Phonesex with Felicity 1844-332-2639 x 270

That lucky little Irish fuck is going to be running amuck in just a few weeks, and this year I’m going to catch him. I’ve been doing my research; see, I thought leprechauns stole from people to get those big ol’ pots of gold, but that isn’t true! They are humble little cobblers, like shoemakers! Though they can not resist the temptation of collecting more and more gold. They spend all their time either stitching soles or finding abandoned gold.

So if I catch me a leprechaun this St. Patricks day, I’ll not only make him grant my three wishes (They have to, it’s a thing), tell me the hidden location of his pot of gold but I’ll also lock that little man up and make him cobble me up some of the hottest new heels for my delicious feet.
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Cucked By The Contractor

Mama Felicity 1844-332-2639 Ext 270

“Mama, please. I don’t want to work from the living room today.” Jason pouted as I tapped up his nice and snug diaper. He wore just a tiny t-shirt that showed a bit of his tummy.

“I have to supervise the contractor working in the kitchen, and I also have to keep an eye on you.” I booped his nose with my finger and turned to grab his laptop. “This is easier on Mama if you are both within eyesight.” Jason stomped his foot as he stood. He wanted to argue so badly but knew it was pointless. I passed him his work computer and patted his padded butt.

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You've Upset Daddy

Mama Felicity 1844-332-2639 Ext 270

“Mom! Mom! Please, Mommy!” I shoved the nursery door open and looked sternly at you, kneeling in your crib, holding on to the bars.

“What?” I snapped, holding the skimpy nightie against my chest to cover the flush blooming there. My hair was a mess, and my makeup had been kissed across my face.

“What are you doing? I can hear so much noise.” Your lower lip trembled as you pouted, and I noticed you were humping your soggy diaper against the crib bars. My eyes rolled, and I pushed back my blonde hair, then told you that you knew EXACTLY what was happening, and if you didn’t stop interrupting by screaming my name, Daddy would be upset.

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Mommy's Panties Make You Cum

Mama Felicity 1844-332-2639 Ext 270

My son went away to college, and the house was quiet without him. I had so much less cleaning to do, and everything was always where I left it. Honestly, I missed the chaos of being a boy mom, but it was nice to relax for once. I was so excited when he came home for spring break, but I didn’t expect the new type of chaos we would encounter.

The first day he was home, I showered after the gym, and the panties I had laid out went missing. I assumed maybe I had dropped them on the way to the bathroom, or maybe I didn’t grab them like I thought I had, so I let it go and grabbed a new pair. Then, each day, the same thing happened. Even the sweaty pairs I put in my hamper went missing, too!

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Mama Felicity's Game Night

Mama Felicity 1844-332-2639 Ext 270

Tonight is my game night, and it’s for the ABDLs! You know how much those stinky boys and sissy girls mean to Mama, so we’re going to play, “What’s in my Diaper bag?”

Do you remember when you were little, you’d play a game that started off like, “I’m going to a picnic, and I’m bringing…” Then, the first person picks an item starting with A. The second person picks an item starting with B, and on and on and on? That’s how we’ll play, only I’ve already packed my diaper bag, and players must guess what I’ve packed for each letter of the alphabet!

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Double Diapers

Mama Felicity 1844-332-2639 Ext 270

“Mommy?” Baby whimpered into the phone, but he only heard my giggling on the other end. “Mommy, please. Are you there?” He knew I was on a date with a real man. You know, one who doesn’t wear diapers when he’s stressed out, and I’d told him not to stay up and wait for me to come back home. Another round of giggles keeps me from answering until he annoyingly whimpers my name again.

“What? I told you to go to bed an hour ago. Why are you calling me AGAIN? You are interrupting my fun.”

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Football Playoffs Party

Mama Felicity 1844-332-2639 Ext 270

Y’all know I love a good party, and I’ll use any event as an excuse to host one. Last Sunday, I planned a big NFL playoffs party at my house, with many friends expected to come over. It would be so big that I was anxious the morning of, running around trying to set up decorations and ensure all the finger food was prepared and ready to be served hot.

I was so busy running amuck that it took me so long to realize Baby Kevi wasn’t out of his crib by the time the doorbell rang. Cassey, Mary, and Taylor had come early to help me prepare everything, but Kevi wasn’t even up! I opened the door for the girls and told them to meet me in the TV room while I ran up to get Kevi. When I burst into his room, he was on his back in his crib, rubbing his wand over his soggy Huggies, and I sighed. “You STILL aren’t done yet?”

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What's That Smell?

Mama Felicity 1844-332-2639 Ext 270

A Mother’s work is never done! After the Holidays, when everyone else is playing with their new toys or sleeping off a food-induced coma, Mama is cleaning up.

Stuffing ripped wrapping paper into trash bags and washing the mountain of dishes left behind after the feast. Never mind tackling the decorations that took hours to put up. Somehow, they take longer to take down! I was crawling under the tree to unplug the lights when I took a big, frustrated inhale, and PHEWWWOuuUIIEEEeee! What’s that smell?

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Diaperboy Snuggles

Mama Felicity 1844-332-2639 Ext 270

I woke up with my teeth chattering! The blustery cold front that moved in last night must have knocked out the power. It was still dark in my bedroom, reminding me how early it was, and even under all of my blankets, it felt like I was resting in the tundra!

Lucky for me, I knew there was one surefire way to get nice and toasty before the heat came back on. I tiptoed out of my room and into my Diaperboy’s bedroom for snuggles. Do you have any idea how much heat a sleeping diaperboy gives off? It’s a lot!

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Silly Baby Forgot His Diaper Bag

Mama Felicity 1844-332-2693 Ext 270

I padded into the kitchen, the morning sun rays barely stretching over the horizon to twinkle golden hughs over the countertops. One hand reached for the coffee pot while the other rubbed at my sleepy eyes, and a yawn tugged my mouth. It was a little early for me, but the house was quiet since Keviboy had already left for work. With the heel of my hand kneading over my eyes, my reach for the coffee was blind. My hand bumped into something soft but firm. I looked at the counter, confused by what was in the way of the coffee pot, and realized it was Kevi’s Diaper bag!

He likes to pretend that he doesn’t need his Huggies during the day, but Mommy knows better. Silly babies should always be padded. I poured my coffee in a to-go mug and jumped in the car, still in my bathrobe, to bring Kevi his Diaper bag.

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