and mouth up for what I have in store for you.

See you don’t just start working out you have to stretch first!” I remember laughing so much at that daddy. You are always so funny. Going to my closet you always pick out exactly what outfit you want me to wear for you. I am always in my plain white bra and panties when you come in. You like to dress me yourself. Just like I was a little china doll that you were about to play with…. and play with me you always do!

Continue reading “The Real Fun Begins”